On July 1st, the movie "You Are My Spring" with Chen Daoming as the director producer and Huang Bo as the supervisory producer, starring Zhou Dongyu, Yin Fang, Song Xiaobao, Pan Binlong, Wang Jingchun, Zhao Jinmai, Huang Xiaoming, Song Jia, Zheng Luoxian and others, was officiall

2024/05/2222:45:33 entertainment 1036

Cover News Reporter Liu Kexin Intern Zhou Haitong

Although people often say that "there is no spring that will not come", the story behind the arrival of "spring" is equally important and needs to be recorded and remembered by someone.

html July 1st, Chen Daoming served as the director producer, Huang Bo served as the supervisor, Zhou Dongyu , Yin Fang , Song Xiaobao , Pan Binlong , Wang Jingchun , Zhao Jinmai , Huang Xiaoming , Song Jia The movie " You Are My Spring " starring , Zheng Luoqian, and others was officially released. The moving parts of the great era are often written by little people. "You Are My Spring", composed of five stories in series, tells a short story in the city of Wuhan in early 2020.

On July 1st, the movie

Zheng Luoqian

Starred as a doctor for the first time

From "very excited" to lamenting "it's too difficult"

Zheng Luoqian plays a doctor named Zhong in the film, who is responsible for collecting and distributing anti-epidemic materials. Returning to the moment in early 2020 in the film, Zheng Luoqian said that she could still feel the tension and panic. But this time, playing the role of a medical worker for the first time, she felt more responsibility and helplessness. In the process of getting to know the characters and getting close to them, Zheng Luoqian said that she could deeply feel that as someone who was in Wuhan in the early stages of the epidemic, Dr. Zhong's heart was also full of tension and panic.

But as a doctor who manages anti-epidemic supplies, she still needs to shoulder more responsibilities and pressure in the early stages of the epidemic. This is what Zheng Luoqian thought about the most during her performance: "The scenes with Dr. Zhong, It embodies a conflict between doctors and patients. How to resolve this conflict and how to prevent it from escalating is the most difficult part of her job. I also deeply feel the anxiety and helplessness in her. "

On July 1st, the movie

Zheng Luoqian

This is not the first time Zheng Luoqian has appeared in a film and television work with anti-epidemic themes. In 2003, she also starred in a work based on the fight against SARS. At that time, she played a reporter who went deep into the front line of fighting the epidemic. This time, she was able to view the situation from a doctor's perspective, which was also the reason why she decided to play this role: "The difficulties faced by Dr. Zhong, her choices, her attitude, and her practices, I can feel her anxiety from them. , her entanglements and contradictions. How she tried to do this well and resolve this contradiction, what I saw was actually the efforts of everyone in this general environment. "

played this role. Before that, Zheng Luoqian also made a lot of preparations. Interviewing doctor friends I know, to understand their work and life conditions, to experience the state of mind of being a medical staff, and to think about the relationship between medical staff and patients. After saying "there are really no beds", Zheng Luoqian also had to think about where to use it. It is more appropriate to express this emotion. From receiving this role to finishing playing this role, Zheng Luoqian's heart went from "very excited" to constantly lamenting "it's difficult, it's too difficult".

Although the subject matter is heavy, the title of the movie "You Are My Spring" brings spring breeze-like warmth and hope to the audience. This is also the movie-watching experience Zheng Luoqian hopes to bring to the audience: "From the beginning of the epidemic to now, everyone may There will still be this kind of anxiety in life and work from time to time. This movie reflects every bit of life on the screen, allowing everyone to see what other people's lives are like, and then work together to overcome every difficulty. With such confidence, we can see hope. I think this is the charm of film and television works."

On July 1st, the movie

Zheng Luoqian

It doesn't matter whether the protagonist is a supporting role

Discover the highlights in each character

Started in "Beijing Holiday" in 2002. ", and later "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family" and "The First Half of My Life", Zheng Luoqian has appeared in many film and television works, including some female images with complex personalities.Although these seemingly less "positive" characters, Zheng Luoqian still loves them: "In the process of shaping, I will discover the advantages and disadvantages of this character, and explore the stories behind each character, so as to fall in love with this character. Just like everyone has a bright spot. I hope that every character I create has its own characteristics. "Sun Xiaojing" in "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family" is such a character. Zheng Luoxian said frankly that when she played Sun Xiaojing, "I lived in fear every day because I had to keep acting and was afraid of being exposed." This "unique" experience made Zheng Luoxian smile and said: "After playing such a negative character, I will feel that my ordinary life is real, and I will cherish my current life and everything at the moment." "

Although most of the roles she plays are not protagonists, Zheng Luoqian does not value these. "I remember when I was in college, the teacher kept telling us that there are no small roles. Only now do I realize that no matter which role you play, even if you only have one line, as long as you put your heart into it, the audience will be attracted to you. That is good. Actor." Therefore, it is not in Zheng Luoxian's plan to play a leading role or a supporting role. In her opinion, the characteristics of the character are more important than the number of roles: "Whether it is the starring role is important, but in fact it may not be that important, because experiencing this process, being willing to try this role, and loving this role are the most important. "

On July 1st, the movie

Zheng Luoqian

Cover news dialogue with actress Zheng Luoqian

Every role she has played,

I like

Cover news: From "The Three Daughters of the Xia Family" to "You Are My Spring", you have played many different roles, Do you have a favorite character?

Zheng Luoqian: I actually like every role has played. Whether she is a good person or a bad person, I have shaped her with all my heart. Discover the story behind the character and you will fall in love with the character. Just like everyone has a bright spot, I hope that every character I create has its own characteristics.

Cover News: In this movie, which actor did play opposite that impressed you the most?

Zheng Luoqian: In the movie, I have many scenes opposite Teacher Pan Binlong. I have cooperated with Teacher Song Xiaobao before, and this is our second time. Working with these two, new sparks and core creative inspirations will often burst out on set.

cover news: I see that you have always had a fitness habit. What do you think is the biggest benefit of exercise to you?

Zheng Luoqian: I have been doing fitness for about ten years. The biggest benefit to me is that it keeps me in the best shape all the time. When you enter the crew, you can adjust to the best condition at any time and get involved in the role. So during the filming process, I will also keep exercising. Because as an actor, you don’t know what kind of role you may challenge next, so all you have to do is always be prepared.

cover news: What new skills have you learned recently in ?

Zheng Luoqian: I have learned a lot of new skills recently, such as cutting the hair of dogs and cooking for myself. I think I'm pretty good at cutting my dogs' hair.

cover news: What is the thing that wants to do most recently?

Zheng Luoqian: Recently I have been reading a book called " Thiaoohua Predictions of ", and what I want to do is to share this book with my good friends.

(The pictures in this article are provided by the interviewees)

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