There is a popular term in the entertainment industry today called "CP addiction", and when it comes to the originator of male CP, we have to mention Ti Lung and David Jiang, a pair who have had a love-hate relationship for more than 40 years. Many people lamented: Will Ti Lung a

2024/06/2520:04:32 entertainment 1171

There is a popular term in today’s entertainment industry called “ eating CP”, and when it comes to the originator of male CP, we have to mention Di Long and Jiang David , a pair who have had a love-hate relationship for more than 40 years. .

On January 3 this year, at the Hong Kong TVB Thousand Stars Awards Ceremony , the organizer invited Ti Lung to present the award to the award-winning David Jiang.

Two "old handsome guys" in their seventies are in the same frame again, causing a stir in Hong Kong's entertainment industry.

Many people lamented: Will Ti Lung and David Jiang, once close brothers, finally reconcile again?

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But things went counterproductive. Even at the award ceremony, where many colleagues, friends and juniors stood up and applauded in a warm atmosphere, it can be said that the two had no interaction at all. During the

period, Di Long tried to hand the microphone to David Jiang, but David Jiang pointed to the microphone on his body and said no, Ti Long had to retract his outstretched hand angrily.

This only interaction was completely recorded by the camera, and anyone with a discerning eye can see the embarrassment in it.

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When delivering his acceptance speech, David Jiang thanked many people, but did not mention the good partner standing beside him.

In the end, David Jiang thanked his late mentor, the great director Chang Cheh , which was more like speaking to Ti Lung.

What is the reason that prevents two old people in their seventies from meeting each other and letting go of their grudges? The story must start with Zhang Che who discovered them!

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As the most legendary martial arts film director in the Hong Kong film industry, Chang Cheh has many disciples, such as "One-Armed Sword" Wang Yu, Chen Guantai, Wang Zhong, Lee Xiuxian, who together with Ti Lung and David Chiang are known as the Five Tiger Generals, they Together they are called the Zhang family class.

At Zhang Che's funeral, in addition to the disciples of the Zhang family class, many friends in the circle such as Huang Zhan, Cai Lam, etc. were all present to see the master off on his last journey.

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But among them, Ti Lung was the only one missing. As one of the director's most proud disciples during his lifetime, Ti Lung was currently filming "My Fair Princess 3" in the Mainland, so he asked his son to go to the scene for him. Jiang Dawei, who was busy at work, was very dissatisfied.

When reporters asked him about the incident afterwards, David Jiang finally stopped being secretive and said, "No one should mention Di Long to me," bringing the conflict between the two to the surface.

Although this was the first time that the two parties had publicly broken up, due to the crazy speculation in the media at the time, the feud between the two had been going on for a long time.

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A widely circulated version is that the conflict between and the two began with a fight for a scene in the movie "The Fall of the Country".

This movie is a masterpiece created by the famous director Li Hanxiang . He took a fancy to the popular twin stars Ti Lung and David Jiang in Zhangjiaban, but his relationship with Zhang Che was not harmonious, so he decided to film it through Shaw Brothers The boss Run Run Shaw asked Zhang Che for someone.

Although Zhang Che was dissatisfied, he had to agree because of the boss's face.

The attitudes of Di and Jiang towards participating in this movie are obviously different.

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Ti Lung very much hopes to cooperate with a great director like Li Hanxiang to expand his acting career, and this time he is cast to play the emperor, the first male lead, so he behaves more actively.

On the other hand, David Jiang, firstly, was not interested in the role due to the relationship between his mentors, Chang Cheh and Li Hanxiang; secondly, he was told to play the role of the eunuch next to the emperor, which greatly damaged his image as a hero on the screen in the past.

So the media at that time rumored that David Jiang did not want to be a green leaf for Ti Lung. Ti Lung asked him face to face: "I have played supporting roles for you so many times. What's wrong with you helping me this time?"

David Jiang always said this when he met his good brothers. , Zhang Che also agreed to let him go, and finally agreed to participate in the show. However, things took a 180-degree turn during the filming of the movie!

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After the filming of the film started, director Li Hanxiang watched the former hero David Jiang bring a young eunuch to life, and found that the contrast between this character and David Jiang made it more dramatic.

So he revised the script significantly, and David Jiang became the number one male lead.

This made Ti Lung feel resentful, and the seeds of the discord between the two were sown. This was the initial reason why the Hong Kong media speculated that the conflict between the two broke out.

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Many of these speculations are actually not credible. For example, Di Jiang and Di Jiang have collaborated many times to become the strongest screen actors long before "The Fall of the Country". The so-called "Di cannot leave Jiang, and Jiang cannot leave Di".

And in the drama directed by Chang Cheh, the two of them are basically double male protagonists. Moreover, in their respective first works as directors, both acted as the male lead in the other's film.

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So it’s really hard to believe that the two of them were fighting over the amount of scenes. So why has this statement become the most widely spread?

Because this speculation does reflect some of the real situation of the two people at that time!

For example, why do everyone think that Ti Lung is the one who wants to compete for the male lead?

Why do people think David Jiang cares more about Zhang Che’s feelings? This starts from their respective experiences.

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Ti Lung is an authentic Cantonese. He has many brothers and sisters in his family, so he lived a relatively poor life since childhood. It is said that children of poor people become rich early. Ti Lung was already a tailor with a good income through his own efforts before entering Shaw Brothers.

Friend He Guanchang saw that Di Lungsheng had a good appearance but lowered his head to make clothes all day long, so he suggested to him: "A man must have his own lifelong career. Do you plan to immerse yourself in being a tailor for the rest of your life?"

Then Di Lungsheng really gave up his stable job. , went to Shaw Brothers to interview trainees, and his outstanding appearance was noticed by director Zhang Che at a glance, and he just filled the gap left by Wang Yu.

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Ti Lung, who had become a monk halfway, was still blank about acting and encountered many problems.

For example, in terms of dialogues, since Shaw Brothers is a Mandarin film company, many directors, actors and staff moved to Hong Kong from the mainland. Ti Lung later recalled that, as he did not know Mandarin , he had to spend time outside the set every time. I practiced my lines for a long time.

But fortunately with Zhang Che's help and his own hard work, Di Long gradually became a hot new star.

This made Ti Lung very respectful and grateful to Chang Che, and regarded him as his guide and mentor, but he also admitted that there was a distance between himself and the director.

You can understand that students look up to their teachers, but David Jiang, who is almost the same age as him, is completely opposite.

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David Jiang was born into a family of performers. He debuted as a child star in the movie " Street Kid" at the age of 4. It can be said that he grew up on the set.

Although the family is not rich, at least they have enough food and clothing. His father and Chang Cheh were old friends, and since Chang Cheh had no heirs in his life, many people believed that he was no different from the director's biological son.

Therefore, David Jiang was destined to enter the Zhang family class and embark on the road of acting. And unlike Ti Lung, when he later recalled Zhang Che, David Jiang regarded him as a family who worked and ate together.

He didn't have any of the discomfort that Ti Lung had when he first came here, and he wandered freely in Shaw Brothers, Hong Kong's largest film dream factory.

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The completely different personalities caused by this experience can actually be seen in the movies starring the two.

Ti Lung is often assigned to play serious heroic characters, while David Chiang is more of a romantic and suave type.

In addition to the reason that Jiang Dawei debuted first, although the two formed a Gemini star at that time, Ti Lung was indeed pushed out of the limelight.

But this did not prevent the two young people from becoming the best brothers. How good is the relationship between the two? If you look down, you will find that this pair of CP’s candies are too good to eat.

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David Jiang and Ti Lung lived in the same dormitory at the time, and the two often "went out and in pairs."

Di Long bought late-night snacks for David Jiang to cook, and David Jiang angrily criticized the reporter who had blackmailed him because of Di Long. The two of them had photos of each other in their cars.

In terms of career, David Jiang believes that the two of them are one and the same. When he won the Asia-Pacific Best Actor, he said he felt ashamed because it was the two of them who should win the award together;

When he learned that Ti Lung failed to be selected into the top ten in Hong Kong The movie star even said that he wouldn't want Ti Lung anymore if he wasn't around.

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This was also the time when David Jiang described to reporters that he and Di Long only had a salary of 200 yuan and could share hardships together.

Ti Long didn't think so mentally. He felt that besides being friends, he and David Jiang also had a healthy competitive relationship, and he modestly said that he had learned a lot from David Jiang.

So in fact, the discord between the two people was caused by the accumulation of many factors, that is, as Ti Lung said, "Three feet of ice does not freeze in a day." They gradually drifted apart, and finally broke out at the master's funeral.

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Many people may think that Ti Lung is too strict, too particular about distance, and does not have the good personality of David Chiang who talks and laughs and gets along with everyone.

Just like Huang Zhan commented that he is too principled, but the film industry is not a place of principles but human relationships .

Ti Long is not a ruthless person, although he regards Zhang Che more as a teacher than a family member, and he did not send him on his last journey.

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In fact, when Zhang Che was seriously ill in his later years, Ti Long often went to take care of his mentor in person. David Jiang couldn't understand that he couldn't make it to the scene due to filming, and Ti Lung didn't respond publicly when faced with doubts.

One takes friendship very seriously, and the other has a clear conscience. Although the two living fossils in the film industry cannot recreate the scene of brotherly love for everyone, their family lives are happy and contented, and they can still appear on the screen from time to time. He is already a legend!

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