In addition to the middle-aged Hong Kong Philharmonic's divine songs "Glory Years" and "Broader Seas and Sky", Beyond's classics "Like You", "No More Hesitation" and "Really Love You" appeared one by one, making a generation feel nostalgic and seem to be returning to It’s that “s

2024/05/1917:40:33 entertainment 1934

In addition to the middle-aged Hong Kong Philharmonic's divine songs

After the restored version concerts of Leslie Cheung and Jay Chou , today Douyin also held a restored version of the online concert of the legendary band Beyond.

also focuses on the "memory killing" of the post-70s and 80s generation. This restored version of the online concert reproduces the Beyond Live 1991 life contact concert. In addition to the middle-aged Hong Kong Philharmonic's divine songs " Glorious Years " and " Broader Seas and Sky ", Beyond's classics " Like You ", " No More Hesitation " and "Really Love You" appeared one by one, It makes a generation feel nostalgic, as if they have returned to the "summer of youth" when they were young.

However, such a thrilling-sounding concert did not have the same pageantry as Leslie Cheung and Jay Chou's concerts, which flooded Weibo and WeChat Moments. Some came quietly, touched a small group of people, and then left quietly.

Before this concert, I neither saw overwhelming or interesting announcements on major social platforms and media, nor did I see relevant promotional clips of this concert on Douyin. I asked several serious Douyin addicted users around me, and they all said that they didn’t get the pre-heating announcements for this concert.

However, during tonight’s online live broadcast, when I was scrolling through Douyin, I found that I only needed to scroll through a few videos to view Beyond’s restored version of the online concert. However, it is difficult to find traces of it in the circle of friends. There are only more than 40 hot searches on Weibo with the topic #which is your favorite Beyond song?

This wave of Hong Kong Philharmonic rock spirit represents the "Memory Killing" of the band Beyond, which really feels like it has been completely wiped out. Reminiscent of the Stefanie Sun online singing and chat session held by Douyin before, there was an embarrassing scene where the connection was suddenly interrupted midway. To some extent, I feel that there is always something "weird" about the concerts held by Douyin. What's wrong with


The concert is very popular, but the platform is not well prepared?

In recent years, with the continued impact of the epidemic, online concerts and concerts seem to have become the main way for people to enjoy "live" music. From relatively rough bedroom concerts to cloud-based concerts to technologically restored concerts, musicians and the music industry seem to be adapting to the reality that music phenomena have moved online.

According to China Performance Industry Association statistics, this year’s new round of epidemic has had a huge impact on the performance industry in the valley. As of the end of March, about 9,000 performances have been canceled or postponed across the country. Offline performances have returned to zero again, and the performance industry urgently needs to find ways to break the situation. It is against this background that

online concerts have become a strong and normalized demand for online entertainment consumption, and have also opened up a way for the domestic music industry to resolve the impact of the epidemic.

This year, the biggest exploration and achievement of this trend should be the retro and nostalgic "memory killing", which adds a different content and form to online music performances.

originated from West City Boy, Mayday, Leslie Cheung and others successively presented "Youth Memories Killing", which proved its market potential.

On December 17 last year, Westlife was broadcast live on the video account. This phenomenal online performance generated more than 20 million viewers. Then on April 1 this year, the high-definition restored version of Leslie Cheung's "Passion Concert" in memory of his brother was broadcast live online. The concept of "ultra-high-definition restored version" was also proposed for the first time, paving the way for subsequent re-releases of classic content.

html On the two nights of May 20th and 21st, the last music king Jay Chou's two concert replays were broadcast online. This concert proposed the concept of "online replay" for the first time, with a total of nearly 100 million views. The total number of people and Weibo topics read reached 5 billion+.

html On May 27, there was even a scene where Luo Dayou and performed an online concert on a video account and Sun Yanzi sang and chatted online on Douyin.

These two air PKs between kings and queens have a lot of gimmicks.

Judging from the published results, more than 5 million people entered the live broadcast room 30 minutes before the start of Luo Dayou's online concert. By the end of the performance, it was shown that more than 37 million people had watched it. Coupled with the replay data, the final cumulative number of viewers reached 41.8651 million.

At the peak of the live broadcast of Stefanie Sun's singing and chatting session, the number of viewers reached 1.4127 million, the cumulative number of views reached 243 million, and the number of followers increased by 877,700 in a single live broadcast.

In addition to the middle-aged Hong Kong Philharmonic's divine songs

Judging from the number of viewers during the live broadcast, it is obvious that Luo Dayou's online concert had far more people than Stefanie Sun's singing talk show. However, in terms of cumulative views, Luo Dayou's data is much lower than Stefanie Sun's.

This may be some of the "little ideas" Douyin announced on the data.

Actually, Stefanie Sun’s singing and chatting party may use PV (page views), which records the number of people, and one click counts as one. Luo Dayou's concert may have used UV ( unique visitor number), which records heads, and one account is counted once. The calculation methods of both parties are different, which resulted in the cumulative number of views of Stefanie Sun's concert on Douyin reaching a terrifying figure of 243 million times.

Even if Stefanie Sun was a former diva-level singer, it would probably be difficult for every six Chinese people to click to watch Stefanie Sun’s online concert. Many Douyin users may be like me. When they see it, they click in to check it out while doing other things. Then when they remember it, they click in to check it out. If they click in and check it out a few times, it counts as a few visits. In this way The multiples of the original number of viewers are counted as the number of viewers.

We have not seen the live broadcast data of Beyond’s concert on Douyin so far, but if we use the data disclosed by Stefanie Sun, Beyond’s concert may also have cleverly announced the number of viewers.

Although today's Beyond's restored version of the concert is still a wave of "memory killing" operations. But Beyond fans complained about many details. For example,

rearranged the order of the songs from the 1991 concert, which is an unforgivable "mistake" for many hardcore music fans. Some music fans said, "It was cut into pieces, it's better to just restore it and play the whole show."

A more serious live broadcast accident occurred at Stefanie Sun's Douyin online concert.

At the end of the singing and chatting session, Stefanie Sun's concert was suddenly interrupted, and the last song also ended abruptly in the middle of the performance. The signal was not restored until about ten minutes later, and Stefanie Sun sang "Windbreaker" again. After the live broadcast, Stefanie Sun also explained on Weibo that "there was a problem with the on-site transmission equipment, which caused the program to be interrupted."

These detailed problems have exposed Douyin's lack of professionalism in online concerts and insufficient preparation for various situations. place. After all, Douyin is also a beginner when it comes to concerts. Anything can happen at any concert. Are you not satisfied with

anyway? The root cause is acclimatization

In addition to insufficient preparation for the details of the concert broadcast, which led to small accidents and messy editing, which was slightly embarrassing, the tonality of Douyin’s products did not match user habits and the atmosphere of the concert. In my opinion, it is a more fatal problem.

Tonight's Beyond's restored version of the concert has been prepared in a vertical screen viewing format that is in line with the habits of Douyin users. Almost all users click on it in a vertical screen, but the vertical screen can easily prevent music users from feeling the live and silent experience of a concert, completely deviating from the original intention of online concerts.

In addition to the middle-aged Hong Kong Philharmonic's divine songs

At the same time, Douyin also provides users with a horizontal screen viewing mode for Beyond’s restored version of the concert. As long as the user clicks on it, it can be changed to horizontal screen viewing, but this is inconsistent with the user habit of Douyin users who usually swipe up and down to view short videos and immediately swipe away.

In addition to the middle-aged Hong Kong Philharmonic's divine songs

Although Douyin provides users with the choice of two viewing modes: horizontal and vertical screens, no matter which viewing mode is used, it is difficult to take into account user habits and the sense of liveness and immersive atmosphere required and provided by the concert.

In fact, behind this inability to coordinate and balance is the inconsistency between the tonality of Douyin products and music, especially concert-type music forms.

We all know that Douyin is used by many users for the purpose of killing time.Therefore, "foolish music" content that lasts for tens of seconds is very popular on Douyin. It is best to intersperse a small plot with sudden laughter or rapid reversal in the content to make people feel emotionally relaxed and satisfied in an instant.

However, the naturally flowing nature of music, especially concert music, needs to satisfy users’ long-term scene-based experience of immersion in it, emphasizing and highlighting the fluidity of music in time, and the interactive stimulation and emotional atmosphere in space. These are all It is inconsistent with the product tonality of Douyin itself and the purpose of users using Douyin.

Therefore, it is difficult for us to feel strong emotional identification or enjoyment and satisfaction of music in these online concerts of Douyin. Even if Douyin plays the strongest "memory killing" card, we will still hope more Just browse a few Beyond songs or restored live singles on Douyin.

may also be incompatible with the tonality of this product, which has led to Douyin, which is good at driving traffic gameplay and operating kill time content, to be a little awkward in operating these online concerts, and various minor embarrassments occurred on the spot.

Music fans, on the other hand, are a little tsundere who are "not satisfied in any way". This feeling of awkwardness is ultimately due to the fact that the concert format is not suitable for the Douyin ecosystem.

lose money and make money?

Since Douyin’s product tonality and user purpose are somewhat different from concert music, why does Douyin continue to spend so much effort and money on these concerts?

Judging from the current situation, these online concerts have not brought any commercial benefits to Douyin. Douyin has not seen any investment promotion or other commercial monetization operations at these concerts. .

In fact, online concerts are not impossible to commercialize.

4 15th Cui Jian 's online concert was sponsored by Jihu Motors. It is understood that the naming fee for this concert is in the tens of millions of yuan.

Jihu Auto also revealed the good commercial conversion rate of this online concert: a total of 90 million users were reached, achieving an exposure of nearly 10 million. The number of high-intention investment information exceeded 1,000, and the conversion rate reached over 50%.

Similarly, Pepsi , which chose to "pay" for former spokesperson Jay Chou's re-released concert, also earned a lot of favorability from the popularity of "YYDS".

On the night of Cui Jian and Jay Chou's concert, the WeChat index of sponsors Jihu and Pepsi reached their peak in recent years, becoming a truly national hot spot.

In addition to commercialization models such as sponsorship and advertising, Jay Chou's rerun concert also launched the "selling peripherals" model in traditional offline concerts. At Cui Jian's concert, users can even purchase "WeChat beans" Reward.

In fact, the current online concerts already have a lot of commercial monetization methods, but Douyin seems to be hesitant in commercialization.

From my understanding, Douyin’s online concerts may be more about solving its own traffic anxiety. After all, the current competition in the short video industry has entered the red ocean, and the traffic dividend is no longer available. For a huge traffic pool like Douyin, the prerequisite for commercialization must be a sustained and stable traffic base. At present, Douyin's traffic is relatively single, which may be the biggest difficulty facing Douyin product managers.

wants to break through the pure "kill time" entertainment attribute of Douyin and enrich the product experience of existing users in order to obtain diversified traffic. Various entertainment types need to be tried. Even if it is not suitable, you must try it first. .

However, in order to balance the attempts of new products and the satisfaction of users with existing products, the commercialization of new products cannot be put on the agenda in the early stage.

This also makes Douyin’s online concerts somewhat feel like “losing money and making money”, but this may also be a step Douyin must take. As for whether it is a good move or not, Douyin, who is now rushing forward with his head covered, does not have so much time to think about it.

is written at the end

Whether it is today’s Beyond restored version concert or the previous Stefanie Sun singing talk, Douyin’s online concerts always seem to be behind others.It started by inviting big-name singers to play the "memory-killing" emotional card, followed the concept of "ultra-clear restored version", and also learned the technique of "online re-screening".

is similar in appearance but different in spirit.

may be due to the incompatibility of the tonality of Douyin products with the core of music, especially concert music, resulting in a stuck user experience. The lack of early announcements of the program and the "careful thoughts" in the final data release made people feel that Douyin was a little anxious and unreasonable when conducting online concerts. In the end,

ended up feeling a bit "weird" to music fans and users.

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