Big S appeared as a friend in the brother-in-law’s guest house, and Xiao S donated another 1.2 million to fight the epidemic, showing weight loss after marital disturbance

Entertainer Da S (Xu Xiyuan) broke the rumors of marriage at the beginning of June this year. The 10-year marriage with her husband Wang Xiaofei was in jeopardy. The fuse of the conflict between the two was vaccination. Wang Xiaofei and Big S were forced to live apart for a long time due to the epidemic. As time passed, the relationship became weaker, and problems would inevitably occur. Fortunately, Big S's mother came forward in time to calm her daughter's restless heart.

After more than two months of turbulent marriage, on the evening of August 17, Taiwan media finally captured the scene of the big S'public appearance. According to the report, at around 5 pm on the same day (16), Big S drove a black off-road vehicle from the mansion in Taipei's Xinyi District and went straight to the private guest house run by his brother-in-law Xu Yajun . After arriving at the destination, I found a middle-aged woman wearing a patterned shirt was waiting here at the door. She was the Taiwanese host and beauty .

After getting off the bus, Da S and Yu Meiren exchanged a few simple greetings, and then quickly entered the club. In the exposure picture, I saw Big S wearing a blue loose long skirt, with a high ball head tied to the sky, with his face facing the sky and a mask covering his face, and he almost didn't recognize it. However, through the special tattoos on the back of her neck and ankles, and the black car she was riding in, we can be sure that it is the big S deity!

After a long time, Da S seems to have lost a lot of weight. It seems that she stayed in Taipei and brought two babies by herself. It was quite difficult for her to work as a mother and father. Coupled with the awkwardness with her husband, Wang Xiaofei, and the outbreak of a marriage turmoil, it is inevitable that the big S is exhausted, and the whole person has lost a lot of weight. Fortunately, Mother S revealed that "the two have reconciled", and gradually came out of the unpleasant haze. Not long ago, on a variety show in the Mainland, Big S also specially recorded voice blessings for and Jerry Yan , and her mood was clearly adjusted!

According to Taiwan media reports,The private club that Big S and Yu Meiren entered together was invested and operated under the name of and Little S 's husband Xu Yajun. Judging from the appearance of the clubhouse, it is not much different from ordinary homestays. After renting, Xu Yajun specially decorated it to receive VIPs and meeting friends. I wonder if the big S suddenly visited this time, did you meet your girlfriends for afternoon tea and talk about things?

After the incident, the reporter called S and S mom for details, but neither mother nor daughter answered the phone. Later, Taiwan media contacted the host Yu Meiren, and she responded that “in response to good friend Jia Yongjie’s charity action, everyone got together to discuss epidemic prevention and hope to contribute to the epidemic.” As for the other artists who participated on the day? Yu Meiren did not choose to answer!

Coincidentally, on the evening of the 17th, Jia Yongjie, the "anti-epidemic goddess" on the island, announced the latest public welfare news on social networks, including the purchase of lunch boxes and epidemic prevention equipment for medical staff. In the latest star donation list, Yumeiren’s donation of NT$200,000 and "Sisters of Love" donated NT$1.2 million (280,000 RMB). Presumably, the "Sisters of Love" Jia Yongjie said are the sisters of Big S and Little S. The former is highly praised. People of size S are kind and kind. Taken together, the gathering of Big S and Yu Mei was originally to discuss donations related to the fight against the epidemic.

Looking through Jia Yongjie’s social account, she found that she posted a group of photos with Xiao S on the 4th of this month (August), and she posted a good sister. This is also Xiao S’s "frustration storm." Later, the first artist to speak for him. Recently, the two sisters of Big S and Little S have been in constant disturbances and have encountered a serious word-of-mouth crisis. I hope that they can face up to the problem and make adjustments and start again! (Picture source network, infringement must be deleted)
