There are not only a large number of Hong Kong professional dramas covering a wide range of fields, but also many excellent products. "The Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars" starring Ma Guoming and also focusing on the medical profession is TVB's blockbuster Taiwanese celebration

2024/06/2306:57:32 entertainment 1992

Hong Kong professional dramas are not only numerous in number and cover a wide range of fields, but also have many high-quality products. "The Benevolent Doctor under the Stars" starring Ma Guoming and also focusing on the medical profession, as the blockbuster Taiwanese celebration drama of tvb in 2021, has been aired. It received numerous positive reviews, and its Douban score reached as high as 9.0, making it the highest-rated TVB drama last year.

There are not only a large number of Hong Kong professional dramas covering a wide range of fields, but also many excellent products.

As TVB’s Taiwan celebration drama, “The Benevolent Doctor Under the Starry Sky” attracts attention with its strong lineup of “Double Vision Emperor + Yihuadan”. Ma Guoming went from playing soy sauce in dramas such as "Genesis" and " Cleaning Up " in his early days, to rising to prominence with the legal drama "Legal Rookie II", and then later proved himself with the medical drama "On Call 36 Hours " His acting skills, and later won the TVB award for "White Strongman", gradually became the mainstay of TVB. According to media statistics, Ma Guoming, who has been in the industry for 20 years, has played the role of a doctor fourteen times, and once again played the role of a doctor in "The Kind Doctor Under the Stars". There is no doubt about his professionalism and acting skills.

Zheng Jiaying has not filmed a TVB drama for 5 years since she finished filming "Mystery" in 2016; Zhong Jiaxin , as one of the former TVB "Five Little Actresses", returned to TVB after giving birth to her second child. This medical drama makes "The Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars" full of nostalgia. The key point is that Zhong Jiaxin has made great progress. Compared with Haocaimei, she is calm and relaxed, and her handling of the role is natural and smooth. In short, it is a rare good film after the decline of TVB in recent years.

There are not only a large number of Hong Kong professional dramas covering a wide range of fields, but also many excellent products.

As a rare good Hong Kong drama in recent years, "The Kind Doctor Under the Stars" is not as bad as "The White Strong Man". Compared with "White Strong Man" which focuses on high-end and eye-catching medical fields such as neurosurgery, cardiothoracic and pulmonary surgery, and emergency departments, "The Doctor Under the Stars" sets the background of the story in a place that does not look like that. Pediatrics, which is not very eye-catching and has low returns, not only brings a novel perspective of medical drama to the audience, but also has a warmer tone than other similar works.

 Medical dramas are meant to present professional scenes. It was enjoyable to follow the whole drama and no time was wasted. It instantly makes people feel a little bit like oncall36. The career line is not as real and powerful as the golden finger. Everyone grows through progress, mistakes, successes and failures. The emotional line is clean and tidy, and small misunderstandings are quickly resolved.

There are not only a large number of Hong Kong professional dramas covering a wide range of fields, but also many excellent products.

In "The Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars", in the narrative of intensive surgeries, from the display of medical common sense such as hand washing and disinfection before surgery, to the professional operations such as throat cutting and intubation, disembowelment surgery, tumor resection, and lead suturing. presentation, and then to the description of real situations such as the handling of emergencies during operations, meetings and discussions before major operations, and the human nature of some people who desperately saved the patient until the last moment when the patient died, and some people who deliberately concealed their mistakes in order not to take responsibility. Digging, the show is full of them all without exception, and the overall feeling is professional, three-dimensional and real.

Facing almost every difficult patient, every doctor in "The Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars" always has a different "voice". The screenwriter skillfully uses these contradictions to highlight the character's personality, weave clues about the relationship between the characters, and make the plot more interesting. Vivid and full. From a medical perspective, doctors with different backgrounds and experiences also represent different voices in the medical community. From the screenwriter's point of view, although these doctors with different personalities stand in their own positions, they all have a benevolent heart as a doctor. It is precisely because of their conflicts that the characters are more three-dimensional and fuller.

There are not only a large number of Hong Kong professional dramas covering a wide range of fields, but also many excellent products.

Compared with the high score of 9.0 on Douban, the and ratings of "The Kind Doctor Under the Stars" on Hong Kong TVB are far from the high ratings that match its high reputation. However, this may be related to TVB’s somewhat weak viewing trend in recent years. It is reported that since last year, TVB’s 9:30 pm is no longer the prime time in the traditional sense, and the ratings have been very low.

Amway has read this movie "The Benevolent Doctor Under the Stars", will you finish it in one go? Of course, those who have already seen it pretend I didn’t say it~~~~

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