"The Little Prince" wrote: All adults were once children; May you always treat yourself like a child

2020/12/0818:20:19 entertainment 818

text∣One sentence written in the book "The Little Prince"


"All grown-ups were once children, although only a few people remember."

-Saint Exupéry

is Ah, we were all kids once, and maybe we still are.

Or should be put another way, in the past, we were the same children; but now, on the surface we have grown up. The term

grew up has two meanings.

is the responsibility aspect. Your family can no longer shelter you, you must stand in the world with a mature attitude and give your family shelter.

The second is mental. What a child says or does, even if he does something wrong, he can be forgiven on the whole. And growing up means you have to think twice before acting. Because you are no longer a child.

This kind of growth is undoubtedly an indispensable condition in the transmission of life. Of course, this is to look at growth from the perspective of family and individual continuity.

But I don’t know if you have ever felt like this, thinking that all of this is imposed on you from the outside. In fact, your heart may not want to grow up. This is an adult on the surface, but still a child in his heart.

Some people put the "giant baby" label on others, which means that they have reached the age of adulthood, but they have no way of being independent psychologically and relying on the care of others, and they think this is justified.

In my opinion, this is just an extreme resistance to growth, and for everyone, it is impossible to completely get rid of the mental model of childhood.

Maybe the label of growth is so heavy that we can’t face ourselves with a child’s mind, so we trick ourselves into forgetting the child’s thinking mode, so as to alleviate the inner childish curiosity and the modular personality of the real world. Fierce conflict between.

In my opinion, this is a good stopgap measure. After all, it allows us to find the right way to be deeply embedded in this world.

But like the enlightenment of Yu Da Yu's water management, in self-conscious control, we should not simply use the attitude of "truncated" and "negative" to face children's thinking patterns.

also needs to "accept", accept that you used to be a child, accept that you always have childish parts.


takes the text as the heart, pay attention to "Flip Book Master", updated daily, meet (original text, please do not reprint)

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