U.S. "liar media" published nude photos of Trump's wife, arousing public outrage

2021/04/2603:21:12 entertainment 105



TrumpIn order to ensure that his attitude and will can be expressed accurately and truthfully, instead of being taken out of context or even distorted by the media, he opened up the era of "TwitterRuling the country", and he did not forget to mock and satirize the media on any occasion, breaking the His traditional absence from the White House Correspondents' Dinner also shows the depth of his distaste for the media. So when did this feud end? As early as the beginning of his candidacy for the presidency, he was caught in a storm of speech plagiarism and infringement due to media intervention, and " New York Times " published Trump on the front page for two consecutive days on July 31 and August 1, 2016. The nude photos of Pu's wife, Melania Trump, made the feud between the two sides almost inexorable, and the New York Times became Trump's most hated "lie media."



" The New York Post " picked up the nude photos taken by Melania in the early years before the election, and reported it on the front page in an exclusive form for two consecutive days. Being promoted to first lady, Trump still can't let it go, and if he finds a chance, he will attack this "lie media".



"The New York Post" July 31st headline "Ogle Office"

"The New York Times" is a daily newspaper published in New York, USA, distributed around the world, and has considerable influence . There are more than 90 editions on weekdays and 140 editions on Sundays. In 1896, it was bought by A.S. Oaks, and on October 25 of the same year, the "Community Motto" was first published: "Publish all news suitable for publication". This is the front page cover of The New York Times for two consecutive days. The huge bold letters are accompanied by a photo of and Melania . It is conceivable for the Trump couple, the Trump campaign team, readers, and the American people. How strong is the impact.



"New York Post" August 1st headline

"New York Times" claimed to be "exclusive" in the report and exposed several nude photos of Melania standing with a cold expression and slightly messy shawl long hair, except for a pair of The high-heeled shoes are naked, and only the important parts are covered with both hands. The shooting angles include the front, back and side. The pictures are suspected to be black and white photo art photography.




In another photo exposed in the report, Melania was naked and lying on the bed with another female model. The model hugged her from behind with her arms around her, and her expression was still indifferent and cold. It is reported that this group of photos is a group of lesbian-themed photos taken by 25-year-old Melania for a French men's magazine (now discontinued for 20 years) in 1995. At that time, she was still a "Melania K." Ale de Basseville, the photographer for the series, believes that photography conveys beauty rather than pornography, saying that during the shoot, "Melania was very well behaved, personable and educated."



Yes The nude photos of his wife in his early years were exposed. Trump was angry and said that this did not affect the American people's views of him and his wife. In an interview, he said: Melania is one of the most successful models, she Shooting for a lot of magazine covers... Similar photos are very fashionable and common in Europe. The public's reaction really disappointed the "New York Times", which wanted to explode a double-shot. Some netizens condemned the photos on Twitter as "humiliating" Melania, and some netizens said, "She is a model, taking pictures. Including nude photos are normal work content, who is the New York Times shamed?"



What the outside world says has no effect on Melania.


This is humiliating to a woman who was 26 when she took those pictures.


She is a model and taking nude photos is normal work, what's the news?


The New York Post shows the lower limit again.

Melania is 46 years old this year. She really ignored the media's attacks and is performing her duties as first lady earnestly and low-key. Melania is not as active on social networking sites as Trump, and she rarely tweets. "Unlike Trump's thirst for the spotlight, Melania is very low-key, which is why most people like her."






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