In the fifth year that "Kangxi Is Coming" was suspended, Cai Kangyong and Xiao S became their most annoying people

2020/12/1000:00:22 entertainment 393

In the fifth year that

Merdis is a special author of [Headline Entertainment], see the in-depth interpretation of entertainment hotspots, look for the entertainment! The

variety show " Kangxi is coming " has been suspended for nearly five years.

"Kangxi" is the memory of a generation, even now, it will be mentioned from time to time.

In the fifth year that

Some video platforms edited the highlights of "Kangxi" program with millions of views, showing its popularity.

In an era when variety shows were scarce, "Kangxi is Coming" turned out to be a hot topic once it was broadcast.

It is not an exaggeration to say that many Taiwanese celebrities are famous through this show and are well-known by the audience, thus successfully entering the domestic entertainment development. The

program is of great significance to viewers and stars.

In the fifth year that

In 2016, Cai Kangyong and Xiao S finished the last episode of the show, and they turned around and walked off the stage slowly. With their fading back, the show came to an end.

The end of a program is the farewell of an era and the disappearance of the source of joy for many people.

In the fifth year that

Two years later, Cai Kangyong once again joined hands with S to fight inland, co-hosting the same interview-type program "Flowers and Flowers".

also added the hot online shopping elements in recent years on the basis of interviews. It stands to reason that the program should be good, and the combination of the two also makes many people excited.

However, after the broadcast of "Flowers and All Things", the ratings and word-of-mouth continued to decline, which disappointed countless expectant viewers.

Cai Kangyong and Xiao S joined together to enter the domestic entertainment for the first time, after all, it failed because of unacceptable conditions.

In fact, the failure of the two new programs can be expected. Compared with "Kangxi is Coming", this program is far behind. The guests of

are too far apart.

's earlier "Kangxi is Coming" except for the host Cai Kangyong and Xiao S and Chen Handian , the other guests are not fixed. The guests of

are all invited according to the topic of the show. There is no distinction between the size of the celebrity and the size of the celebrity. That's why we got to know a lot of unknown but interesting stars through this show.

The celebrities participating in the show are also very distinctive and very hard. They dare to compete with the host and do not hesitate to use underwear to make headwear. In short, there is no "idol baggage".

Stars dare to speak and dare to do, and hosts dare to dare to scold, which are the characteristics of this show and the source of happiness for the audience. After

In the fifth year that

entered the mainland, "Kangxi is Coming" became "The Truth!" The host has not changed, but the show has all changed. The guests invited in each episode of

are current hot traffic stars. The topic is enough, but the content of the program is far less than the previous ones.

Some celebrities dare not tell the truth at all because of their image and the pressure of the company.

Xiao S is not as hot as before, and she dare not take advantage of the guests at will, because she is afraid that fans sitting in the audience will be unhappy.

She has changed, and so does Cai Kangyong. He is not so aggressive anymore. Instead, he has become a peacemaker. Although his speech is still very artistic, he is not the same as before.

In the fifth year that

In the guest setting, "Flowers and Flowers" also added two rows of young star idols sitting next to record the show.

is obviously taking advantage of Kangxi's fame and popularity to praise newcomers. It is too ugly and unacceptable for the audience.

z3The topic setting of z

is too far away.

Taiwan's "Kangxi is Coming" is also famous for dare to speak, and every issue is "dare" in topic setting.

Counting the many episodes of Kangxi's coming to the program, it is not difficult to find that many of Kangxi's topics are very hot, such as the topic of ladyboys, third parties, masters of bitches, etc. Every second of the program is a highlight. It's memorable.

also because of these topics, resulting in a lot of golden sentences, like the big S said "I am rich", whoever listens to the Queen's domineering.

In the fifth year that

"I don't need a fake giant, I am a giant" also appeared first in this show, but was later quoted by Fan Bingbing and became her title. In previous programs of

, every link was designed to be very interesting, and even the interviews were particularly interesting. When

went to "Flowers and Everything", the topic level and program settings became criticized. The program positioning of

is not clear. The link setting is more like a running account. The entertainment element is completely replaced by commercial elements. It is neither funny nor distracted. It is simply the word "perfunctory" on the public screen. After the first episode of

In the fifth year that

was broadcast, the audience was disappointed. The score of the program was repeatedly lowered, down to 3.5 points, until the introduction of the program, it did not rise to 5 points, which made people sigh.

's former ace partner, who has done ace shows for many years, but after moving to domestic entertainment, he achieved such results, which is really a bit ugly.

In fact, after entering the domestic entertainment program, Cai Kangyong and Xiao S have really changed a lot, especially in their attitude towards celebrities.

In the fifth year that

was so arrogant before, no matter how famous she is, she can be ashamed as she wants, and now there are collections of her bewitching videos on the video platform, which are called videos that will be great after watching.

When you are not happy, look at the little S at that time, and your mood will instantly become beautiful.

In the current show, Xiao S puts down his venomous tongue and shame, and treats the guests more politely, but also loses the previous truth, which makes the audience feel awkward and even a little sad.

Some people say that when you look back at "Kangxi is Coming" now, you will always feel a trace of sadness, because many people in the show have left in different ways. Those who bring joy to the audience will eventually leave Go, make people sad.

In the fifth year that

feels sad for the guests in the show, you can see how much the previous show has had on the audience, and you can also see how deeply the artists were in the past.

In recent years, Taiwan’s entertainment industry has not developed well. Many Taiwanese artists have begun to develop inland, as did Tsai Kangyong and Xiao S.

They made their own show based on their previous fame and topic, but they couldn't get back to their original glory.

Because they lost their original intention, the program they made is no longer pure and no longer attractive.

In the fifth year that

Five years ago, "Kangxi is Coming" can be regarded as a real reality show. Each guest is not like a star, but like a guest at a friend's house. They sit together and chat casually without pretending to be people. Set up, not cover up.

is true and sincere. The current program has no such taste. Every guest on the program brings his own personal settings. The interviews are based on the manuscript given by the company. They say they are here to participate in the program, let alone come. Increase exposure.

When they use a program as a tool, the program is doomed to fail.

happens to be entertainment nowIn the circle, almost every show is a tool for celebrities. Not only the participating celebrities, but even Cai Kangyong and Xiao S are not as pure as before, so they will be complained.

In the fifth year that

It can be seen that in order to make a good program, one must be true and the other must be sincere. Both are indispensable.

Otherwise, even a well-known gold host will encounter a career in Waterloo.

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