IG encourages netizen Fan Bingbing to silence Weibo in English

2020/12/0817:10:09 entertainment 639

IG encourages netizen Fan Bingbing to silence Weibo in English - DayDayNews

The mainland actress Fan Bingbing, who was involved in the tax evasion storm two years ago, has not yet made a comeback, but also has been banned from live online sales. She has been planning to "escape from birth" and posted on Instagram (IG) and Weibo respectively on May 4. Although the number of photos and styles are the same, the posts on both sides are very different: IG uses English to encourage netizens to tide over the difficulties. , Weibo is accompanied by the empty word "blind pat".

IG encourages netizen Fan Bingbing to silence Weibo in English - DayDayNews

The new crown pneumonia is raging around the world. During the epidemic, many artists’ commercial performances and filming were forced to stop and they could only stay at home. However, many celebrities took advantage of this opportunity to start live streaming with "fast money", "easy operation", and "low threshold". Although many people did not look up to this kind of way before, but they did not expect celebrity artists to use their popularity to promote the products of the merchants, and the result was a lot of money.

According to reports, among many celebrities, Fan Bingbing and Li Xiaolu and can be described as live broadcast masters. Not only do they have high sales, but they also sell goods with a commission plus an hourly salary and fan rewards of more than 5 million yuan per hour. The pay is still high.

Fan Bingbing sells facial masks in his live studio. Once, in just over 4 minutes, the total sales exceeded 110,000 pieces. When they were sold out, they were automatically removed from the shelves, and the sales easily exceeded 10 million yuan. Li Xiaolu and her girlfriends live together for 4 hours and recommended more than a dozen products, which were watched by nearly 40 million people.

IG encourages netizen Fan Bingbing to silence Weibo in English - DayDayNews

But the good times did not last long. On May 2, the SARFT issued a ban on Weibo. According to the Internet V "Master Rabbit Tearing Chicken" broke the news: "Relevant departments have issued notices to Douyin and Kuaishou, prohibiting inferior artists from doing live broadcasts. Fan Bingbing and Li Xiaolu are on the first batch of banned lists, and they will be released later. Relevant policies.” As for the “relevant policies that will be issued in the follow-up,” reported by the whistleblower, the report stated that related policies regarding “other bad actors” will also be released. According to

analysis, from the perspective of the news, this kind of momentum is undoubtedly the beginning of a purge of "inferior artists" related activities in the entertainment industry.

As for why such a policy was suddenly introduced, the source claimed that it was most likely caused by the " Luo Zhixiang derailment incident." At the end of last month, Luo Zhixiang, a mainland internet celebrity who had been in contact with him for nine years, broke out of chaos in his private life and complicated friendships, which caused a lot of noise on the Internet. In addition to the endorsement advertisements were urgently removed, several mainland variety shows that he was originally planned to be his mentor The sky-high remuneration for the show has also vanished. The news of

IG encourages netizen Fan Bingbing to silence Weibo in English - DayDayNews

immediately triggered onlookers. Some people say that Fan Bingbing and Li Xiaolu have been reported, and now the whistleblower is spreading across China, and it seems that every industry is at high risk.

Fan Bingbing was fined more than 880 million yuan for being involved in the tax evasion crisis. The performing arts have been suspended for two years. Advertisers have replaced products endorsed by her. All the film and television dramas she has filmed have changed roles. The filming has not yet been completed. A remake of the aired substitutions. Fan Bingbing's share of " Tangde Film and Television " stock price fell to the half and broke up with her boyfriend Li Chen.

As for Li Xiaolu, she divorced actor Jia Nailiang due to extramarital affairs at the end of last year, and her image fell to the bottom. Because he didn't have the opportunity to film, he also recently started a live webcast "Make a living." After the news of the ban on selling celebrities on live broadcasts came out, Fan Bingbing wrote in English on IG on May 4: "In this disturbing period, I hope everyone can enjoy a quiet time. Let us change in the face of adversity. To be stronger, and redefine our desire.”

On Weibo, although Fan Bingbing posted the same number of photos of the same style as IG, the accompanying text only has the word “Blind Shot”, which seems to be casually taken and posted. The photos are equivalent to not saying a word, and the differences are intriguing.

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