English vocabulary and sentences related to the prevention and control of the new crown virus epidemic, essential materials for the 2020 high school entrance examination composition

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The new coronavirus is sweeping. As a national public health hot event, it is likely to be included in the composition proposition of the 2020 senior high school entrance examination and college entrance examination. This article collects and organizes a collection of English vocabulary and sentence patterns related to the new coronavirus for candidates to download and study for reference.




outward training

1. He had come down with the flu.

He had come down with the flu.

He had bird flu fell ill.

2. I've been laid up with flu for a week.

3. How is swine flu different than seasonal influenza and bird flu?

How is swine flu different than seasonal influenza and bird flu?


1. The battle of epidemic prevention and control

Epidemic prevention and control

2. novel coronavirus

Novel coronavirus

3. race against time

Every minute counts


mobile cabin hospital

Fangcang cabin hospital

Extended training

Wuhan builds mobile hospitals

Wuhan rush to build Three 'fangcang cabin hospitals'

The construction of three mobile cabin hospitals in Wuhan, Hubei province has picked up steam on Monday night as part of the efforts to contain and treat patients suspected of contracting the novel coronavirus. As one of the measures for patients infected with the new coronavirus, three "fangcang shelter hospitals" were built in Wuhan.

The city will make use of the city's sports stadium and two convention centers, and renovate them into three mobile hospitals to offer a total of 3,400 beds. Medical staff will be dispatched to the three hospitals to take care of patients who test positive for the virus - but show no severe symptoms - as soon as they are completed.

Wuhan City plans to transform one gymnasium and two convention and exhibition centers into square cabin hospitals. After the completion of the three square cabin hospitals, a total of 3,400 beds will be provided for the treatment of new For patients who tested positive for coronavirus but had no symptoms or had no obvious symptoms, medical staff were dispatched from the whole city of Wuhan.

Once a patient's symptoms worsen, he or she will be transferred to Jinyintan Hospital, one of the city's designated hospitals to admit patients infected with the new virus, in a timely manner.

Once a patient's symptoms worsen, it will be transferred to Jinyintan Hospital, etc. Continue treatment. Jinyintan Hospital is the designated hospital in Wuhan to receive patients infected with the new coronavirus.

Vocabulary expression

1. observation

Observation, observation



3. pneumonia


4. medical observation at home

Home medical observation

Extended training

As required, even those who have been to Wuhan before should have a 14-day medical observation at home

Home medical observation.

People having traveled from China's Wuhan are required to place themselves under medical observation at home for 14 days even without symptoms of pneumonia. (News source - China Daily

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editor in charge | Yang Ning

reviewer | Li Dong

proofreading | Lu Fang

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