WHO Director-General: China reported no new local cases for the first time, which is an amazing achievement

2020/12/2319:55:05 entertainment 2197

[Global Network Reporter Hou Jiaxin] "China has reported no new local cases for the first time. This is an amazing achievement." World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on the 19th in WHO Said this at the press conference. Tedros. Source: United Nations official website

WHO Director-General: China reported no new local cases for the first time, which is an amazing achievement - DayDayNews

Tan Desai. Source: United Nations official website

According to the news released by the WHO official website, Tan Desai mentioned in his speech on the 19th that there are now more than 200,000 cases of new coronary pneumonia and more than 8,000 deaths.

"China has reported no new local cases for the first time. This is an amazing achievement." Tedros said.

Next, Tan Desai introduced the WHO's recent efforts to fight the epidemic. He said that we are working hard to support countries in many ways. We have shipped personal protective equipment to 68 countries and 1.5 million diagnostic kits to 120 countries. Among them, he mentioned Chinese suppliers. "We now have an agreed list of Chinese suppliers who can export medical supplies to the World Health Organization. We are now finalizing specific arrangements." Z3z

However, Tan Desai also mentioned that the current shortage of supplies is still an epidemic prevention. A big challenge facing the work. "I value personal protective equipment and diagnostic tools because many countries are in large demand for these materials. We are doing our best, but shortages are still a challenge." Z3z

Next, Tan Desai briefed the countries on the epidemic prevention situation. He introduced that more than 70% of countries have a national prevention and response plan for new coronary pneumonia; 89% have laboratory testing capabilities; more than 70% of countries have the ability to monitor incidents of new coronary pneumonia; 68% have inter-agency partner coordination mechanisms .

Finally, Tan Desai expressed his determination and confidence in defeating the epidemic. He said that this is a common enemy of all mankind. Let us unite as one, unite as one, and jointly fight against this invisible public enemy that harms mankind.

The following is the speech of WHO Director-General Ghebreyesus at the media briefing on the new crown virus epidemic on March 19:

WHO Director-General: China reported no new local cases for the first time, which is an amazing achievement - DayDayNews

Screenshot of the WHO official website

First of all, I will provide you with some updated figures. There are now more than 200,000 COVID-19 cases and more than 8,000 deaths.

China reported no new local cases for the first time, which is an amazing achievement.

We all know that we are working hard to support countries in many ways. We have shipped personal protective equipment to 68 countries and 1.5 million diagnostic kits to 120 countries.

We now have an agreed list of Chinese suppliers who can export medical supplies to the World Health Organization. We are now finalizing specific arrangements.

We have found a manufacturer with overcapacity. We are determining specifications and coordinating shipments so that we can replenish inventory and deliver personal protective equipment to those who need it most.

Our goal is to establish a continuous pipeline to ensure continuous supply of goods.

In terms of diagnostic tools, many companies produce diagnostic kits, but we can only purchase kits that have been independently evaluated.

Therefore, we cooperated with the Foundation for the Promotion of Innovative Diagnostic Methods (FIND) to significantly improve the evaluation capabilities by contracting more laboratories.

At the same time, we are cooperating with some companies to ensure the supply of materials.

As you know, I value personal protective equipment and diagnostic tools because many countries are in large demand for these materials. We are doing our best, but shortage remains a challenge.

We are also communicating with the private sector, I will talk about this later.

We are monitoring progress against the eight pillars of the strategic preparedness and response plan.

Let me first report some good news: more than 70% of countries have COVID-19 national preparedness and response plans; 89% have laboratory testing capabilities; more than 70% of countries have COVID-19 incident monitoring capabilities; 68% have cross-country Departmental partner coordination mechanism.

Of course, this is not enough. We hope that all countries, whether there are cases or not, are ready.

However, only half of the countries have national infection prevention and control programs and adopt sanitation standards in all health care facilities.

Only half of the countries reporting to WHO have COVID-19 clinical referral system.

Considering the situation we have recently observed, when medical institutions are overwhelmed, I think it is very important to prepare the entire system, especially the referral system.

's response to strategic preparedness and response plans in terms of resource mobilization has been encouraging.

We have now raised almost US$675 million. We thank all donors and reiterate the need to be able to use funds flexibly.

As you know, 675 million US dollars were spent in the first three months. Currently, as COVID-19 spreads to more and more countries, we are revising the plan and need to raise more resources and funds. Considering the current situation, US$675 million is actually not enough.

We are working on the next phase of the plan. We work closely with the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other institutions to ensure a consistent response. Of course, we are also coordinating with the Global Fund.

Last Friday, we launched the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund to enable individuals and organizations to make donations.

In just a few days, we received 45 million US dollars in donations from more than 173,000 people and organizations.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the United Nations Foundation and the Swiss Charity Foundation for their support to the establishment of this fund.

This shows the potential of the WHO fund under construction. We urge Member States to support the accelerated establishment of the WHO Fund. You can see the potential of the WHO Fund from the work of the United Nations Fund.

Regarding the private sector, I gave a speech at the Executive Board of the International Chamber of Commerce last Monday. From the chairman Mr. Polman to all directors expressed their support and made commitments.

Yesterday, we also had a dialogue with some CEOs at a meeting held by the World Economic Forum. They also gave great support.

To provide the most vulnerable countries with global safety reserves of materials and medicines, we need financial support.

For manufacturers, we need to understand their production capacity. We strive to put forward specific requirements to them and guide them on how to participate in the response to COVID-19.

As you know, we have launched the United Nations Crisis Management Task Force, and we will continue to carry out response work throughout the United Nations system. Dr. Mike Ryan is the head of the United Nations Crisis Management Team and he will give a further introduction.

In terms of research and development, WHO and its partners are organizing a study in many countries to compare untested treatments. We call it the "Solidarity Pilot Project". We thank those countries that have joined, and we look forward to other countries joining. The number of countries participating in this global experiment is increasing, and we hope it will attract more countries from all regions to join, so that we can get good results as soon as possible.

As you know, just 60 days after sharing the viral gene sequence, the first vaccine trial has begun. This is unprecedented scientific progress. With the support of the National Institutes of Health, one person in the United States has participated in the trial. Hope this will help us obtain another tool to fight COVID-19.

We are very grateful for all your support. Without the support of Member States, we would not be able to obtain the funds I just mentioned. I hope that you will continue to provide support until the pandemic is overcome.

We have confidence in all member states. As we have always said, this pandemic can only be overcome by unity. Unity, unity, unity again!

This is the situation we are facing now. This is a common enemy of all mankind. Let us unite as one, unite as one, and jointly fight against this invisible public enemy that harms mankind.

Thank you all.

Source: World Wide Web

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