On the stage, she is a "paid migrant worker" and "the magic teller of "Sister Lang 3""; off the stage, she is "a top student in the Department of Archeology at Peking University", "Ogilvy Advertising Director" and "the lead singer of Mr. Miss Jazz Band". Regardless of the label,

2024/06/1816:49:34 entertainment 1613

On the stage, she is a

On the stage, she is a

On the stage, she is a "paid migrant worker" and "the magician of "Sister Lang 3"";

off the stage, she is "a top student in the Department of Archeology at Peking University", "Ogilvy Advertising Director" and "lead singer of Mr. Miss Jazz Band". ".

No matter what label, she is just in the moment, trying to be the best version of herself, so that she finally becomes the best version of herself.

On the stage, she is a

Worker in "Riding the Wind and Waves"

To be the best of yourself

"My sister is no longer in the world, but there is still a legend about her in the world." It is not an exaggeration to use this sentence to describe Liu Lian who was out of the circle in "Sister Lang 3" Bar.

Because even though she was eliminated in her third performance, the "legend" about her is still circulating on the Internet. Moreover, in the show, there is no other person besides her who can watch "Riding the Wind and Waves" while working.

On the stage, she is a

Apart from being a worker, Liu Lian is still an "alternative" existence in the show.

She would stay up late to make PPT for her first stage performance; she would write letters to her former teammates after being eliminated;

Other sisters might leave the stage to write a short essay, but she made a stop-motion animation Vlog.

On the stage, she is a

Of course, her other talked-about experiences are: a graduate of the Department of Archeology of Peking University, who gave up to study after graduation, just to be a band; went to Ogilvy Advertising from intern to director, and worked for Gong Li Wrote and Mercedes-Benz advertising scripts.

She is also the lead singer of the Mr. Miss jazz band. She released her first album "Mr. Miss" and won the Golden Melody Award for Best Vocal Group.

On the stage, she is a

Studying, working, and making music. Compared with other sisters who have become famous in their respective fields, Liu Lian's life seems to be the one closest to ordinary people. But she has become the person she envied most when she was a child.

On the stage, she is a

When she participated in Sister Lang, Liu Lian claimed that she had read the script of a happy unlucky person, "I never won once, and I got used to losing later."

But when she was studying, she was a real academic master, "When I got used to it first."

She was born in Chengdu, Sichuan in 1990. She has been a kind of "other people's child" since she was a child. She not only has good grades but also has a good personality; she likes to sing and is very independent.

On the stage, she is a

However, she seems to be perfect in all aspects, but she is not so happy in life.

Liu Lian's parents are not from Chengdu, so she always feels like she is in an away game, waiting for others to accept her.

At that time, like many ordinary girls, she had a bit of a pleaser personality. In order to get closer to her classmates, she, who is used to speaking Mandarin and , will work hard to learn and Sichuan dialect ; she will not refuse a salesperson; she always apologizes first when she quarrels with friends; in order not to make others feel unhappy, she Even if he is hurt, he is unwilling to show it.

Her life is very monotonous, repeating the same road every day between two o'clock and one line, "cannot see other possibilities."

Therefore, music has become her best partner. When she was in junior high school, she liked to listen to love songs. After high school, she began to listen to rock music, such as Radiohead, Evanescence, Ringo Shiina, etc.

On the stage, she is a

In the world of music, she found that singers can boldly present unprecedented things, criticize current shortcomings, and at the same time write very poetic content. "Even when people reach an age when they think they should settle down, they still maintain curiosity and questioning about the world."

Liu Lian seems to have opened the door to the music world. The more he listens, the deeper he gets, and the more he listens, the more biased he becomes.

On the stage, she is a

A book says that there are two birthdays in a person's life, one is the day when one is born, and the other is the day when one truly understands oneself.And Liu Lian's second birthday was the moment she fell in love with music and wanted to be like them.

She seems to have found the direction of her life and is determined to go to Beijing to study at university. Because there are many live houses and music festivals in Beijing.

thought about participating in performances every day after going to Beijing, which once became her spiritual support before the college entrance examination.

On the stage, she is a

On the stage, she is a

In 2008, Liu Lian was admitted to Peking University. She originally wanted to enter the Department of Journalism, but was finally admitted to the School of Archeology and Museology, her third choice.

The archeology major is not as boring as people think. They will not only learn ancient architecture and human skeleton, but also sketching; during practical classes, they will actually visit and study historical sites.

The interesting courses made Liu Lian, who was still considering changing his major, decide to continue studying archeology. This caused some changes in her thinking mode. Whether she later wrote songs or advertisements, she learned to look at the same thing from multiple perspectives.

On the stage, she is a

Of course, studying did not stop her from loving music. When she was a freshman, she signed up for the school's top ten singers competition. Perhaps because she was too shy and unsure, she did not make it to the finals. However, one of the judges, Du Kai , left a deep impression.

Du Kai was six years older than her. Later, he sent a private message to Liu Lian through the school's Renren website. He first praised her and then invited her to play in the Guitar Association.

Later, Du Kai told Liu Lian that he took the initiative to contact her because he wanted to work and sing in a bar, and the boss wanted him to find a good-looking girl to partner with him.

On the stage, she is a

Liu Lian did not refuse such an opportunity and decided to sing in the bar with Du Kai. She likes the atmosphere where everyone moves a small bench to listen to their singing, and she feels very warm every time she thinks about it.

Once when they were performing, all the customers had left, and only the boss was left sitting down to listen to them singing. As he listened, the boss took out his saxophone and performed with them.

Although there is no audience, they are still very happy.

On the stage, she is a

Liu Lian and Du Kai’s band Mr.Miss was born in a cafe near their school, where they would stay for three days a week, a three-hour session for 200 yuan.

In order to complete the forty or fifty songs every night, they sang folk songs, , pop, British, R&B and almost all music styles. The performance is good and bad, , but when it comes to jazz and Broadway style, the audience responds very well and will turn their heads and listen carefully.

"We felt that this was something suitable for us."

On the stage, she is a

Later, their niche jazz band sang from Haidian to Dongcheng . From a campus band, it slowly grew into a social band. At the same time, they also had some competition and singing opportunities. Not only did they win the championship in the school's top ten singers competition, they also appeared on China's Got Talent show.

At that time, the band's prospects seemed bright, so when Liu Lian graduated from college, she chose the latter between going to the Xinchuan College of Peking University, Shenzhen Campus for graduate school, and going to work as an intern at Ogilvy & Mather in Beijing.

Because if she chooses to study in Shenzhen, the group may not be able to continue, but if she stays in Beijing, she can work in an advertising company to support herself, or she can continue to be a band.

On the stage, she is a

On the stage, she is a

But after deciding to stay in Beijing, the Mr. Miss band did not develop as well as imagined. Songwriting hit a bottleneck, performance opportunities decreased, and the band was basically at a standstill.

Liu Lian, on the other hand, is busy doing various planning and copywriting every day, and the work pace is very fast, so he can only take some time off to play music "part-time". Fortunately, the company's leaders encourage young people to pursue their dreams and support her diversified development.

At that time, they wrote songs very slowly. The first album "Mr. Miss" took 7 years to prepare and was only released in 2016.

When he heard the news that this album had been nominated for three Golden Melody Awards, Liu Lian was still doing PPT at work. She didn't know much about the Golden Melody Award before, but she knew it was a particularly important award. Along with them, well-known bands such as Mayday and Power Train were shortlisted for the same award.

She was too excited to work that day, and later had to work overtime to catch up on the PPT.

On the stage, she is a

After winning the Best Vocal Group award, Liu Lian thought they could finally enter the mainstream, but it didn't happen. After returning, the audience still didn’t know them very well. On the first tour, only 7 or 8 people came to see their show.

became famous when they participated in the music variety show " Band's Summer " in 2019. Although they were eliminated in the first round, they were pulled back by the audience to enter the resurrection round due to their excellent creative skills and stunning improvisational performances. , giving them countless fans.

On the stage, she is a

What is impressive is that they were asked on the show if they were a couple. Later, Liu Lian sang in improvisation:

"What is your relationship with him/Are you a couple/Are you trying to cover up/Or are you being serious/ Please respect the relationship between a man and a woman/work."

This beautiful response immediately received applause from the audience.

On the stage, she is a

Whether it is winning awards or participating in programs, Liu Lian knows very well that the heat brought by these will soon pass. So even after winning the Golden Melody Award, she was still working in an advertising agency.

She feels that advertising is feeding back her music. Even when she is expressing herself very much, she has the ability to balance the relationship between the audience and what she wants to express.

"If I quit advertising one day, I would lose half of my blood and die from excessive blood loss."

On the stage, she is a

It is precisely because of this that she had the opportunity to participate in "Sister Lang 3", because the program team was most interested in her dual-career status.

On the stage, she is a

Every year on her birthday, Liu Lian would write a song for herself to motivate herself, "You still have good creative ability. Isn't the song you wrote this time pretty good?"

On the day she turned 30, she released A song called "What the heck", the lyrics read:

"In the eyes of me in my 20s, 30 is like the end, but time has been merciful to me. I am not as scared as I imagined at this age, only Collagen has left me, but the people who love me are still gentle and affirmative.
Supporting myself with what I like is the most proud decision I have ever made."

On the stage, she is a

Compared with the 20-year-old Liu Lian, the 30-year-old Liu Lian is a little more mature Mature and calm.

In the past, she was afraid of getting older. She always felt that the end of life was approaching when she reached 30 years old, and her creativity would decline. She would feel nervous when she saw words such as "the talent is exhausted".

But now, at the age of 32, she has gradually taken control of her life. Although she is still anxious about some worldly issues, as she wrote in the lyrics:

“It doesn’t matter what age he is, as long as the music doesn’t pause, it doesn’t matter how stable he is, I still have the ability to love, no matter what the weather is. , I said the wind is like the rain, no matter what, I am standing at thirty, I am still beautiful lying down.

On the stage, she is a

The pictures in this article mainly come from:

Weibo @李连MrMiss, @MrMiss Mr. Miss,

B station @MrMiss Liu Lian Du Kai

"Sister Riding the Wind and Waves Season 3" screenshots, the Internet, etc.

Copyright belongs to the original author, infringement and deletion

On the stage, she is a

[1]Character: Liu Lian About how a girl lives a life that she envies

[2]GQ report: Conversation with Liu Lian, the "sister" of "Riding the Wind and Waves": My 20s, 30s, and 40

[3] Sanlian Life Weekly : Liu Lian: The contrast between "working lady" is cute

[4] Innocence Planet: Interview with Ogilvy Creative Director Liu Lian: My double-sided life

[5] Beijing News: Mr.Miss Peking University Academic dominance is the past

On the stage, she is a

And Liu Lian's second birthday was the moment she fell in love with music and wanted to be like them.

She seems to have found the direction of her life and is determined to go to Beijing to study at university. Because there are many live houses and music festivals in Beijing.

thought about participating in performances every day after going to Beijing, which once became her spiritual support before the college entrance examination.

On the stage, she is a

On the stage, she is a

In 2008, Liu Lian was admitted to Peking University. She originally wanted to enter the Department of Journalism, but was finally admitted to the School of Archeology and Museology, her third choice.

The archeology major is not as boring as people think. They will not only learn ancient architecture and human skeleton, but also sketching; during practical classes, they will actually visit and study historical sites.

The interesting courses made Liu Lian, who was still considering changing his major, decide to continue studying archeology. This caused some changes in her thinking mode. Whether she later wrote songs or advertisements, she learned to look at the same thing from multiple perspectives.

On the stage, she is a

Of course, studying did not stop her from loving music. When she was a freshman, she signed up for the school's top ten singers competition. Perhaps because she was too shy and unsure, she did not make it to the finals. However, one of the judges, Du Kai , left a deep impression.

Du Kai was six years older than her. Later, he sent a private message to Liu Lian through the school's Renren website. He first praised her and then invited her to play in the Guitar Association.

Later, Du Kai told Liu Lian that he took the initiative to contact her because he wanted to work and sing in a bar, and the boss wanted him to find a good-looking girl to partner with him.

On the stage, she is a

Liu Lian did not refuse such an opportunity and decided to sing in the bar with Du Kai. She likes the atmosphere where everyone moves a small bench to listen to their singing, and she feels very warm every time she thinks about it.

Once when they were performing, all the customers had left, and only the boss was left sitting down to listen to them singing. As he listened, the boss took out his saxophone and performed with them.

Although there is no audience, they are still very happy.

On the stage, she is a

Liu Lian and Du Kai’s band Mr.Miss was born in a cafe near their school, where they would stay for three days a week, a three-hour session for 200 yuan.

In order to complete the forty or fifty songs every night, they sang folk songs, , pop, British, R&B and almost all music styles. The performance is good and bad, , but when it comes to jazz and Broadway style, the audience responds very well and will turn their heads and listen carefully.

"We felt that this was something suitable for us."

On the stage, she is a

Later, their niche jazz band sang from Haidian to Dongcheng . From a campus band, it slowly grew into a social band. At the same time, they also had some competition and singing opportunities. Not only did they win the championship in the school's top ten singers competition, they also appeared on China's Got Talent show.

At that time, the band's prospects seemed bright, so when Liu Lian graduated from college, she chose the latter between going to the Xinchuan College of Peking University, Shenzhen Campus for graduate school, and going to work as an intern at Ogilvy & Mather in Beijing.

Because if she chooses to study in Shenzhen, the group may not be able to continue, but if she stays in Beijing, she can work in an advertising company to support herself, or she can continue to be a band.

On the stage, she is a

On the stage, she is a

But after deciding to stay in Beijing, the Mr. Miss band did not develop as well as imagined. Songwriting hit a bottleneck, performance opportunities decreased, and the band was basically at a standstill.

Liu Lian, on the other hand, is busy doing various planning and copywriting every day, and the work pace is very fast, so he can only take some time off to play music "part-time". Fortunately, the company's leaders encourage young people to pursue their dreams and support her diversified development.

At that time, they wrote songs very slowly. The first album "Mr. Miss" took 7 years to prepare and was only released in 2016.

When he heard the news that this album had been nominated for three Golden Melody Awards, Liu Lian was still doing PPT at work. She didn't know much about the Golden Melody Award before, but she knew it was a particularly important award. Along with them, well-known bands such as Mayday and Power Train were shortlisted for the same award.

She was too excited to work that day, and later had to work overtime to catch up on the PPT.

On the stage, she is a

After winning the Best Vocal Group award, Liu Lian thought they could finally enter the mainstream, but it didn't happen. After returning, the audience still didn’t know them very well. On the first tour, only 7 or 8 people came to see their show.

became famous when they participated in the music variety show " Band's Summer " in 2019. Although they were eliminated in the first round, they were pulled back by the audience to enter the resurrection round due to their excellent creative skills and stunning improvisational performances. , giving them countless fans.

On the stage, she is a

What is impressive is that they were asked on the show if they were a couple. Later, Liu Lian sang in improvisation:

"What is your relationship with him/Are you a couple/Are you trying to cover up/Or are you being serious/ Please respect the relationship between a man and a woman/work."

This beautiful response immediately received applause from the audience.

On the stage, she is a

Whether it is winning awards or participating in programs, Liu Lian knows very well that the heat brought by these will soon pass. So even after winning the Golden Melody Award, she was still working in an advertising agency.

She feels that advertising is feeding back her music. Even when she is expressing herself very much, she has the ability to balance the relationship between the audience and what she wants to express.

"If I quit advertising one day, I would lose half of my blood and die from excessive blood loss."

On the stage, she is a

It is precisely because of this that she had the opportunity to participate in "Sister Lang 3", because the program team was most interested in her dual-career status.

On the stage, she is a

Every year on her birthday, Liu Lian would write a song for herself to motivate herself, "You still have good creative ability. Isn't the song you wrote this time pretty good?"

On the day she turned 30, she released A song called "What the heck", the lyrics read:

"In the eyes of me in my 20s, 30 is like the end, but time has been merciful to me. I am not as scared as I imagined at this age, only Collagen has left me, but the people who love me are still gentle and affirmative.
Supporting myself with what I like is the most proud decision I have ever made."

On the stage, she is a

Compared with the 20-year-old Liu Lian, the 30-year-old Liu Lian is a little more mature Mature and calm.

In the past, she was afraid of getting older. She always felt that the end of life was approaching when she reached 30 years old, and her creativity would decline. She would feel nervous when she saw words such as "the talent is exhausted".

But now, at the age of 32, she has gradually taken control of her life. Although she is still anxious about some worldly issues, as she wrote in the lyrics:

“It doesn’t matter what age he is, as long as the music doesn’t pause, it doesn’t matter how stable he is, I still have the ability to love, no matter what the weather is. , I said the wind is like the rain, no matter what, I am standing at thirty, I am still beautiful lying down.

On the stage, she is a

The pictures in this article mainly come from:

Weibo @李连MrMiss, @MrMiss Mr. Miss,

B station @MrMiss Liu Lian Du Kai

"Sister Riding the Wind and Waves Season 3" screenshots, the Internet, etc.

Copyright belongs to the original author, infringement and deletion

On the stage, she is a

[1]Character: Liu Lian About how a girl lives a life that she envies

[2]GQ report: Conversation with Liu Lian, the "sister" of "Riding the Wind and Waves": My 20s, 30s, and 40

[3] Sanlian Life Weekly : Liu Lian: The contrast between "working lady" is cute

[4] Innocence Planet: Interview with Ogilvy Creative Director Liu Lian: My double-sided life

[5] Beijing News: Mr.Miss Peking University Academic dominance is the past

On the stage, she is a

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