Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song "Stars Light" by singer Zheng Zhihua on the Sangong stage of the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves".

2024/05/2510:01:32 entertainment 1782

After more than a month, Cyndi Wang finally contributed another "hot search" to "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves 3".

But this time, what I gained was not love, but criticism.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, Wu Jinyan sang the original song " Stars Light " by singer Zheng Zhihua on the Sangong stage of the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves" .

On the stage, everyone showed off their unique skills, such as steel pipe, rap, and somersaults.

has fully subverted the previous stage image of several sisters.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

At the same time, the lyrics and style of music have changed.

For example, the first line of the original song is: "The sky that raises your head is a sky for men."

The first line of Sister Lang's stage song sung by Gillian is "The sky that raises your head is our sky."

As a cover version by a girl group, such changes are naturally harmless, and it also shows the attitude that men and women hold up half of the sky.

But what caused controversy was the lyrics of the second verse of the song -

original lyrics

"The sky now is a dirty sky.

The stars are no longer visible in the civilized sky."

was changed to

"The sky now is a clear sky.

Stars are always visible in the civilized sky."

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

Although only a few words have been changed, the meaning expressed is completely opposite to the original version.

This also caused dissatisfaction with the song's songwriter and original singer Zheng Zhihua.

html On July 3, singer Zheng Zhihua posted on the Weibo platform that he was "shocked, angry and regretful" that the lyrics had been "indiscriminately altered". This also triggered extensive discussions among netizens.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

What is a "dirty sky"?

As a youth memory of a generation, Zheng Zhihua has become an iconic cultural symbol in the ignorant youth of countless people.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

Since the release of the title song "The Story of the Youngest" of his first album, it has established his gray, sad, but still rebellious and fighting artistic style.

People in his hometown were drowned in the mines and lost their lives.

People in the city were drowned in desire, but lost their souls.

"The Story of the Youngest"

This may be related to his fate of having to fight against illness since he was a child.

In 1961, Zheng Zhihua, the youngest in the family, was born in Taipei.

htmlAt the age of 12, he was diagnosed with polio.

’s first impression of this world is that of constant medication, treatment, and correction.

Finally, at the age of 7, he could walk independently with the support of crutches .

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

According to his own words, when he was in junior high school, he became obsessed with existentialist literature, Kafka became his lifelong idol.

"We live in an evil era. Now nothing is worthy of the name. For example, now, people's roots have long been pulled out from the land, but people are talking about their hometown." - Kafka

When you understand With Zheng Zhihua like this, I think it is not difficult for you to understand where the "reflection on the system, observation of human nature and criticism of society" that always exists in his songs come from.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

In 1992, Zheng Zhihua published "Stars Light Up". He wrote in the lyrics -

The sky now is a dirty sky

Stars can no longer be seen in the civilized sky

The sky is actually not high, and the sea is not. Not far away

The human heart is actually higher than the sky and farther than the sea

I learned to lie and chased fame and fortune

Only when I got lost in reality did I realize my fragility

But in the end, what he wanted to express was still -

A scene many years later The heavy rain woke me up from my sleep

Suddenly the neon lights in the city no longer flickered

A blurry star peeked out from the horizon

It is your eyes that are still in the distance, waiting for me

This is how Zheng Zhihua can influence a generation of young people The charm lies in his sword pointing at the darkness of society, exposing the discord of human nature, tearing apart all the gorgeous disguises, but never to express a kind of powerlessness or decadence.

On the contrary, he always gives people the strength to fight towards that truly beautiful future.

I think it is precisely because of this that 60-year-old Zheng Zhihua is so angry.

Because the "disguise" he tried to let people see clearly was erased by another layer of "disguise".

"A clear sky" itself has become a kind of "dirty".

Where is the "sunny sky"?

This is not the first time that a music program has taken advantage of lyrics.

As early as the 2018 " Good Voice " finals, the lyrics of contestant Su Han's "In the Name of the Father" were changed.

But what really made everyone realize this may be "I'm Still Young, I'm Still Young" sung by Xu Jiaying in " Singer·The Year of the Fight" in 2020.

Perhaps out of consideration for the "smoking ban", the program team directly changed the word "Give me a cigarette" in the lyrics to "Give me an eye." It almost destructively overturned the artistic conception of the song.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

However, the ridicule of netizens did not stop this trend. For a while, major music variety shows began to "purify" the lyrics -

"Asshole" was removed, "Debauchery" was revised, and "Lonely Soul Wild" Ghosts" no longer exist, and even "emptiness and sadness" are not allowed.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

lyrics, as a literary style, actually have quite sufficient expression of thoughts. As an art form, songs should originally respond to society.

In 2016, musician Bob Dylan won the Nobel Prize in Literature for the lyrics of "The Answer is Blowing in the Wind".

Although it has caused controversy, it is undeniable that his music has indeed influenced, and even shaped, a generation of young people.

Looking at the country, the same is true.

Cui Jian uses "a piece of red cloth" to unfold into a love poem of love and hate;

Jay Chou 's "Don't hit my mother again" reveals the violent structure within the family;

Jolin Tsai "Rose Boy" focuses people's attention on the survival plight of marginalized groups;

Tan Weiwei's "Xiaojuan" calls out the fear and uneasiness of modern women.

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

Last Friday, singers Cyndi Wang, Gillian, Ah Sa, Zhang Tianai, and Wu Jinyan sang the original song

But now, we can't even look directly at the "dirty sky".

It is not difficult to imagine how the program team made such changes out of the pursuit of "positive energy".

But we can’t help but ask, is it really the essence of positive energy to shield ourselves from the suffering and confusion in reality and refuse to face any darkness and dirt?

When we can only say "a clear sky", is this really a "sunny sky"?

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