In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in "Mr. Kanto" directed and starred by Zhao Benshan. This is the last time Fan Wei cooperates with Zhao Benshan. Afterwards, Zhao Benshan said to the camera: "You don't have to look at how big Fan Wei is now. If he

2024/06/2621:31:33 entertainment 1520

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small role with only a few scenes in " Mr. Kanto Dai" directed and acted by Zhao Benshan.

This is the last time Fan Wei cooperates with Zhao Benshan.

Afterwards, Zhao Benshan said to the camera: "You don't see how big Fan Wei's wrist is now. If he comes, it's like borrowing all his money."

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

These words, in the eyes of outsiders, are equivalent to a declaration of breakup between the two.

Fan Wei's response to this was very mild: "He is a sharp-tongued person who speaks ugly words and does well-intentioned things."

said this, but Fan Wei turned around and went to Beijing for development.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

This year is the 17th year that Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei have worked together. The two have gone from closeness to indifference. The conflict did not form in a day.

13 years later, in 2022, Zhao Benshan's disciple Zhang Yujiao publicly challenged his "master", saying that he was the first person who dared to confront Zhao Benshan.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Fan Wei, who is called "the most underrated movie king" by the audience, will partner with Huang Bo in the new film " Mozart in Outer Space " which will be released soon.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

On one side is Fan Wei's enthusiastic publicity, and on the other side is Zhao Benshan's loneliness in the face of betrayal and separation.

The difference between the two people's current situations is particularly dazzling.


The first official cooperation between Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei was in 1992.

At that time, Zhao Benshan was preparing to perform a skit in the Spring Festival Gala, but he was not satisfied with his partner.

Later, Zhao Benshan asked Cui Kai, the leader of Tieling Art Troupe Cui Kai , to give Fan Wei a message: "The new sketch needs to be replaced. Come and try it."

Fan Wei, who happened to be performing in Beijing, learned the news Afterwards, without saying a word, he ran to the CCTV rehearsal hall, met Zhao Benshan, and rehearsed together for several days.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

But in the end, the Spring Festival Gala director did not agree to the substitution.

Fan Wei didn’t want to make things difficult for Zhao Benshan, so he took the initiative to say hello and left the rehearsal center alone.

Zhao Benshan looked at Fan Wei's lonely back and felt quite emotional.

The idea of ​​"being a good partner without being favoured" was planted in Zhao Benshan's heart at that moment.

In fact, Fan Wei cherishes this cooperation very much.

At that time, Zhao Benshan was not only a famous local comedian, but also very popular on the Spring Festival Gala stage.

In 1990, Zhao Benshan appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage and performed the sketch " Blind Date ", becoming a sketch actor loved by audiences across the country.

Fan Wei was just a comedy screenwriter who was immersed in writing. Although

participated in the first national cross talk competition, performed his debut work, and became the backbone of the folk art troupe, there is no place for Fan Wei in the comedy world.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

thought that his career was so tepid, so Fan Wei began to pursue his emotional destiny early.

Finally, when he was 28 years old, he married the girl Yang Baoling whom he met through a blind date.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

After getting married, Fan Wei's life was peaceful.

His love for comedy turned into his admiration for Zhao Benshan as Zhao Benshan's reputation rose.

The comedy circle is already small, let alone the Northeastern region where human relationships are valued.

Fan Wei regards Zhao Benshan as his idol, and Zhao Benshan also knows that Fan Wei is a good joke writer.

After a brief contact in 1992, Zhao Benshan has never forgotten Fan Wei.

In 1993, Zhao Benshan personally called Fan Wei and said that there was a sketch for the Liaoning Provincial Arts Festival that lacked a role, and he felt that Fan Wei was very suitable.

This sketch is called "Walking on the Wild Road", and the two finally became partners on the stage.

Little did they know that the collaboration between the two would set off a wave of sketches on the Spring Festival Gala stage.


In 1995, Fan Wei realized his dream of appearing on the Spring Festival Gala.

That year, he was 33 years old.

Although he was only a minor supporting role and the focus of the audience's attention was on Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei was undoubtedly satisfied and excited.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

After the performance, Fan Wei took a taxi to the airport and prepared to return to Shenyang.

In the taxi, he took the initiative to chat with the driver, full of hope that "the driver would recognize him."

As a result, the car drove all the way, and the driver didn't even look at him.

Before getting off the bus, Fan Wei specifically asked for an invoice.

After their eyes met, the driver pulled off an invoice a little impatiently and walked away.

Recalling this experience, Fan Wei smiled bitterly and said: The master probably didn't sleep well. He was still working during the Chinese New Year. It's understandable that he was a little impatient.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

This state of "desiring to be famous but not having it" has lasted for a long time.

The audience only knows Zhao Benshan. As for Zhao Benshan's partner, the audience can only use "fat man with glasses" instead.

Fan Wei was very frustrated for a while and even asked Zhao Benshan to change his partner.

Zhao Benshan smiled steadily after hearing this: "Don't worry, just follow me."

It has been 5 years since I left.

In 2000, on the Spring Festival Gala stage, Fan Wei changed his contact lenses and shaved his head. The contrast between seemingly smart but being "fooled" made the audience laugh.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

The success of " selling kidnapping " allowed Fan Wei to finally "fight against each other" with his partner Zhao Benshan.

The audience remembered this image of Fan Wei. Since then, Fan Wei has maintained the habit of having a crew cut.

The two of them struck while the iron was hot and turned "Trafficking" into a trilogy, which became the focus of the Spring Festival Gala every year.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

’s success in recent years is just the icing on the cake for Zhao Benshan, who has already become famous.

But for Fan Wei, who longed to become famous, it was a timely help.

This gap will lead to serious differences in the future development concepts of the two.


Zhao Benshan, who has attracted much attention in the Spring Festival Gala, has turned his attention to " to ".

He started his career as a two-person artist and has a special affection for this art.

After "opening the mountain and recruiting disciples", Zhao Benshan still had to change the chaotic environment of the "Erren Zhuan" at that time.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

moved the performance venue from the bathing city to the Grand Theater, and also held the "Zhao Benshan Cup Duo Contest" many times.

The process was not smooth, but the result was good, and it was full of the energy and money Zhao Benshan spent on it.

Over the past few years, the team of "Zhao Family Class" has gradually taken shape.

Fan Wei must be puzzled by Zhao Benshan's choice.

Why don't you take the "Yangguan Avenue" of the Spring Festival Gala instead of doing these thankless things?

An accidental opportunity allowed Fan Wei to see a new dawn.

In 2003, Feng Xiaogang saw Fan Wei's acting talent on the Spring Festival Gala stage and contacted him, hoping that he could play a role in his new film "手机".

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Fan Wei readily agreed.

In "Mobile Phone", Fan Wei has very few scenes and only has a few lines in Henan dialect.

For these dialects, Fan Wei specially found a fellow from Henan, used a tape recorder to record the authentic Henan accent, and then learned it over and over again when he returned home.

Later, I still felt uneasy, so I simply boarded the train to Zhengzhou and went to Henan to experience life.

On the way, through the train window, he saw a fellow on the field ridge smoking a cigarette, wearing a white vest, and with a small belly. The fellow

is the inspiration for Fan Wei's character in "Cell Phone".

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

When Feng Xiaogang saw Fan Wei's appearance on the monitor, he clapped his hands and marveled.

In 2004, Feng Xiaogang invited Fan Wei to participate in "A World Without Thieves ".

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

There are still not many scenes, but they are full of memorable points.

Just like that, Fan Wei opened a crack in the door.

Through this crack in the door, Fan Wei saw a new world that was much broader than sketches, cross talk, and duets.

At this time, Fan Wei and his old partner Zhao Benshan still met, but the politeness between the two was already on display.

In 2004, the two were interviewed on the same stage on the Internet. A netizen left a message to Fan Wei: "You must never leave Brother Zhao Benshan. If you have nothing to do, buy him a few more Huazi."

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

The two of them laughed very hard when they saw this message. Awkward.

Maybe "Ma Dashuai" was the trigger for the problems between Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei.

Fan Wei relied on his excellent acting skills to create a very successful supporting role in "Ma Dashuai" - Fan Debiao.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

was so prominent that when filming the sequel, the audience suggested that the play should be renamed "Fan Debiao and His Brother-in-law".

This should be the first time that Zhao Benshan has been deprived of the halo of the leading role in so many years of fame.

Seeing Fan Wei doing well in the film and television industry, Zhao Benshan was vaguely worried that Fan Wei would one day "leave" the sketch stage.

This worry became a reality in 2005.

On the Spring Festival Gala stage that year, Zhao Benshan’s sketch was called " Kung Fu ".

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Fan Wei, who was not thinking about this, said the first line wrong after he officially came on stage.

He changed 's "lend me a pair of wise eyes" to "lend you...let me lend you a pair of wise eyes."

stuttered , and Fan Wei thought to himself, it’s over now.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

A layman watching the fun doesn't find anything wrong with it.

But for Zhao Benshan, this is a big problem.

After starring in "Kung Fu", Fan Wei never attended the Spring Festival Gala again.

Zhao Benshan’s partners were also replaced by Song Dandan and Xiao Shenyang .

has no skits as a bridge, and the former golden partners no longer often chat together.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

In 2009, when filming "Mr. Kanto Dai", Zhao Benshan said the words described at the beginning of the article - "Look at how big Fan Wei is now. If he can act, it is like borrowing money from him."


Zhao Benshan Fan Wei will definitely keep his kindness in mind.

But in the face of the future, the only way to go is "different paths do not work together".

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

In 2006, when Fan Wei was filming "Fragrant Journey", he wrote more than 10,000 words of character notes and starved for three months to lose a lot of weight, just to fit the character's image better.

This literary film only made over one million yuan at the box office.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

But Fan Wei’s reputation in the industry has also spread.

Actress Zhang Jingchu said bluntly: "If you don't know how to be a good actor, just look at what Fan Wei does and you will know."

Fan Wei loves the film industry, otherwise he would not leave the Spring Festival Gala stage So cool.

Also full of love is Zhao Benshan.

His dedication to the comedy stage lasted until his body could no longer carry it.

In 2009, 52-year-old Zhao Benshan, together with his apprentices Xiao Shenyang and Yadan, presented the sketch " is not bad for money " to the audience.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

During the performance, Xiao Shenyang noticed that the master coughed on the stage.

This kind of thing usually doesn't happen to Zhao Benshan. He has very high requirements for sketch performances, unless he really can't help it.

persisted until the end of the skit. Zhao Benshan was still coughing in the lounge. He also saw blood streaks on the tissue.

At the end of September of the same year, while filming "Country Love 3", Zhao Benshan suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and was rushed to the hospital.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

At that time, Zhao Benshan had already begun to prepare for his funeral.

He took out a bank card and said that this was money for his eldest daughter born to his ex-wife, and the rest was left to his current wife and children.

He also specifically told his disciples not to separate. As long as you are together, the group will never break up.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Fortunately, Zhao Benshan was not overwhelmed by his "mountain-shattering" illness in the end, but it was definitely too much for his body to make him stay up late arranging skits like before.

In the 2011 Spring Festival Gala, after Zhao Benshan performed the skit "My Deskmate", he was sent directly to the infirmary for oxygen.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

This year, the 54-year-old "King of Sketch" Zhao Benshan finally ended his 21-year Spring Festival Gala journey.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in


Fan Wei’s career as an actor has also been bumpy.

Fan Wei, who doesn’t want to make any publicity, has not even made an official appearance for several years.

concentrates on studying acting skills, comprehends life seriously, and goes home on time to cook every day.

Industry insiders have a comment: No matter how bad the movie is, as long as Fan Wei appears in the scene, you can never go wrong.

This evaluation was earned by Fan Wei after spending more than 20 years and participating in more than 100 film and television works.

In 2016, Fan Wei won the title of "Best Actor" with his superb acting skills in " is not a problem ".

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Then there was another five years of silence. News about Fan Wei only appeared in the film and television dramas he played.

In 2021, Fan Wei starred in "One Second " and won the " Golden Rooster Award Best Supporting Actor" award. During the

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

period, the only intersection between Fan Wei and Zhao Benshan was when In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in 020 was filming "Liu Laogen3". Fan Wei returned to play a guest role.

Two people who had not seen each other for many years smiled when they met.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

It's just that the contrast between Zhao Benshan's old figure and Fan Wei's high-spiritedness is a bit strong.

Zhao Benshan was quite emotional: You have been away for seventeen or eight years without even saying hello.

Fan Wei answered quite appropriately: This is all about your words. If you said you wanted me to come back, I would come back right now.

There was warmth in the conversation between the two, but also a cruel fact - for seventeen or eight years, the two of them stopped contacting each other.

In the past two years, the situations of Zhao Benshan and Fan Wei have been very different.

Zhao Benshan, who had vowed at the beginning that "if I drive him away, none of his disciples will leave", he suffered betrayal from his disciples.

is sad, but more helpless.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Fan Wei, who quietly left the Spring Festival Gala stage, has now become a well-known figure in the film industry. Fan Wei knew very well how much hardship he suffered during


did not choose to continue to enter Zhao Benshan's circle at first, because he knew very well that it is easy to stay warm by hugging a group, but it is also easy for the tree to attract wind when it is big.

If you rely on others, you will eventually be dissatisfied. It is better to choose to go for it on your own from the beginning.

In 2009, Fan Wei played a small cameo role with only a few scenes in

Zhao Benshan is constantly facing complaints from his apprentices.

's apprentice Liu Xiaoguang complained during the live broadcast that Zhao Benshan's interests were unfairly distributed, and his apprentice Zhang Yujiao even publicly turned against him and challenged him in public.

As the master who was once admired by many stars, Zhao Benshan now says nothing and lets them perform.

Perhaps, Fan Wei had already expected this scene that made Zhao Benshan helpless.

The friendship is still there, but the fate is gone.


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