To be honest, is Chinese rock really bad! !

Rock music was born in the United States in the mid-1950s. With its distinctive rhythm and novel lyrics, it quickly conquered many Americans. Based on blues music, it developed many Many branches, and a large number of outstanding musicians have emerged, which is the foundation for the maturity of American popular music in the 20th century.

Chinese rock music emerged in the early 1980s. In 1986, Cui Jian called out the first Chinese rock music with the song "Nothing". After that, there were a number of outstanding bands and musicians in the Tang Dynasty, the Three Masters of Magic Rock, Black Panther, and Face, which brought Chinese rock music to its peak in the 90s.

However, after the peak, it was a low point. Rock music in China began to become a niche, and it began to become more and more commercialized. Perhaps in many people’s eyes, rock music became popular in the 1990s because it was new and passed. There is no; perhaps because China has followed Confucianism since ancient times, rock music is too irritable and does not conform to Chinese aesthetics, so the audience is small; some people say that rock music is played well by foreign talents, but the Chinese cannot.

But for whatever reason, to be honest, is Chinese rock music really bad? I personally think not. In fact, even in these days when rock music is at a trough in China, there are still a number of good bands and good musicians insisting on them, such as Pu Shu, New Pants, and so on. In addition to the recent exposure of the band’s summer and other shows, a number of outstanding bands like The Hedgehog, Jiulian Reality, Penicillin and others have emerged. It is precisely because of their persistence that we can see that Chinese rock music is really Colorful, perseverance, there is a story; only when you pay, you can be moved. Why can't the Chinese play rock and roll? Not only do we play, but we play well! Do you think rock music will catch on again?