The official media criticized Jay Chou's album for not being released yet, and Douban opened the review first. It was really outrageous and sparked heated discussions. It was indeed outrageous, and it was off the charts. Jay Chou's album has not been officially released yet, and

2024/06/0417:07:32 entertainment 1992

The official media criticized Jay Chou's album for not being released yet, and Douban opened the review first. It was really outrageous and sparked heated discussions. It was indeed outrageous, and it was off the charts. Jay Chou's album has not been officially released yet, and  - DayDayNews

Official media criticized Jay Chou's album for not being released yet, and was released first. It is really outrageous and has caused heated discussions. It is indeed outrageous, and it is off the scale. Jay Chou's album has not been officially released yet, and many people have not heard it. After listening to the new album, giving negative reviews online is indeed not what a gentleman would do.

The official media criticized Jay Chou's album for not being released yet, and Douban opened the review first. It was really outrageous and sparked heated discussions. It was indeed outrageous, and it was off the charts. Jay Chou's album has not been officially released yet, and  - DayDayNews

has obviously touched some people's cake. Ever since the news broke, the black troll army has been fully mobilized. The official media even bluntly expressed the hope that the "rice circle" can stop.

What makes Jay Chou different from others is that he treats us as fans and friends, while others only treat us as fans. Depending on whether their ratings are high or low, the new album will definitely be a hit. No matter whether it is good or bad, I support it because he is Jay Chou.

The official media criticized Jay Chou's album for not being released yet, and Douban opened the review first. It was really outrageous and sparked heated discussions. It was indeed outrageous, and it was off the charts. Jay Chou's album has not been officially released yet, and  - DayDayNews

A few decades ago, there was no so-called scoring, and classic songs were spread all over the streets. Now there are so-called high-scoring songs. As a result, even record companies can't show them off, and they can only let a group of professional fans entertain themselves.

This may be the last album released by Jay Chou . Cherish it and reminisce about your youth that you will never get back.

The official media criticized Jay Chou's album for not being released yet, and Douban opened the review first. It was really outrageous and sparked heated discussions. It was indeed outrageous, and it was off the charts. Jay Chou's album has not been officially released yet, and  - DayDayNews

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