Revisiting "The Prince Turns into a Frog": Why does the conventional narrative model become an idol drama classic?

2020/01/1007:18:12 entertainment 2356

After reviewing this classic idol drama, I feel less sensual and more rational. It is discovered that behind the film's seemingly clichéd story, it precisely reflects the brilliance of its narrative. @薛定谔的猹

Recently, Taiwanese actor Ming Dao has been searched again for the news of the death of his brother and his family. Let us see the "overbearing president" on the screen, the other side of the ups and downs in reality. For most audiences, Ming Dao’s most well-known masterpiece is the classic idol drama "The Prince Turns into a Frog".

"The Prince Turns into a Frog" premiered in 2005. It once broke Taiwan's ratings record, and it also triggered a wave of craze in the Mainland. In the beginning, many people thought that this was nothing more than an idol drama full of clichéd plots, an untrustworthy "love game". But just by relying on the seemingly clichéd plot, it is obviously impossible to be regarded as a classic idol drama by many audiences after many years.

So today, I will interpret the charm of this idol drama from two perspectives of narrative techniques and character imagery. In the third part of the article, I will talk about how this idol drama has become a classic in the hearts of the audience. Several reasons.


01, multiple inverted narrative modes and clever narrative techniques set up with multiple suspense points: tell a clichéd love story beautifully, romantically, and effectively controlled The viewing process resonated with the audience

in the traditional "Cinderella falls in love with the prince" story mode. Forcibly allowing male and female lords with different personalities and disparity in status and status to intersect and produce love will appear too deliberate and unreal.

The drama "The Prince Turns into a Frog" adopts a multiple-reversal narrative mode. First, the male lead Shan Junhao met Ye Tianyu after losing his memory and fell in love with her. After regaining his memory, he again I forgot about her. In such a narrative mode, people will unknowingly be infected by the love between the two and feel sad for separation.

① Through multiple reversals of the plot, the audience’s emotions are mobilized, and the watching process is controlled. One is divided into two, starting from the perspectives of "Shan Junhao, the domineering president before amnesia" and "Pure juvenile Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum after amnesia": The world of Shan Junhao and Ye Tianyu did not originally have any intersection, but Shan Jun After Hao lost his memory in a car accident, he lived in Guanmei Fishing Village and became a fisherman named Chrysanthemum vulgaris. During the process of getting along with Ye Tianyu, she became dependent on her and fell in love with her. But after Shan Junhao recovered his memory, he forgot all the things he had with Ye Tianyu. Until Ye Tianyu met again, the love in his heart was gradually aroused...

At the end of the episode, Shan Junhao and Chrysanthemum vulgaris became one and fell in love with Ye Tianyu again, which made the original look. The romantic love story of "suspension" becomes more "down-to-earth".

For the audience, this multiple inversion narrative structure is used to tell an idol drama. In that era, it was not only practical and novel, but also full of substitution. In such a narrative mode, people will be unconsciously infected by this romantic love.


② The three suspenseful narrative techniques

In this touching and tortuous story, director uses three A clever narrative mode of a suspenseful point. It is this enchantment in the narrative that attracts the audience tightly, makes the audience want to stop, and pay close attention to the emotional development between the male and female protagonists. Below, I will expand the narrative mode set by these three suspense points one by one to interpret the unique charm of this drama.

001 The first suspense point: How do the male and female protagonists who seem to have a disparity in status and status fall in love? Came to Guanmei Fishing Village to prepare for the acquisition. But meeting Ye Tianyu not only messed up Shan JunDuring Hao's proposal ceremony, he "stole" Shan Junhao's proposal ring. Shan Junhao regarded Ye Tianyu as a liar and a thief, and Ye Tianyu even regarded Shan Junhao who was about to acquire the fishing village as an "invader and saboteur."

The overbearing president with strong personality and unkindness, and the setting of dreaming of marrying the "prince" all day long, the shrewd fisherman of the fishing village, successfully distinguished the male and female protagonists, with different personalities, honesty and treacherous, wealthy It is in sharp contrast to poverty, self-cultivation and lack of grace.

How do two people who seem to be impossible to be together love each other like this? This is the first suspense point set by the director, as the starting point of the story, similar to the prologue.

002 The second suspense point: Shan Junhao's incarnation "Chrysanthemum" and Ye Tianyu unexpectedly came together after amnesia. How did they separate?

Shan Junhao suffered a severe head injury in a car accident and lost his memory because of the company's competitor's frame. The fishing village was taken in by Ye Tianyu's family and he was named "Chrysanthemum vulgaris" by Ye Tianyu.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, who has lost his identity and memory, removed the power and pretense of the domineering president, and revealed the kindness and innocence in his heart. For Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum at this moment, his life started from knowing Ye Tianyu, and she seemed to live an angel in her heart. Without her, her life would have no direction. Compared with the traditional model of "the domineering president falls in love with me", it is more reasonable and reasonable for Shan Junhao to gradually fall in love with the heroine as an ordinary person Chrysanthemum vulgare.

In order to highlight the tragic fate of this love. The choreographer repeatedly exaggerated the feeling of parting between the two: During this process, Shan Junhao's family, friends, and even enemies have been looking for him with perseverance. Ye Tianyu also realized that he should "let go" after all, and bid farewell to Chrysanthemum. How the "Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum" finally returned to "Shan Junhao" has become the second suspenseful point.

Ye Tianyu finally made the decision to return Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum to his family. However, a premeditated car accident was doomed to separate the two again...

Wake up from "Shan Junhao" recovery memory, the memory of "Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum" seems to disappear forever. Up. From that moment on, the male and female masters who once loved each other became strangers in two worlds. Whether "Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum" can finally return and fall in love with the heroine again has become the most concerned issue of the audience today and constitutes the last suspenseful point.

003 The third suspense point, can Shan Junhao finally recover his memory and come together with Ye Tianyu again?

After recovering his memory, Junhao returned to his former strong personality, and forgot the memory of Tianyu, preparing to marry his fiancee, and at the same time humiliating Tianyu as much as possible, unwilling to believe that he had fallen in love with the sky Yu. However, he lacked a sense of security in his heart, and he has always been brooding about that blank memory.

And because of mishaps, Ye Tianyu came to Shan Junhao's side again. In Shan Junhao, facing the company crisis and his good friends turned against each other, it was Ye Tianyu who in turn gave him courage and confidence. In Jun Hao's heart, Tian Yu has become a spiritual pillar for her stability and fell in love with her again.

Actually, for Shan Junhao, that blank memory that was lost has become unimportant, because Guanmei and Tianyu have long been the things he cares about most.


02. Unconventional interpretation of human nature: the creation of classic "eccentric" comedy characters: the passage of seemingly cliché idol dramas to be beautiful and romantic , Surprise, play a soothing role, but also satisfy the audience’s curiosity

Although the prince turns into a frog is a seemingly clichéd romantic comedy, the source of its character image can still be regarded as coming from Based on Hollywood’s classic "eccentric comedy" mode

The so-called eccentric comedy, an American drama film that began in the 1930s, uses romantic, satirical, and funny conflict situations with lovely characters from different social classes To call for and involve intense events to startPlot.

The male and female protagonists influence each other in the process of "love and kill each other" and grow together.

The episode focuses on the process of the male and female protagonists repeatedly struggling from their hearts to loving each other. It was from the incompatibility at the beginning to the repeated amnesia of the hero. They had to overcome difficulties together, re-acquainted each other in a common predicament, and gradually appreciated the good side of each other's nature, and then worked hard to change their shortcomings and reborn for each other, and finally gained the appreciation and love of each other.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum church Ye Tianyu, if you don’t give up in a critical moment, despair will become hope; let her know that even ordinary people may be dazzling sixth-magnitude stars. And Ye Tianyu taught Shan Junhao to listen to his own voice when he was confused; when he was tired, let him rely on it, which became his strong spiritual support.

In the play, the image of the male and female protagonist is not perfect. Whether it is Shan Junhao's coldness and strength, or Ye Tianyu's shrewd business man, to a certain extent, it even makes the audience "bored". But in the process of the two "love and kill each other", the shining points of human nature: kindness, innocence, courage, and persistence were gradually unearthed, giving the audience a deeper emotional resonance.

The best love is precisely such mutual achievement and growth together.


②Through "Shan Junhao and Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum, two diametrically opposite sides of the same character. The complex and real human nature is presented to the audience, the shortcomings of human nature Intertwined with the beauty of human nature, it arouses the audience's deep thinking.

Regarding whether Shan Junhao finally recovered the memory of "Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum", the audience can draw different conclusions from different perspectives. But I think, Regardless of whether "Chrysanthemum" has come back, he has always lived in Shan Junhao's heart: Chrysanthemum is a representative of Shan Junhao's inner attempt to let go of the burden of career, the pretense of the people, and the subconsciousness of pursuing free nature.

in In the play, the male protagonist stood up twice before and after the Senwell Hotel Group’s acquisition of Guanmei Fishing Village. Once he was chrysanthemum chrysanthemum when he lost his memory, and he was Shan Junhao after he recovered his memory.

The manager becomes a teenager who can stand up and fight with the villagers for the destiny of the beloved person and the whole view of beauty. In the subconscious, he is fighting not only to buy his own company in the fishing village, but also to his previous three views , "Rebellion in the way of doing things." "

Just as Shan Junhao said at the end, Ye Tianyu made him understand that he cares about a person’s feelings, and made him understand that working hard for the people who cares is to be happy without asking for anything in return-he wants to be for himself Those who care continue to work hard.

It can be said that regardless of whether "Chrysanthemum vulgaris" finally came back. As Shan Junhao, he fell in love with Ye Tianyu again and was changed by Ye Tianyu.

He is Shan Junhao, and he is also Chrysanthemum vulgare.


03. Interpretation of this romantic idol drama and some reasons why it has become a classic in the hearts of drama fans

idol drama There are more and more TV dramas in the current market, and both the pictures and the service are more exquisite and beautiful. But why is this old drama more than ten years ago still a classic in the hearts of drama fans? I think the following three The point is the main reason that arouses the inner resonance of the viewers.

①Emotional experiences that are difficult to occur in real life can be felt in the film

The love between the overbearing president and Cinderella It may be staged in a certain corner of the world, but the premise is that Cinderella must have the opportunity to meet and fall in love with the overbearing president with disparity in identity in a special environment. The amnesia and anti-amnesia plots in the movie will even lower Shan Jun. The possibility of the relationship between Hao and Ye Tianyu.

In real life, ordinary people will fall in love with ordinary people, and then live an ordinary life of love and marriage. The ups and downs of emotional experience can only be felt in a romantic love story. In just two hours, feeling different emotions and life will immerse the audience.

②The romantic plot setting makes the audience cherish the feelings they have after watching it.

In the play, the male and female protagonists meet and reunite in a very embarrassing situation. The reason why their love is remembered by people is that it breaks the barriers brought by differences in identity and status, and satisfies ordinary audiences A conjecture of a romantic love. With the development of the plot, the audience can't help but connect with real life and think of people and things around them. From the experience of multiple divisions and recombinations of the male and female protagonists, the audience will understand the truth that "love is not only about possession, but sometimes also means giving up". The complex human emotions shown in the film make viewers more aware of the feelings they have now, and this is the charm of "The Prince Turns into a Frog".


③Hope for a good love, I hope there will be a sincere feeling

Although in this drama, Chrysanthemum vulgaris has not come back again . But as Shan Junhao, he fell in love with Ye Tianyu again.

And Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum also expressed his aspirations through Shan Junhao: True love cannot be given up. What can be given up is not called true love. This true love will come back to me no matter if you lose it a hundred times.

This kind of unforgettable feeling is a beautiful longing in everyone's heart. It is a destined fate that everyone hopes to get. Through a delicate perspective, the director captured the viewer's desire for beautiful love. Even more than ten years have passed. The love of Shan Junhao and Ye Tianyu has also been kept in mind by people, which may be the reason why many fans will always regard this show as a classic.

To sum up:

The idol drama "The Prince Turns into a Frog" has achieved great success in both ratings and word-of-mouth, and the narrative techniques and character creation methods used by the director, Both brought more unique charm to this drama.

Therefore, today's article introduces some thoughts beyond the content of the story of "The Prince Turns into a Frog". In the third part of the article, I also talked about the reasons why it has become a classic in conjunction with this play.

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