The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Nine Fragrances", "Men and Women Directors", and "The War of Lao Niu's Family" , "Lao Mi's Marriage", "Li F

2024/06/0821:46:33 entertainment 1702

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in our country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "九香", "男女Director", Classic works such as "Lao Niu's War ", "Lao Mi's Marriage ", "Li Family Courtyard" and "Divorce Agreement".

has superb acting skills. While winning the love and support of the audience with these works, he has also won important awards from major film and television awards such as the Little Hundred Flowers Award and the Vientiane International Chinese Film Festival in the UK!

However, compared with his career development, Zhang Hongjie has experienced too many hardships in real life.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

First, he was deceived into marriage by his wife when he was young. When he let go, his wife unfortunately became paralyzed. He took care of his wife for thirty years.

all say "provide for old age and protect against old age". After he finally raised his three children, what he got was not the filial piety of the other party, but the neglect of his children.

Zhang Hongjie, who had no choice but to live in a nursing home with his wife in his later years, although he is now 77 years old, he still dare not grow old, let alone rest...

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in


Zhang Hongjie was born in Changchun, Jilin in 1945 Born into a rural family in Gongzhuling, Changchun, his parents were both native farmers.

He grew up in a large family with many brothers and sisters. Since there were many people eating at home, the family could only rely on his parents' meager income to survive, so his living conditions were not particularly good when he was a child.

As the saying goes "Children from poor families become masters early." This is the case for Zhang Hongjie. When he was very young, he and his brothers and sisters began to work in the fields with their parents.

In addition, he learned to cook when he was more than seven years old. His parents were relieved to see their brothers and sisters being so well-behaved and sensible at such a young age, and at the same time felt very sorry for them.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

When he was ten years old, Zhang Hongjie, who had been living a life of one meal and one meal, came across a drama troupe in the county that was recruiting new members. He went to participate in the selection with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but he didn't expect that it would actually happen. His opera talent was spotted by the troupe's Pingju opera teacher.

Although his parents didn't know what he could do by studying opera, it was better than farming at home like them, so they sent him to a theater troupe for development, and he embarked on the path of acting.

With his superb artistic talent, he developed solid basic skills not long after joining the troupe.

After many years of struggling on the stage, Zhang Hongjie gradually became a famous Pingju opera actor from all over the country. , the theater will be filled with audiences who love him.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

As his career gradually stabilized, he also found a relationship and came together with a girl of similar age.

It's a pity that and he fell in love with each other sincerely, but he was eventually rejected by the woman's family due to financial conditions, so he had no choice but to end the relationship.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

The emotional failure made Zhang Hongjie put all his thoughts on his career and had no intention of starting a new relationship.

Seeing that he is getting older, his parents can only start to introduce him to blind dates.


In 1970, 25-year-old Zhang Hongjie met his current wife Wen Zhenrong under the introduction of his parents and a matchmaker.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

Unlike Zhang Hongjie, Wen Zhenrong is not engaged in art career. She is an employee of a local power plant.

Compared with the well-dressed actresses in the entertainment industry, Wen Zhenrong not only looks ordinary, but also wears ordinary clothes. Therefore, Zhang Hongjie did not like her when they first met.

On the contrary, Wen Zhenrong was attracted by Zhang Hongjie's tall and handsome appearance at the first sight and fell in love with him.

In order to be with Zhang Hongjie, she took the initiative to attack Zhang Hongjie. Seeing this girl's initiative, Zhang Hongjie tried to date her.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

In the process of dating, Zhang Hongjie gradually discovered that although this girl with ordinary appearance was average in appearance, she was actually an understanding and very considerate person on the inside.

Another point is that at that time, everyone valued people with "iron rice bowl" jobs. In order to marry him, Wen Zhenrong said to him: "I am a formal employee of the power plant with an establishment."

thought of himself The family conditions were average, and the other party's conditions were so good but she still didn't dislike him. Zhang Hongjie no longer hesitated and married her decisively.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

After getting married, Zhang Hongjie slowly discovered that Wen Zhenrong’s working hours and content were different from those of regular employees at the power plant. After repeated questioning, Wen Zhenrong finally told him the truth: “Actually, I am just a temporary worker at the power plant. ”

Zhang Hongjie realized that he had been “cheated into marriage” and immediately asked her angrily: “Since you are not a regular employee, why did you lie to me?”

He originally thought Wen Zhenrong She would constantly apologize to herself and ask herself to forgive her. Unexpectedly, Wen Zhenrong said to him confidently: "If I hadn't lied to you, would you still marry me? I didn't do this just to be with you." ....."

Zhang Hongjie, who was speechless by Wen Zhenrong's words, could only give up.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

It is worth mentioning that although Zhang Hongjie was very angry when he first learned the news, he soon felt relieved because Wen Zhenrong really fulfilled his wife's responsibilities after marriage.


After the two got married, Zhang Hongjie has been focusing on developing his own career. Although Wen Zhenrong said that his career development was average, she helped Zhang Hongjie take care of his family very well.

After marriage, Wen Zhenrong gave birth to two daughters and a son for Zhang Hongjie. Seeing that his wife had paid so much for the family, Zhang Hongjie also recognized his wife from the bottom of his heart.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

With the arrival of children, the huge expenses of a large family also became the motivation for Zhang Hongjie to work hard to develop his career. In order to let his wife and children live a good life, he began to transition into the entertainment industry.

is just like many actors. When he first entered the entertainment industry, he was not an actor, but a working actor on the crew, mainly responsible for behind-the-scenes work.

In 1991, when the famous directors Wang Fulin , Zhang Shaolin and others were filming the classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", they invited him to serve as the director's assistant.

At that time, the filming environment of the crew was difficult and there was a shortage of manpower. In addition to being the director's assistant, Zhang Hongjie also had to be responsible for a lot of extra work. He wished that one person could be divided into ten people.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

One day, when filming the role of "King Mulu" in the drama, because the actor was not in place, the director immediately thought of him and said to him: "Hurry up and change your clothes. You will play the role of King Mulu." "

initially wanted to ride on an elephant to shoot, but the smoke that was released during the shooting frightened the elephant. The elephant carried him directly from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. When he stopped, his legs were weak from fear.

Later, when the director asked him to continue filming, he said he was unwilling to act again. In the end, the director had no choice but to tell him not to use the elephant, but to stand on the fire truck and shoot only the upper body. Only then did he insist on completing the filming. . When

later recalled this incident on the show, he said with lingering fear: “It’s okay if I didn’t make any money or leave a name, and I almost died."

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

However, this experience opened the door to the entertainment industry for him. After that, he has been active in the entertainment industry.


In 1994, Zhang Hongjie, who had been in the entertainment industry for three years, After being spotted by the director of Jilin Provincial Folk Art Troupe , he was transferred to the Jilin Provincial Folk Art Troupe for development.

Soon after, he met Du Lijuan, the screenwriter of the movie "Nine Fragrances", who came to the Folk Art Troupe to select actors. Although he had just joined the Folk Art Troupe. group, but the leader of the group still recommended him.

So, Zhang Hongjie, who was not well-known in the entertainment industry at that time, was fortunate enough to star in this film with actors such as Song Chunli and Zhang Guisheng. His wonderful performance won him the Outstanding Supporting Actor Award at the 18th Changying Xiaobaihua Award!

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

After becoming famous in the entertainment industry with the drama "Nine Fragrances", Zhang Hongjie's acting career also ushered in earth-shaking changes. First, he collaborated with the famous comedian Zhao Benshan on the drama "Men and Women Director", and was nominated for the 19th Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor for his wonderful performance in the drama. Unfortunately, in the end, he Unfortunately, he lost the award to actor Du Yuan , but this did not dampen Zhang Hongjie's enthusiasm for acting. He became more and more courageous and starred in many film and television works

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

starting from "Today is a Good Day". From the old director "Chen Manjin" in " Taiwan Strait " to the veteran "Ah Wu" in "Migrant Workers", to the father "Ju Yongwang" in "Migrant Workers", as well as "Niu Deshui" in " Chashuling " and other works and The characters have left a deep impression on the audience. With these film and television works and the characters he portrayed with both physical and spiritual qualities, he has won the love and support of the audience and has successfully become popular. But contrary to the development of his career, when his career was in full swing, his wife Wen Zhenrong had health problems.


While Zhang Hongjie was busy developing his career outside, Wen Zhenrong was busy alone. Hou Di takes care of her family, not only her parents, but also their three children. The huge pressure of life once made her breathless.

But in order not to distract Zhang Hongjie and for fear of affecting her husband's career, Wen Zhenrong did not tell Zhang Hongjie about his sufferings, but suffered it all silently alone.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

As the pressure increased and she worked hard every day, her physical condition became worse and worse. Finally one day, she fell to the ground due to cerebral hemorrhage.

When Zhang Hongjie rushed back after learning that his wife had fainted, his wife was already paralyzed in bed. It was only then that Zhang Hongjie realized that he really owed a lot to his wife.

In order to cure his wife, he chose to put down all the work at hand and accompany his wife to receive treatment. After his wife was discharged from the hospital, he accompanied his wife to rest slowly.

Although Zhang Hongjie later returned to the entertainment industry with his wife's persuasion, he no longer left his wife alone at home like before, but took her to the filming location.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

During the day, he was at ease filming on the set. After filming, he would rush back to his residence to take care of his wife. This kind of living situation lasted for fifteen years!

It was not until his wife stood up again under his careful care that he let go of his worries.

It is worth mentioning that although Zhang Hongjie spent too much thought on his wife during this period, he not only did not let his career stagnate, but also developed better and better.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

He worked hard in filming, and successively filmed " Northeasterners in the City and Outside the City ", "The War at Lao Niu's Family", " Marry First and Then Fall in Love ", " My Land My Home ", " is a family, " and other works.

Among them, "The War at Lao Niu's Family", an urban emotional drama co-produced by Song Dandan , was not only loved by the audience, but also recognized by many peers in the industry.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

As for Zhang Hongjie, who is particularly good at taking care of his wife and career, if there is anything that worries him, it must be his three troubled children.


I don’t know if it’s because their father is an actor and a successful performing artist. Zhang Hongjie’s three children completely rely on him.

When they were young, they were used to living a life of opening their mouths for clothes and reaching for food. After Zhang Hongjie raised them, they not only failed to help their father reduce the pressure in life, but also lived a life of sucking blood as if they were old.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

Even after his children started their own families, they still regarded him as a "money tree" and constantly asked him for money.

From buying a house, buying a car to living expenses, etc., Zhang Hongjie’s love for his children has become the capital for them to ask Zhang Hongjie for money unscrupulously.

Even after her daughter married into her husband's family, her husband's family did not pay for her illness, and he had to pay for the medical expenses. Zhang Hongjie once joked: "If the son-in-law doesn't help, I will become a cash machine."

In Zhang Hongjie's case, After his three children spent all their savings, his children still persisted in trying to get benefits from him, and even once set their sights on his pension!

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

It was precisely because of his children and relatives at home who imitated his example that they came to him for money.

When Zhang Hongjie was interviewed on the show in 2012, the then 67-year-old said with emotion: "There are more than ten people in my family that I need to support, and life is very stressful."

"There are more than a dozen wolves behind me. How dare you rest..."

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

Seeing that he still had to work hard for his children at an age when he should have enjoyed his old age, everyone couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Unfortunately, everyone could only do nothing to help him.


With the mentality of not daring to grow old, Zhang Hongjie is still working hard to develop his acting career in recent years, and has successively filmed "Li Family Courtyard", "Divorce Agreement", "Happy Secret Agent ", "Forever Comrades" ", "Flowers and Leaves", "Revolutionaries" and other works.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

In 2021, The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in 6-year-old Zhang Hongjie was exposed by the media that he moved to Sanya with his wife and lived in a nursing home.

It is understood that this nursing home only costs about 5,000 yuan a month, which may be a lot for ordinary people, but for him, as an actor, it is too embarrassing to have to live in a nursing home in his later years.

However, in his later years, he chose to be self-reliant and used his actions to severely slap his children in the face who had been gnawing at their old age.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

Maybe it is to be able to live a good life for himself and his wife in their later years. Although Zhang Hongjie, who does not dare to grow old, is now 77 years old, he still does not dare to rest.

This year he also brought to the audience a work in which he participated, called " Stories in Time ". The film was directed by Li Tian and starred by Lin Yun, Gao Zhiting and others. He In it, he plays the role of "Grandpa Laifu".

Although he doesn't have many roles, he is still working hard in filming at his age, which is really admirable.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

Now 77 years old, Zhang Hongjie has gradually looked away and no longer worries about his children.

After all, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Let them decide how their children will live.

Now he just wants to live a good old age with his wife, who has been taken care of for 30 years, and enjoy the rest of his life with his wife.

The famous actor Zhang Hongjie is a very outstanding performing artist in my country. During his decades of acting, he has participated in

As for other things, let everything take its course.

After all, for people of his age, many things can no longer be forced, whether it is family or career. Friendly reminder from

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