Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you

2020/12/0817:40:23 entertainment 2195


The crying scene of powerful actor Yang Zi attracted everyone's attention.

This drama comes from the female monologue "I heard her speak" directed by Zhao Wei. The second issue of "Wish" tells the story of a native family.

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

When she was 26 years old, her mother gave birth to her. Now, she is 26 years old. On her birthday, she most want to ask her mother:

, "have you regretted giving birth to me?"

" I regret it."

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

As Xiaoyu tells her, her childhood gradually appears In front of the audience, we discovered that the source of everything is due to Xiao Yu's mother.


Xiaoyu's mother gave birth to her when she was 26 years old. In Xiaoyu's eyes, her birth was not happiness, but a disaster.

Xiao Yu, played by Yang Zi, has lived in a broken family since childhood, and his father cheated when his mother was pregnant.

Xiaoyu’s first memory of her family is that her mother hugged her, who could not walk, and went around making trouble. Mother has been doing one thing from beginning to end, which is to ruin his father and not give birth to it.

Finally, my father was punished by the unit and went to work far away.

So mother has only daughter in her life.

mother is unwilling to let her daughter leave her for a moment, because the resentment towards her father is always there:

rejected the seriously ill grandfather and grandmother to see her granddaughter for the last time;

cursed her dad to die in front of her daughter more than once;

no Stop complaining, it's not your dad who doesn't have today's suffering. When

grew up, Xiao Yu met many people, but she was always extremely inferior and felt that she was not worthy of anyone.

Even if she likes the only boy who is willing to give her warmth, her mother has to come forward to take it apart and tell that boy that you are not worthy of my daughter.

Actually, your daughter is not worthy of others, she has no ability to love others.

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

As psychologist Wu Zhihong said, father is the first male image her daughter sees. This is a mirror for her to find a partner in the future.

If the mother always belittles the other half in front of her daughter, the daughter will unconsciously continue this way into her life.

A mother who raises a daughter must not belittle the other half in front of the child. Otherwise, she may lose confidence in love and marriage, or push those who treat her sincerely because she doesn't understand love.


Mom's all expectations and all the emotions are given to the child, and Xiao Yu has been careful since she was a child.

As long as Xiaoyu does something wrong, her mother will yell. Little Xiaoyu didn't understand why, she just hugged her mother and cried, begging her to stop scolding her, and her mother also hugged her and cried, telling her that I was doing you good.

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

This is what the mother has to pay, and the return that needs to be demanded from the child-I am so good to you, you must listen to me.

grew up, her mother devoted herself to her daughter, taking care of Xiao Yu in every possible way, and doing her best to give her daughter the best life, but at the same time, she was 100% dependent on and possessed of her daughter. The most common words are:

"Mom's life is only you, and what my mother loves the most is you. All this mom does is for your own good..."

Mom's love for her daughter has reached the point of "nothing big or small, everything is in control": I often peeked at Xiao Yu’s diary. In order to monitor Xiao Yu’s appearance at school, he "brought in" Xiao Yu’s best friend and asked her to report Xiao Yu’s every move at school...

mom did it. Xiao Yu has no friends, her daughter’s world, Belongs to her alone.

In front of her mother who wants to be overwhelmed with control, Xiao Yu constantly suppresses her inner feelings, dare not express her needs, let alone reject her.

She is always cautious, even crying with her mother behind her back. The experience of

Xiaoyu instantly evoked my impression of Zhongyingzi in "Xiaohuanxi": a good daughter who was properly arranged by her mother from the inside out, from top to bottom.

She knows that her mother loves herself so much that she knows this way. As long as her mother is angry, she will immediately admit her mistake; carefully consider every word for fear of hurting her mother.

keeps suppressing herself to please her mother, but she herself suffers from depression and can’t sleep all night long.She stared at the ceiling and wept. Finally, helpless, she stood on the bridge, longing to die to end her life.

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

A truly visionary mother never controls a child.

Because they know that the long journey of life will not always be accompanied by us, and more importantly, the child has a strong enough heart.

Only when the mother takes a step back can the child's heart become stronger.


"The Road Few People Walk" says that one of the important characteristics of love is that neither being loved nor being loved is an accessory of the other.

Many parents in life, no matter how hard or tired they are, they must let their children eat the best and wear the best.

Not only did they not really love their children, they didn't even really love themselves. For Xiao Yu, if her happiness and happiness are based on her mother's tears and suffering, then what is the meaning of such a life?

Parents themselves have not been loved, so they don’t know how to love their children.

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

Many women "dead" from the moment they became mothers. They no longer live for themselves, and instead only "Mom" survives.

They abandon the mood of life and rush between various discount stores and interest classes all day; instead of giving up their favorite new clothes, they turned around to equip their children with the latest toys and picture books...

Mom’s love is pure and great ! However,

does not know that compared to mothers who "completely sacrifice themselves and spend their entire lives to love their children", children need a valuable and pursued role model.


Not long ago, a 56-year-old aunt who "escaped" from the family was on fire. Her name is Su Min, and she dedicated most of her life for the family and daughter.

The relationship between her and her husband has not been very good, but in order to give her daughter a complete family, so that her daughter will not be disliked by a single parent family when she gets married in the future, she can only get married.

Later, her daughter gave birth to twin children, and she helped her daughter to send the children to the kindergarten. After she succeeded, she began her self-driving journey. Before leaving, she brushed all the shoes of her son-in-law.

Women like Su Min are representatives of mothers who work hard and give everything to their children. She gave her all-round pain and tolerance.

Yang Zi cried and suffocated mother's love on her birthday: I worked so hard to leave you - DayDayNews

In the process of traveling, she forgot about her partner and children, she only remembered herself and her life. She saw the beautiful scenery and the infinite possibilities of life, only to realize that the entanglement and pain were all in vain.

Only you can truly love yourself, and only when you truly love yourself, can you learn how to love others.

As parents, we must love our children, and we must also know how to love. As human beings in our entire life, we must love ourselves, but also know how to pay attention to ourselves.

If mothers want their children to have light in their eyes and love in their hearts, mothers must first smile at life and face the joys and sorrows of life calmly;

If mothers want their children to know the confidence and sunshine, mothers must first respect their children and thank them for giving themselves new Life experience;

If mothers want their children to be happy throughout their lives, mothers must first embrace and enjoy life, and more importantly, love themselves.

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