Reprinted from: The reader character "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" has become popular. The highly realistic plot in it immediately resonated with netizens. Zheng Xiaolong still insists on realistic creation and is still down-to-earth. Creating for the people and creating

2024/06/2500:12:33 entertainment 1580

Reposted from: Reader Character

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" Happy to Ten Thousands of Homes " has become popular. The highly realistic plot immediately resonated with netizens. It still insists on realistic creation and is still down-to-earth Zheng Xiaolong .

Create for the people, create for the people, this is his positioning all along. This pyrotechnic focus of creation is inseparable from the daily interactions with his wife Wang Xiaoping.

Hidden in the details of the script is Zheng Xiaolong's love for Wang Xiaoping. With his love and gratitude for his family and his ultimate awe for the work, he integrated himself into the screen. This is Zheng Xiaolong's happiness and the audience's luck.

In 2022, domestic dramas made a wonderful turnaround.

In the first half of the year, from the bright lights of "Human World" (click to view) to the myriad of charms of " Meng Hua Lu " (click to view) , domestic dramas are heading north, making a strong counterattack , earn enough reputation.

At the beginning of the second half of the year, "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes" directed by Zheng Xiaolong became popular as soon as it was released.

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not only won the first place on Beijing and Oriental TV, but also ranked TOP1 on the popularity list of online data platforms such as , Maoyan, , and Yunhe. More than 200 topics such as

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#何LuckyBeenMarriage#, #happytotenwanjiaangsi#, #何福快到Divorce have dominated the hot search list from time to time.

Director Zheng Xiaolong said in an interview with the media:

"This drama intuitively talks about the contradiction between some old rural customs and new concepts. This is some useful exploration of realistic themes in "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Families"."

"Happiness to Thousands of Families" is based on the growth of a woman, the experience of a family, and the story of a village, focusing on rural revitalization and reflecting the changes of the times.

At the beginning of the story, Wang Qinglai’s wedding was full of rural characteristics of that era.

The bride and groom’s wedding cars generally choose even numbers, which means they are in pairs.

The newlyweds sat in the first car according to the rules. The wedding procession was huge, and all the cars were decorated with bright red satin and pink butterfly gauze.

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Stills from "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Homes"

Following the wedding procession were several old-fashioned trucks, which carried washing machines, TVs, refrigerators, and air conditioners.

There is also a gong and drum team playing music on the truck. As soon as the suona gongs and drums sound, the wedding feels full of joy.

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Stills of "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses"

The plot is highly restored to reality and resonates with netizens:

"The various scenes in the play can withstand scrutiny, every setting is full of care, and every small detail has been carefully considered. Take it seriously. "

" is very down-to-earth and powerful. "


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is thoughtful and rigorous.

"No matter what the subject matter is, the most important thing is the creative attitude of realism. The innovation of realistic TV series requires the creators to understand the times, understand the people in the times, and lead the correct values."

short One sentence condenses the stubbornness, persistence and consistent love of a creator.

is still a realistic creation and still a down-to-earth Zheng Xiaolong.

Reprinted from: The reader character 0 years have passed, and Zheng Xiaolong is still the same.

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Zheng Xiaolong has always missed the creative atmosphere of the 1990s.

At that time, TV dramas were not fully marketized, and the state supported the creation of TV dramas through tax allocations.

Zheng Xiaolong's original intention in filming TV series is closely related to the times: "Create something that ordinary people can understand, without stylization, and tell the true story of the story in a down-to-earth manner."

Following the trend, Zheng Xiaolong and the Beijing Television Art Center where he works has produced TV dramas that record the significance of the times, such as " longs for ", "Beijingers in New York", and " golden wedding ".

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"Desire" stills

Someone concluded:

"After the broadcast of "Desire" in 1990, the crime rate dropped; after the broadcast of "Beijingers in New York" in 1993, the rate of going abroad dropped; after the broadcast of "Golden Wedding" in 2007, The divorce rate has dropped.”

Someone once suggested that Zheng Xiaolong transform and shoot some works that highlight his strong personal style.

But Zheng Xiaolong directly rejected the proposal.

He believes that things that place too much emphasis on self-expression are not worth the money taxpayers give them.

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Zheng Xiaolong, who was born in 1952, experienced the "Cultural Revolution" and was deeply influenced by the realist literature trend in the 1980s.

creates for the people and creates for the people. This positioning of itself continues to this day.

" Romanticism does not last long, I prefer realism."

On the other hand, realism is respect for the reasonable logic of events and the true character of the characters, but this also means that the workload is unusually heavy.

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Zheng Xiaolong (first from the right) on the set of "Beijingers in New York"

Before filming "The Legend of Zhen Huan", Zheng Xiaolong specially asked experts to take him to the Forbidden City five times to conduct a final check on the spaces mentioned in the script. .

If any scene in the script does not conform to the logic of the actual space, he will ask to overturn it and start over.

When it came to " Mi Yue Zhuan ", Zheng Xiaolong revised it 4 times in the post-editing alone.

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Stills of "The Legend of Mi Yue"

The script of "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousands of Families" took three or four years to be polished, and it went through at least 5 revisions.

Many people cannot understand why Zheng Xiaolong insists on such a meticulous and meticulous way of creation.

He smiled and said that this was all because he was "not confident": "You will feel moved when filming, you will be moved when editing, and then when you are finally mixing, you will be moved again. At this time, you will feel this It’s a good thing.”

The pursuit of excellence in reality is like fireworks when it comes to life.

The development of Zheng Xiaolong’s “firework spirit” is closely related to a woman.

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In April 1985, the third national short and medium story awards ceremony was held in Nanjing.

On that day, when he walked into the venue, Zheng Xiaolong bumped into a girl because he was distracted. The girl looked back, with a graceful figure and a quiet temperament.

Zheng Xiaolong was attracted by the elegance in the other party's bones, and even forgot to say "I'm sorry".

Unexpectedly, the seemingly gentle and quiet girl turned out to be extremely sharp when she opened her mouth: "You look very pleasing to the eye, how can you be so rude and careless?"

As soon as the words fell, Zheng Xiaolong took over:

"If you are disrespectful, you will become a loser."

The girl was very happy with such a rogue reply. The girl's name is Wang Xiaoping, a native of Beijing, and the editor of People's Literature Publishing House .

Zheng Xiaolong talked about his wife Wang Xiaoping

They met in a different place, and the same literary hobbies made the two cherish each other.

They visited the Confucius Temple and Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum together, and talked about "A Dream of Red Mansions" and "How Steel Was Tempered". The two of them actually felt like they had met each other so late.

Back in Beijing, Zheng Xiaolong often drove Wang Xiaoping around the streets on his motorcycle. At that time, Wang Xiaoping was the editor of Hai Yan 's novel "Plain Clothes Police". She found that Hai Yan's work was very suitable for adapting into a film and television drama, so she recommended it to Zheng Xiaolong.

You come and I go, and the flower of emotion between the two is silently waiting to bloom.

In April 1986, the TV series "Triumph at Midnight" produced by Zheng Xiaolong was going to the Sino-Vietnamese border for filming. This trip may involve risking one's life.

Thinking of being thousands of miles away from her, Zheng Xiaolong bravely confessed: "Xiaoping, I'm going away for 3 months, or more, and my life may be in danger. If I come back, will you be with me forever?"

Wang Xiaoping Smiled and nodded.

After getting married, Zheng Xiaolong and Wang Xiaoping were "tit for tat" at every turn. Firewood, rice, oil and salt have become the subject of their quarrels.

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Zheng Xiaolong "complained" that the two often quarreled over the details of the script

The TV series "The Legend of Zhen Huan" (click to view) When the project was established, Wang Xiaoping was the screenwriter and revised the original script three times.

One day, Zheng Xiaolong read the second revised draft and said: "I am particularly disgusted with Hua Fei eating sour cucumbers causing vomiting. It must be removed."

Wang Xiaoping shook his head: "I disagree."

So, the two of them A quarrel broke out.

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Zheng Xiaolong said that Concubine Hua's behavior was like a lunatic and unreasonable. Wang Xiaoping retorted that as far as Concubine Hua was concerned, eating pickles was consistent with her character and the scene must be preserved.

Wang Xiaoping's perseverance made Zheng Xiaolong angry: "Who is the director?"

Wang Xiaoping angrily said: "Everyone is equal before the truth."

In 2014, on the day when "The Legend of Mi Yue" was launched, the two of them starred in the drama again. Feng Xiaoxiao made a big fuss over the edict. This time, Zheng Xiaolong was really angry, abandoned the crew and walked away.

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In 2019, Zheng Xiaolong is 67 years old, and Wang Xiaoping does not want him to film any more emotionally draining scenes. For this reason, the two continue to quarrel.


Reprinted from: The reader character 0 years, this golden couple has been fighting each other, but they have produced masterpieces one after another.

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The "card issuance" incident of Zheng Xiaolong and his wife has been circulating in the industry.

One day in 2006, Zheng Xiaolong was reading the script of "Golden Wedding" (the sequel to "Golden Wedding") in the hotel.

When Wang Xiaoping entered the room, he saw a fashionable hairpin on the dressing table and asked, "Whose is this?"

Zheng Xiaolong suddenly remembered that just now the female steward of the crew gave him a script. It was raining and her hair was Getting wet, I threw the hairpin on the dressing table when I walked in the door.

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"Golden Wedding Romance"

However, Zheng Xiaolong felt that doing more was better than doing less, so he resorted to the magic book of couples: pretending to be confused.

"Maybe the waiter left it behind?"

Wang Xiaoping was really puzzled: "How could the waiter use such a high-end card?"

Zheng Xiaolong had no choice but to make amends: "Remember, it was recorded on the spot, right?"

Wang Xiaoping curled his lips: "Guilty conscience Right? Why tell lies if you don't feel guilty?"

Later, Zheng Xiaolong wrote the couple's quarrel into the script of "Golden Wedding". The card incident between Geng Zhi, Schumann and Xiao Taohua is a replica of this card issue incident.

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Stills from "Golden Wedding"

Zheng Xiaolong's love for his children is even more profound.

In 1994, Zheng Xiaolong’s son was born one and a half months prematurely. At that time, Zheng Xiaolong was unable to escape due to work and did not see the child until he was almost one month old.

Seeing the little baby in the cradle, Zheng Xiaolong realized for the first time that he had another heavy responsibility.

This feeling was included in the movie " Gua Sha ".

In the play, Xu Datong said affectionately: "He is my son and the continuation of my life. Whenever I think of him, I will be solemnly aware of the responsibility of being a father. I am very happy to take on this responsibility..."

Xu This monologue from Datong refers to Zheng Xiaolong's mood at that time.

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The deepest love is to use everything to record every bit of you and write you into the giant book "life".

American writer Horney wrote in "The Psychology of Marriage": "Marriage is a promise that should be kept, a public vow of each other, a vow that must be fulfilled in the face of any difficulties and obstacles, and a person's full devotion to another person. "

Along the way to marriage, there are flowers all over the ground, and there are also thorns and mud.

A good marriage is learning how to face and solve problems.

Occasionally, Zheng Xiaolong can be romantic. He would pretend that he was busy filming, and just a second before Wang Xiaoping was about to start his thoughts, he would appear on stage with big and small bags of beautiful clothes.

Happy marriages are different, but generally similar.

If you understand my hard work, I will achieve your glory.

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Zheng Xiaolong never sets up a personality for himself. In his heart, he is an ordinary person, with bitterness and joy.

He integrated himself into the screen, with love and gratitude for his family, and with the ultimate awe of his works.

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Until now, Zheng Xiaolong has always deeply remembered one winter when it snowed heavily.

After filming a certain scene, Zheng Xiaolong stood in the snow and called Wang Xiaoping: "It's snowing. The actors filmed all summer scenes, and there was ice in their mouths. This scene was really difficult to shoot!"

Wang Xiaoping laughed He said: "Whenever you say it is difficult to make a film, it must be a good film."

Zheng Xiaolong smiled: "A wife knows me well!"

Two people in one house, three meals a day, four seasons.

The softest heart, the hardest armor.

Zheng Xiaolong’s happiness is not to chase traffic or cater to the market. He doesn’t even need to change his “outdated” aesthetic.

This is the kind of Zheng Xiaolong who walks lightly, calmly and firmly on the road to chasing his dreams.

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