On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed: "Scare, isn't this the low-end version of the milk tea girl?"

2024/06/0411:27:33 entertainment 1019

html On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao’s appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

“Scare, isn’t this the low-end version of milk tea sister ?”

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Liu Jingyao is the heroine of the Dongge Mingzhou case. The

case lasted for more than three years, and every time there was new news, it made waves on the Internet.

The only one who remains unmoved is Liu Qiangdongzhenggong Zhang Zetian.

Her Weibo is still at May 2018, which means that she has not updated it since the Mingzhou case broke out.

However, Zhang Zetian became a hot search topic as soon as he appeared at a dinner party in early July.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Some people say that the milk tea girl is old and has signs of time on her face. Some people say that she is already chapter.Niu Hulu.Zetian and is no longer a milk tea girl.

The first generation of Internet celebrities can still cause bloody chaos, and there are not many left.

Another Douban goddess, Wan Wan, also has a bloody constitution, but for many years, she has been regarded as the comparative version of Zhang Zetian.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Wanwan, whose real name is Lei Wanying.

was born in Hong Kong and went to school in Beijing. He was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts at the age of 16 and studied in the United States at Columbia University.

After returning to China, she married Lin Han, a second-generation rich man. She single-handedly built the well-known Mumu Art Museum in China and appeared on some programs as a curator and artist.

In 2021, Wanwan and her husband Lin Han recorded a promotional video for Rolls-Royce , which caused thousands of waves with one stone.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Master Sicong immediately posted:

"Suddenly I feel that RR (Rolls-Royce) is very low, and I will not buy it in the future."

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Rich people commented on the official WeChat account, including network security experts and luxury car collectors. , the figure of Sunswear, known as "Riwa", who urges delivery.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Rolls-Royce quickly deleted the video and apologized. However, affected by this incident, the stock price still fluctuated for several days.

Why is the reputation so bad this evening?

Wanwan and Zhang Zetian both became famous on the Internet with a few photos around 2010. Another Internet celebrity at the same time was Guo Meimei.

Guo Meimei is on the track of showing off her wealth. In that era when brand-name bags have just entered the eyes of ordinary people and have not yet become popular, Guo Meimei and her high-end consumption have opened the eyes of netizens, and at the same time they have also begun to wonder about the source of her huge wealth. Create doubt.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

At that time, the era of Sister Furong had just passed. There was a lack of mobile products in the entire Internet ecosystem, and online entertainment materials for the public were limited.

Therefore, the Internet celebrities who were the first to play with their appearance and show off their wealth have led the trend of Internet star-making, and they have even influenced the aesthetic taste of the younger generation.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Now more than ten years have passed, and the goddesses are constantly exploring on different paths.

Some people have become prisoners or even entered the palace for the second time;

Some people have become the top ten richest women in the mainland;

Some people have made great progress and tried to enter the upper class, but they are lingering on the edge of the class;

Some people are pregnant. Dreaming of becoming a star, living among celebrities and the Internet Between the red barriers, heads were hit and blood flowed...

They reflected the choices and dreams of a generation of young girls, becoming stepping stones or guiding lights for those who came after them.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

The last time Zhang Zetian appeared on a star-studded occasion dates back to the Dior show in April 2021.

At that event, when Zhang Ziyi posted a photo, she chose to crop out her former friend Su Mang who was sitting on the other side in order to leave Zhang Zetian's place. This choice became a hot topic among netizens.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

No one can deny that Zhang Zetian has truly achieved a class jump.

Looking back on Zhang Zetian's ten years:

At the age of 16, a photo of her holding milk tea became popular. National teacher Zhang Yimou invited her to film "Under the Hawthorn Tree". Such a good opportunity to enter the entertainment industry, Zhang Zetian refused, she said she I want to continue my studies.

At the age of 18, a photo wearing the uniform of the Tsinghua University basketball team has become a hot topic again. It turns out that the milk tea girl is good at studying and can go to Tsinghua !

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

20-year-old Zhang Zetian posted another set of photos. The background looks like the iconic sculpture of Columbia, the most expensive prestigious school in the United States.

Netizens were shocked again: From Tsinghua University to Columbia University for exchange? Strong. Strong.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

The stronger ones are yet to come.

At the age of 22, Zhang Zetian directly married the Internet tycoon Liu Qiangdong, who is twenty years older than her.

This time, netizens could not say another word besides "service".

After getting married, Zhang Zetian gave birth to a daughter and quickly regained his figure. Five years later, his net worth reached 58.4 billion, crushing Wang Sicong.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

She has 11 companies under her name, attended the British royal wedding, and sat and chatted with Bill Gates.

The only stain is that the Liu Qiangdong Mingzhou case made Master Sicong happy all night, and made the onlookers imagine a series of dramas:

tried his best to get attached to the rich man's daughter, and had no words in the family. Quan is used by the big guys as an exploitable traffic tool.

The boss was out playing music every night, and the girl didn't dare to ask any more questions. She swallowed her humiliation and bore the burden, selling her dignity for a little money.

Seeing Zhang Zetian being cheated on but not getting divorced, many women suddenly felt that they were much nobler than her.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

In fact, after Mingzhou Night, Zhang Zetian went to Cambridge University alone to continue her studies. During this period, she invested nearly 200 million in more than a dozen companies. When we talked, she said she was just doing her homework.

For Zhang Zetian, the most important thing is neither love nor money, but power and status. She has to be the one who has the final say.

She is definitely not just Liu Qiangdong’s little wife. After many years, she may completely break away from JD.com and have her own Zetian Group.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Zhang Zetian, when her father dared to choose this name, he had already preset her future, wasn't he?

If the milk tea girl is rewarded with a clear mind and a clear plan for life, then the other internet celebrity goddesses are holding another card.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Relying on her dressing style and ability to create dreams on the Internet, Wanwan has a "late learning" in Douban. She first became famous with a pair of beautiful legs that exceed normal proportions.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Wan Wan does not have amazing looks, but she always leads the trend every time she appears. Her Morandi-colored outfits, her retro and simple dressing sense, her makeup and hairstyle, including her inspirational stories, are all It is a topic that people talk about.

Wanwan’s first dark spot should be her experience as a model and lover for the painter Liu Ye when she was 17 years old.

The parties involved did not shy away from this past incident.

Photos of Dala La sitting on Liu Ye's lap every night are everywhere.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Liu Ye’s famous painting of his wife beating a mistress is now priced at more than 40 million.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

The person who fell to the ground in the painting is Wanwan.

Liu Ye once said his mentality in an interview:

"I may fall in love with two people at the same time, but I don't want them to be jealous because of me. I will blame myself and feel uncomfortable. I will feel like a failure." "

To put it bluntly, I hope that wives and concubines can live in harmony and enjoy the blessings of being together.

Perhaps Wanwan and Liu Ye’s romance ended due to some obstacles encountered in the operation.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Wanwan made a similar choice to Zhang Zetian. She also went to study abroad at Columbia University on Liu Ye's recommendation, and Liu Ye paid for the tuition and living expenses.

This fight was completed in Wanwan, paving the way for his subsequent encounter with Lin Han, the second generation of the rich and famous.

Of course, there are many doubts about Lin Han’s identity, let’s let them go for now.

only says late.

Wanwan and Zhang Zetian are still very different.

The part Zhang Zetian showed off is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, she already has much more than what we can see.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Although Zhang Zetian entered Tsinghua University through aerobics, the abilities and insights she gained through further studies over the years have become things that no one else can take away.

What about Wanwan?

She started working as a model at the age of 17. She gained attention by showing off her figure and changed her destiny. In her relationship with the famous painter Liu Ye, her body was her capital.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

After breaking up with Liu Ye, she still showed off her body tirelessly.

Wanwan is passionate about two things, one of which is to beautify female celebrities.

posted photos of Fan Bingbing with half makeup on, wanting to prove that she is more beautiful than Fan Bingbing.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

"I am very happy to know that you also love art and have your own opinions."

This tone, you taste it, you taste it carefully.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

In Wanwan’s photos, Ni Ni and Fan Bingbing are both bigger than her. “The first person to fall back tactically” is her.

The second thing Wanwan is passionate about is showing off his wealth in a subtle way.

particularly likes luxury goods, but he only has two and a half Hermès (because he shares them with his mother-in-law). Although his eyes are full of money, he always mentions art.

Zhang Zetian is at the height that he dreams about every night (I guess), but the distance between them is still thousands of miles.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

If Wanwan has reached the threshold of the upper class by improving herself, then Guo Meimei is a complete loser.

On October 18, 2021, Guo Meimei entered the palace for the second time.

The Shanghai Railway Transport Court made a public verdict in accordance with the law in the case of defendants Guo Meimei and Wang Zouya selling poisonous and harmful food. For the crime of selling poisonous and harmful food, the defendant Guo Meimei was sentenced to 32 years and 6 months in prison, and was also punished Gold RMB 200,000.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Do the math, tsk tsk, it won’t come out until 2024.

Guo Meimei is not very old, but in just a few decades, one-third of her life has been spent in jail.

The origin family of Guo Meimei, the "originator of showing off wealth", is really hard to describe.

Her father was not doing a good job and had been imprisoned for fraud;

Her mother was very beautiful and had been running a business such as bathing and saunas for a long time.

Guo Meimei grew up in her mother's shop and saw how her mother made money through all kinds of men.

Many of Guo Meimei’s relatives have served in jails and committed crimes.

This played a role that cannot be ignored in shaping her values.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Guo Meimei once said personally:

"My mother never cared about me in the past. She was still busy with her career and dating.

The concept I accepted since I was a child is not to go to school or study hard, but to do it. Make yourself beautiful and find a rich man to marry."

When Guo Meimei grew up, she first wanted to be a star, which was the most profitable. She went to Beijing Film Academy to study acting for a year.

But filming was too hard and Guo Meimei couldn't do it. The most important thing is that she met someone who hired her when she just debuted.

The businessman surnamed Wang who kept her later said: "Guo Meimei is the nightmare of my life."

After being kept, Guo Meimei used all means to get money from wealthy businessmen. Her mother worked with her to get the money and then mother and daughter The two of them showed off in various ways on the Internet.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Look, Guo Meimei has the Hermès that Wanwan wants in all colors.

She even called her Weibo certification "Red Cross General Manager" , and talked about "My godfather loves me very much" during the interview.

Guo Meimei single-handedly caused the public to completely lose trust in the Red Cross. The Red Cross’s donations that year dropped by 2.8 billion.

After Guo Meimei’s godfather was arrested, she went even harder for money.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

According to investigations, Guo Meimei signed a contract with an entertainment company, which arranged for Guo Meimei to perform at least 50 "nightclub performances" every year, paying her 50,000 yuan each time.

In fact, the so-called nightclub commercial performances are naked X transactions.

In 2013, Guo Meimei was reported and arrested for running a casino at home, and was later sentenced to five years in prison.

Five years later, she once again appeared on the Internet in a high-profile manner, speaking high-sounding beautiful words and claiming that she would work hard.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

was arrested again more than a year later. Before

was arrested, her style of showing off her wealth had long been back, and she had also kept pace with the times. Even her face had become a popular new style.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Guo Meimei, who is reluctant to leave the Internet, falls into the same position again and again. The official media once said of her:

"Guo Meimei is a model who worships money first, is addicted to gambling, leads a chaotic life, and is extremely disorderly. .

She loses her personality in front of money. In addition to selling her body, she also organizes gambling.

Guo Meimei is a freak of this era, and she is also an anomaly of this era.

But if the environment and environment that created Guo Meimei are not changed in this era. Soil, weirdness or anomaly will become a normal thing.

Guo Meimei has gained a false reputation by showing off her wealth, and she has lost her reputation by showing off her wealth. It seems that she shows off her wealth even when she succeeds, but the key point is that she shows off her wealth even when she fails. This kind of wealth comes from a shady way and is not tolerated by the mainstream values ​​of society. "

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

A gentleman loves money and gets it in a wise way.


The story of the fate of three girls, Zhang Zetian and Wanwan may be very unhappy that their names are listed next to Guo Meimei.

But the experiences of the three of them are definitely similar. How much contrast can there be between the actual existence of

Internet celebrities and their self-declaration? This is a proposition we think about.

Young girls may be deceived by the lavish lifestyles posted by Internet celebrities and make irrational choices.

On June 24, the names of Liu Qiangdong and Liu Jingyao appeared on the hot search. Liu Jingyao's appearance was exposed to the public for the first time. Many netizens exclaimed:

Behind every Internet celebrity, the details about the huge power and money transactions also give us ordinary people a huge space for imagination.

For example, why was Zhang Zetian able to use his first place in aerobics to obtain the status of a sports student and obtain admission to Tsinghua University?

For example, Wan Wan’s husband Lin Han seems to have a plain appearance and a poor language skills. Does he have a strong background?

For example, where does Guo Meimei’s Maserati come from? Who is her father? And is there any interest relationship between her and Wang, Wang and Red Cross ?

These questions will always remain a mystery.

has been an Internet celebrity for ten years. Are we paying attention to the lives of beauties?

No -

What we have always been concerned about is unfairness, unreasonable inequality, why do they get it easily but we work so hard but don’t?

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