On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look.

2024/07/0100:24:33 entertainment 1589

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong and suddenly became hot searches, and they are still hot. This hot search has made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look, and then left with a confused look.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

It is understood that as early as May this year, Guan Xiaotong was rumored by netizens to say "Guan Xiaotong went in", calling her by her name and speaking firmly. Many netizens in the comment area agreed, believing that the revelations by naming must be true.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

A few days ago, Guan Xiaotong’s popularity among passers-by was severely damaged due to the “endorsement controversy” at a milk tea shop. Therefore, netizens are speculating whether Guan Xiaotong is really going to fall over here?

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

However, when Master Ru saw this speculation, he immediately denied it. After all, in today's entertainment industry, Guan Xiaotong is definitely not the only celebrity who has failed in endorsements, but all of them are still thriving in the entertainment industry. Therefore, if it is just an endorsement matter, Guan Xiaotong cannot be so serious.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

In fact, in addition to the one above, there has been another revelation recently about Guan Xiaotong. Then some netizens claimed that she was suspected of tax evasion and even more illegal activities, and also revealed that she and her boyfriend Luhan had actually broken up a long time ago. However, this netizen’s IP is not in China, but abroad. So why do people abroad know about these revelations earlier than people in China?

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

In fact, in the case of Guan Xiaotong, although everyone with a discerning eye thinks that the netizen is probably spreading rumors to stir up trouble and gain popularity, but unfortunately there have been too many thunders in the entertainment industry recently, many of which are unexpected, so most netizens have a deeper understanding of celebrities. level of scrutiny.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

Maybe it was because of the high popularity. Some media asked Guan Xiaotong’s studio for confirmation. Later, a staff member responded to the leaked news on the Internet, calling it outrageous and reprimanding the rumormongers for having no bottom line. He also said that he had asked a lawyer to obtain evidence and would never tolerate it!

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

Although Guan Xiaotong’s staff responded vocally, what is surprising is that even rumors about Guan Xiaotong have already exploded on hot searches. But they only responded to the media's inquiries for verification, not to mention a lawyer's letter, not even a slightly formal statement. It's nothing like the public relations methods used by celebrities in the entertainment industry. Is there any hidden secret here?

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

If we follow the usual practice, if a celebrity is rumored like this, we will not directly send a lawyer's letter, but at least the studio will issue a statement to clarify it. After all, issuing a statement must be much more convincing than the current one!

But now Guan Xiaotong did not do this. Instead, he remained silent as if it was someone else who was talking about it. If it's an ordinary person, that's okay. After all, there is a saying that "the purified will purify themselves." No matter how the outside world spreads it, for ordinary people, the impact will be limited. But for a public figure, reputation is very important. In particular, Guan Xiaotong's popularity among the public fell to rock bottom due to endorsements some time ago. So Guan Xiaotong should be particularly concerned about reputation now, but judging from the way they handle it, they don't care.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

After the hot search went viral, some netizens posted photos of Guan Xiaotong’s filming and praised Guan Xiaotong’s transformation into a handsome tomboy.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

was suddenly released to Reuters at this time. Needless to say, it must have been deliberately done by Guan Xiaotong. They wanted to use Guan Xiaotong to appear in the filming, and directly deny the rumors they were caught in before.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

And not only that, before the hot search went viral, Guan Xiaotong also shared the delicious food on a social platform. The menu is not bad, with seafood and vegetables, meticulous and nutritious. Paired with soda water, it’s really a pleasant summer evening!

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

Judging from these two videos, Guan Xiaotong has not gone in as the two sources above said. On the contrary, Guan Xiaotong is still living a good life now. Not only is her new drama being filmed intensively, but she is also sharing delicious food with everyone.These can be said to be a slap in the face to the rumormongers!

Perhaps it is precisely because they knew it was a rumor that the team followed the attitude of "the one who cleans himself up" and ignored those who spread the rumors. They only responded when the media asked for verification.

On the evening of July 15th, Guan Xiaotong suddenly became a hot search topic, and it was still hot. This hot search trend made everyone a little confused. Many netizens expressed that they came in with a confused look and then left with a confused look. - DayDayNews

However, Mr. Ru believes that Guan Xiaotong’s public relations this time really failed. Because she has just lost popularity among the public, if she is treated so coldly this time, it will only make everyone speculate more about the authenticity of the matter, and further lower their impression of Guan Xiaotong. Therefore, Master Ru feels that at this time, Guan Xiaotong should deny it in a high-profile manner, instead of clarifying it through the media like now, and then find Reuters to deny the authenticity of the matter.

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