Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album "The Greatest Work" on July 6. The official release date is July 15. This news has made many fans look forward to it. After all, it is so far away from Jay Chou's last solo album "Jay Chou's Bed". Six years have passed

2024/05/2707:18:32 entertainment 1467

Jay Chou will premiere globally on July 6th

's fifteenth solo album

"The Greatest Work"

The official release date is July 15th

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

This news has made many fans look forward to it

After all, Jay Chou's last album will be released on July 15th. It has been six years since he released his solo album

" Jay Chou's Bedside Stories "

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

In June 2016, Jay Chou held a press conference for the release of "Jay Chou's Bedside Stories" ↑

Strangely, the new album has not been released yet

Some fans discovered that

has opened ratings and comments on Douban without a title song,

and no album cover.

The opening score of "The Greatest Work" on Douban

's new album is only 5.3 points

which is quite a lot. Subsequently, people only gave one star

. On the morning of 4th, the score had risen to 7.8 points.

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

In the comment area, some netizens gave low scores of one and two stars.

And complained about Jay Chou and said that the album name should be changed. Changed to

"The Most Confident Work" is more appropriate

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

The album has not been released but has been released in advance

Douban This operation has caused controversy


# Jay Chou's new album has not been released but Douban has released the score first #

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

# Douban closes the rating of Jay Chou's new album After #

and other topics appeared on Weibo's hot search

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

, Douban officially apologized

saying that Douban Music had recently begun to revise the entries

As a result, a backend bug

caused the unofficial release of Mr. Jay Chou's album

"The Greatest Work" to be released ahead of schedule Score

Douban said that it has closed the relevant ratings

and cleared all related ratings and comments

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

So, what is the standard for Douban scores? How to determine the opening time of


A Beijing Business Daily reporter contacted Douban

and the other party responded:

Movies and TV dramas can be rated when the rating data reaches a certain level of credibility and the scores are relatively stable. Otherwise, they cannot be rated.

Different types of film and television works need to accumulate different number of credible ratings. If a work has not been rated for a long time, it is probably because the ratings fluctuate greatly and the number of credible ratings cannot reach the standard. There are many film and television dramas This is the reason why we can’t score any points at the end.

So there is no such thing as early scoring or

delayed scoring.

There is also no such thing as unified scoring.

However, problems with scoring have also caused Douban to continue to be controversial. Regarding the optimization of the scoring system, Douban responded: “Because troll behavior has been constantly updated, Douban’s anti-troll and anti-cheating measures are also constantly learning, evolving and iterating."

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

Although Douban has closed

Jay Chou's new album rating

, it obviously cannot "close" the doubts of netizens

Many netizens said: It's outrageous!

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

In addition,

Douban's rating mechanism, which has been criticized many times before,

has also been criticized again. To question

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

Under the topic #Jay Chou New Song Douban Score#

some netizens suspected that

Douban's "early" split

may be related to the leakage of Jay Chou's demo previously reported on the Internet.

Previously, many fans said that

had heard of it. The demo

suspected of being a new song by Jay Chou. This group chat record

with 7 "new songs" has been widely circulated among various fan groups.

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

Source: Sina Weibo screenshot.

Some netizens considered it a "real leak"

because of the style of the song. The singer's voice

is similar to Jay Chou

Later, some netizens discovered that it was actually

an UP host who is good at Jay Chou's style in Bilibili

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

The demo sound source uploaded online ↑

A reporter from Qilu Evening News found that

was on July 1 and July On the 2nd, the UP owner of

B site "mine Ye Xianglun"

posted updates to respond to this.

In the response on the 2nd,

the UP owner mentioned:

"First of all, stealing audio without my permission

spreading rumors is It is already illegal for Jaylen to spread his new album on the Internet

If there are still others who follow the trend without being rational

and spread rumors

All adults should understand the subsequent legal responsibilities. "

UP owner also said

"Please don't believe in rumors and spread rumors, don't be deceived."

Jay Chou will have the world premiere of his 15th solo album

In response to this incident,

People's Daily Online Commentary Department's official Weibo posted a comment saying:

's new album has not been released, and @Douban will leave first.


Therefore, we need to ask, how can Douban defend its credibility? If Douban tolerates this kind of behavior, how can Douban continue to say that "Douban Business has never done so and will never do so in the future?" There will be any cooperation related to ratings." The problem is that non-cooperation is only one of the bottom lines. Ensuring fair ratings is also a bottom line that cannot be breached. This is the foundation of Douban.

's new album has not been released, and Douban has divided it first. This matter We can’t let it go. We hope that Douban will conduct a thorough investigation and take effective measures to plug the loopholes. We also hope that the “fan circle” harassment will stop and stop causing wars and polluting the Internet ecology.

Comprehensive: Beijing Business News, Qilu Evening News ( Reporter: Sun Yuanming), @Douban@People's Daily Online comments, Weibo netizen comments, etc.

Source: News Square

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