On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program "Talks About Traffic," suddenly told everyone the bad news through social media, that is, the program may be removed from the entire network, and he may also be sued for tens of millions of dollars in compensation.

2024/06/2107:25:33 entertainment 1347

has been removed from the entire network and you still need to claim tens of millions of dollars?

Will Sir Tan be the next Li Ziqi?

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the column host of the old charity program " Tan Talks about Traffic ", suddenly told everyone the bad news through social media, that is, the program may be removed from the entire network, and he may also be banned. Claim tens of millions.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

It turns out that just recently, some enthusiastic fans reported to Tan Qiao that not only the content related to "Tan Tan Traffic" in his personal account had been completely cleared, but even those and had higher clicks or were explosive All the videos were removed one by one due to complaints.

Tan Qiao was very puzzled when he saw this. After all, "Tan Tan Traffic" has been originally produced by him since its launch. The program is just a free public welfare program with news attributes.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Although the program is spread through the Internet and is really popular, the original intention of the program is just to better educate the public about the law.

Therefore, neither Tan Qiao, who is responsible for filming the content, nor the video recorder who disseminated it, has claimed the existence of so-called copyright.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

This is also one of the reasons why Tan Qiao reassures netizens to carry out secondary creation.

He just wants to better promote traffic safety knowledge through the second creation of netizens.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

However, what he didn't expect was that as "Tan Tan Traffic" became more popular in recent years, there were some people with ulterior motives who took a fancy to the huge interests hidden behind the popularity and the rich commercial value of the program.

One of the so-called "Chengdu Youshu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.", as the copyright holder, made bold claims that it would seek compensation of tens of millions from Tan Qiao.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Tan Qiao was very speechless when talking about this. He said: "It was quiet for more than ten years. I watched the leeks grow continuously, and (until they were grown) they began to wave the sickle to harvest."

Tan Qiao then said He directly asked his soul: "Can you eat more dignifiedly?"

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

However, complaints are complaints. Tan Qiao, a former policeman, also has a professional view on such incidents.

Since "Tan Tan Traffic" had never signed any contract or agreement at the beginning of its creation, he raised questions about the "bugs" in it.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

These questions boil down to one point, that is, as the original author of "Tan Tan Traffic", without receiving any notification or communication, he suddenly has to face huge compensation for infringement. Is this reasonable?

Furthermore, as a mere disseminator of the video, does the other party have the right to use "copyright" to obtain compensation for infringement? Although

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

had all kinds of questions, no one answered them for him.

Tan Qiao could only smile helplessly at this, saying that without the help of professionals, namely teacher Luo Xiang, he might face a prison sentence of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Later, he even joked that he was the next Li Ziqi, facing the oncoming capital alone. Once the

incident was exposed, it instantly became a hot search topic on Weibo and caused an uproar on the Internet.

Countless netizens are very concerned about the progress of this matter, so how are things going?

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

is just a leather company?

With "Tan Tan Traffic" being taken off the shelves across the Internet, the host Sir Tan may face jail for infringement. Is this behind capital operation, or does copyright awareness need to be strengthened?

After Tan Qiao had no choice but to speak out, the prosecutor "Chengdu Youshu Culture Communication Co., Ltd." was quickly picked out by netizens.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

According to the information displayed online, the company was registered in 2018 with a registered capital of 500,000 yuan, but strangely, the number of insured persons in the company is displayed as 0.

and everyone has also discovered that since its establishment, the company has sued many well-known video platforms such as Youku, Kuaishou, Migu, and Tencent for "disputes over infringement of the right to network dissemination of work information."

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

It is worth mentioning that the company has dozens of prosecution cases, which is really not like an ordinary company.For this reason,

also has many netizens suspecting that the company is actually a so-called professional "malicious fraud" leather bag company.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

And it is not only this gaming company that arouses suspicion, Chengdu Radio and Television Station ’s response also has something that everyone does not understand.

It turns out that the day after Tan Qiao voiced his doubts, Chengdu Radio and Television issued a statement on the matter through a lawyer.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

According to the TV station, "Tan Tan Traffic" is not owned by Tan Qiao, but the TV station owns the copyright of the program.

Secondly, the TV station has authorized relevant rights protection work to Chengdu Youshu Culture Communication Co., Ltd., so the company has the right to protect the rights of some online operators who make private profits without permission.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

This matter also received a response from Youshu Company, proving that the authorization relationship is true.

However, the TV station later stated that this rights protection only targeted the "company operating entities" who made improper profits, and did not target any individuals, and there was no case of "claiming tens of millions" against individuals.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

used this to directly deny the claim of claiming tens of millions of dollars from Tan Qiao.

Although the TV station gave such a precise answer and explained the cause and effect clearly to everyone, attentive netizens still discovered something strange.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

As we all know, "Tan Tan Traffic" is a genuine public welfare program.

But if the TV station licenses the copyright of the program to a third-party company in the form of authorization, wouldn't this become a profit-making property? Is such a transformation allowed?

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program


is good, just assume that there is nothing wrong with the change of nature of the program; in that case, can the people who have appeared in the program go to the copyright owner to ask for the fees for their portrait rights?

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Of course, in the face of public questions, the TV station did not respond, and Chengdu Youshu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. also never showed up.

At this time, Tan Qiao came forward again to respond to the follow-up to this matter.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

What happened to "Tan Tan Traffic"?

When he learned that "Tan Qiao Traffic" had been removed from the Internet and he was accused of infringement, Tan Qiao's first reaction was confusion.

He has been insisting on doing this in the 13 years since "Tan Tan Traffic" was launched to the end. He does not deny that maybe the camera belongs to the TV station and the copyright of the program also belongs to the TV station.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

But as the creator of the program, Tan Qiao cannot accept that all his efforts in it have been wiped out, so he advocates that the problem should be solved in a reasonable, reasonable and legal way.

Unfortunately, the TV station's statement directly trapped him into injustice.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

So he simply couldn’t bear it anymore. In

’s latest response video, Tan Qiao first explained to everyone that Youshu Company’s so-called infringement income is actually the incentive income that the platform gives creators a certain amount of traffic.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

But as a newcomer who only came into contact with self-media in 2021, Tan Qiao didn’t know that there was such a thing as “incentive income”. It was only after he heard from others that he learned that making videos can also be profitable.

Furthermore, since Tan Qiao learned about this setting, all the money he earned through videos and live broadcasts, except for necessary living expenses, was used for charity, and was properly handled.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

In contrast, Youshu Company has been trying to commercialize public welfare videos.

Speaking of which, Tan Qiao also came up with a disguised revenue sharing plan within Youshu Company, which clearly marked the video revenue, 35% went to Chengdu TV Station, and 65% went to Youshu Company.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

The two parties clearly divided their interests, which made people feel ironic and extremely angry.

A good public welfare program, a very meaningful public welfare program, has become a tool for others to make money. How ironic?

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Tan Qiao obviously saw this, otherwise he would not be so angry, and shouted angrily at those people: "Your loyal friend used to be a decent person, but now he has become a perjurer, a thief, a corpse kidnapper, a drunkard maniac, Bribery and fraudster's Mark Twain . "

Fortunately, as public opinion slowly ferments, the popularity of this matter has remained high, and there will no longer be any shady stories.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Tan Qiao also said that he was ready to contact Luo Xiang and planned to handle the matter properly, so the issue of the ownership of "Tan Tan Traffic" will only take time to resolve.

Of course, it is not Tan Qiao’s purpose to break up with others. He just doesn’t want to do a good charity program and eventually turn into a bad smell.

On July 10, Tan Qiao, the host of the veteran charity program

Finally, he also called on all participants of "Tan Tan Traffic" not to forget the original intention of creating the column.

As he said, if a public welfare program turns into a commercial money-making program, then what is the point of "Tan Tan Traffic" and other public welfare programs?

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