Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama "Margaret and David Mung Bean"

2020/12/2320:15:25 entertainment 387

Speaking of the most representative work of Hong Kong drama revolution, we have to mention the high-scoring dark horse drama "Margaret and David Mung Bean" four years ago.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

's 2016 opening drama "Margaret and David Mung Bean", adapted from the novel of the same name in the Southern Ballroom, directed by Fatball and 25, starring Lin Baoyi, Zhou Jiayi, Liao Bier, and Pan Canliang, has gained a good reputation.

Four years later, the original crew once again collaborated on a new drama. If you like "Margaret and David Mung Bean", then you must like this drama-"Bridge of Sighs".

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

This drama soared to 9 points when it started, and it has stabilized at 8.9 until now. I got goose bumps all over the floor while watching.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

There is love, suspense, and humanity in this drama. In each episode, different roles are used to describe the same emotional entanglement.

has very high demands on the audience. When watching a show, you must be clear and attentive. A new character will suddenly appear in the show, and there is no normal timeline. Some places cannot be understood, so you have to go back and watch it again.

feels like it needs to be viewed at 0.5 times speed (huh??).

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

As the editor said, everyone sees things from different angles, and memory will be biased because of self.

For example, the first episode uses the perspective of Li Ziyong played by Lin Baoyi.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

Li Ziyong thought he was betrayed by his girlfriend, but he didn't know he was the third party.

Li Ziyong is a suspicious and delicate man by nature.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

He can tell through a ring that the male customer in his shop has cheated.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

can also use the consumption of olive oil to judge that the employees in the store are stealing.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

A movie ticket made him suspicious again.

On February 21st, he went to see a movie with his girlfriend He Leer, his ticket stub was lost, leaving He Leer's ticket stub collection.

However, he accidentally discovered that He Leer gave him the ticket stub on February 14.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

After he found the clue, he talked to He Leer, and He Leer staggered away.

was at Li Ziyong's house the next day. He Leer was washing the dishes. At this time, He Leer's cell phone on the armrest of the sofa for charging rang, and the phone showed a call from a man with a note of "Qiyuan".

Li Ziyong called He Le'er to answer Qiyuan's call. She ran over without taking off the dishwashing gloves, and avoided Li Ziyong when she answered the phone, and she also lowered her voice.

He also found that in He Leer's selfie, there was a charger in her home that did not match her mobile phone model.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

plus He Leer never let him go to his home.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

So Li Ziyong felt that his girlfriend He Leer cheated.

He decided to go to He Leer's house assault.

It was a man who opened the door for him, and he suddenly realized that he was the third party.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

and in the second episode, we used to open the door to Li ZiyongThis man from the perspective of Hu Qiyuan.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

Hu Qiyuan is a mom-boy who grew up under the control and pressure of his very powerful mom. His mother has a strong desire to control, his mother said one, he dare not say two. When

was happily having a meal with his classmates, his mother suddenly appeared. He didn't dare to show up, so he immediately took his schoolbag and went home with his mother.

is often scolded by his mother to cry for trivial things. Z4z

even the birthday presents from friends, his mother will confiscate.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

At the friend’s birthday party, the friend’s girlfriend's best friend, He Leer, took the initiative to ask him for a phone number, and the two met and then dated.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

Hu Qiyuan moved to He Leer's house to live with her, largely just to get rid of his mother.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

Hu Qiyuan and He Leer have been dating for more than eight years.

On the way home, he ran into his girlfriend He Leer holding another man's arm intimately. He didn't puncture it, but left silently.

The man who walked with He Leer was Li Ziyong.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

The third episode talks about He Leer’s perspective.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

He Leer has had no worries since she was a child. If she has to say she has any wishes, it is that she feels that she should get married.

At a friend’s birthday party, she met Hu Qiyuan, a civil servant.

From He Leer's perspective, her phone number was given to Hu Qiyuan by her girlfriend after losing the bet, instead of approaching Hu Qiyuan on her own initiative.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

But the two have been dating for eight years, and Hu Qiyuan did not propose to her.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

She is tired of Hu Qiyuan, who is not romantic and uninteresting.

accidentally met Li Ziyong, whom she met in Belgium, and they fell in love. The perspective of the fifth episode of

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

is Liang Shuyuan.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

She is a single mother who lives with her son Zhong Jiajun. From her perspective, Zhong Jiajun is a child with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

and his heart is dark and sneaky. If he wrote a curse on the card, he even set fire to Hu Qiyuan's girlfriend's father's soju restaurant.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

and the sixth episode is the perspective of Zhong Jiajun.

He is a terminally ill, clever and transparent child.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

He knows that his mother has obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he will arrange everything before his mother goes home, he will promptly discourage his mother, and he will cover his mother at night.

And from his perspective, the curses and fires were all done by his mother!

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

"Bridge of Sighs" in addition to the plot, its composition and tone are more amazing, almost every shot is very particular.

One-third composition and symmetrical composition are simply benefits of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

Hu QiThe shots of Yuan and his controlling mother are particularly intriguing. Because of fucking control and mental pressure, home is like a prison to him.

When Hu Qiyuan went to see the house, through this lens, he could feel how high Hong Kong housing prices are. The sharp shake of the lens of

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

also shows the young He Leer's inner anxiety after losing his belongings in a foreign country.

Hong Kong drama has fallen? Check out this high-scoring dark horse drama

But I also want to remind everyone that there is still a bit of horror in this drama. When you watch it alone, you still have to be a little psychologically prepared.

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