The MV for "The Greatest Work", the lead song of Jay Chou's new album of the same name, was officially released at 12 noon on the 6th. Jay Chou transformed into a time traveler and interacted with the famous pianist Lang Lang in a dream, which attracted great attention from netiz

2024/06/0313:37:33 entertainment 1302

cover news reporter Du Enhu

The MV for "The Greatest Work", the lead song of Jay Chou's new album of the same name, was officially released at 12 noon on the 6th. Jay Chou transforms into a time and space traveler, linking up with the famous pianist Lang Lang in a dream. It attracted a lot of attention from netizens. The international pianist Lang Lang, who appeared in the MV as an assistant guest, was also on the hot search list because he looked "fat" compared to Jay Chou's slim image.

The MV for

Lang Lang in the MV of "The Greatest Work", the lead song of Jay Chou's new album of the same name, video screenshot

Reporters learned: It turns out that Lang Lang and Jay Chou became good friends as early as 2009. Currently, the two have been dating for 13 years. On June 14, 2013, the "2013 Youth Festival" proposed by Lang Lang was held at Tsinghua University. It was Lang Lang's 31st birthday. Jay Chou made a special trip from Taipei to Beijing to support "Lang Lang and his friends" "Their" concert.

At the scene, Jay Chou also acted as the host. He asked Lang Lang: "I want to ask a question that everyone wants to know. Did you ever write a song for your girlfriend when you were a student?" Lang Lang, who was sitting aside, was stunned for a moment. He replied: "I have only written songs for my girlfriend. Do you dare to talk about writing love songs in front of Jay Chou?" Jay Chou did not let Lang Lang go and continued to "gossip": "When are you planning to get married?" He responded half-jokingly: "About six or seven years later!" The two old friends competed with each other. It immediately triggered warm applause from the fans at the scene.

The MV for

Jay Chou in the MV for the lead song "The Greatest Work" for his new album of the same name. Video screenshot

Lang Lang and Jay Chou have been in a friendly relationship for 13 years. In 2013, Lang Lang appeared in Jay Chou's "Dream Start" MV. Lang Lang and Gina held a wedding. In order to support Lang Lang, Jay Chou made a special trip to the wedding to congratulate them.

The MV for

Lang Lang was invited to appear in Jay Chou's "Dream Start" MV. TV screenshot

The MV for

Lang Lang held a wedding, and Jay Chou made a special trip to attend. Four hands play blue and white porcelain together! Lang Lang wedding information picture

Therefore, when talking about Jay Chou's "The Greatest Work" MV creative idea today, Lang Lang said: "In fact, Jay Chou had this idea five years ago! He hopes that art can be liked by more people and that Everyone feels that art is everywhere."

When filming the MV for "The Greatest Work", Jay Chou extended an invitation to Lang Lang for the second time, and Lang Lang immediately agreed. At the filming scene, Lang Lang was full of passion and cooperated very well with Jay Chou. But he never expected that he would appear in the MV of his good friend Jay Chou's new song, and in the picture, he would become a hot search because he looked slightly "fat". This made Lang Lang feel a little confused.

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