During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia

2021/04/0722:39:04 entertainment 944

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

These faces must be familiar to everyone. The lead actor of the reunion, the starring actor of The Bourne, the most talented singer-songwriter.. Not to mention half of Hollywood, at least it is also a star-studded singer.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Including the superstars who were originally out of Australia, now they all live in Australia! And it's been more than a year!

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

What attracted them to Australia?

This is not a vacation trip, just a few weeks or a month, more than ten months have passed, they can leave without any intention!

There is also a short story, similar to the circle of friends effect!

Hollywood superstars attracted by the circle of friends

Zac Efron first came to Australia at the beginning of the global epidemic. He decisively decided that Australia would become one of the safest countries and decided to live for a long time.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Then, he frequently showed off his life in Australia on social media!

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

All content is sunny beach, beautiful and delicious food!

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

This kind of leisurely life suddenly sparked discussion in the circle of friends, and a large number of celebrities began to consider the possibility of living in Australia.

His friends in the circle are starring in the latest Transformers Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon, who has been popular all over the world with the Bourne Shadow series, couldn't help it, and they also went to live in Australia!

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

After having a leader,The situation is out of control!

Ed Sheeran is here, saying that the Australian environment will give him new musical inspiration;

Actor Tom Hanks is here, not only for long-term residence, but also with work, the future will be in Filming in Australia.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Star Lord Chris Pratt is also here, and he can often see photos of him in casual clothes drinking coffee on the street. A large number of

behind, such as Jane Seymour , Melissa McCarthy, Ye Xuan, Paul Mescar, Rita Ola, Ron Howard, Taika Watiti, Tai Sa Thompson, Tilda Swinton, etc. are all here.

Most of them have lived in Australia for a year and are deeply in love with this land.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

The Australian government took the opportunity to announce that in the future, tax cuts will be used to attract major production films to film in Australia.

At least Thor's sequel has been confirmed to complete the main filming in Australia!

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

A pandemic, on the contrary, Australia is expected to become the world's second largest film center, even catching up with Hollywood!

What is it that makes these big-name stars come to Australia so eagerly?

The success of epidemic prevention is the key

The first reason is that Australia's epidemic prevention and control is the world's top.

When the pandemic broke out all over the world, Australia, with its unique geographical location, made it quite safe in its homeland!

On the one hand, it is a new type of virus that continues to spread. Many countries have chosen to close the city to prevent the spread of the epidemic. Although Australia has also banned flights from some countries, the country is still free.

This kind of safe environment suddenly made many stars regard Australia as the only paradise ,One after another came here to escape the epidemic.

Although there was indeed a local outbreak in Australia later, the restriction policy was once raised to the fourth level.

is the overall number of infections compared to the United States or European countries,

Australia's total number of confirmed cases may not be as many as the number of new confirmed cases in one day...

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Although Australia also has For the second outbreak of the epidemic, except for Melbourne, most of the state restrictions in other regions are quickly lifting.

The situation is more obvious now. The world has the third outbreak. The United States and Europe are still the hardest hit areas.

and Australia has no new additions...

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

in such a safe place Where to find?

This is also the basic reason why more and more celebrities come to Australia and stay away.

Of course, apart from the epidemic, Australia has many other advantages enough to attract celebrities to live here for a long time!

Australia’s living environment is inseparable

When it comes to Australia, many people naturally combine with the beautiful environment and livability. This is also one of the main reasons why many Chinese choose to immigrate to Australia.

The blue sky, white clouds, and the fragrance of birds and flowers are the most common in Australia. It is not an exaggeration to say that Australia is one of the most suitable countries to live in the world.

Regardless of air, climate, natural environment, greening, etc., Australia is the world's top.

Let’s talk about people who don’t open it first, Australia has the highest air quality in the world ,Australian air is exported to many countries as a commodity.

Australia’s climate is also attractive. It is located in the southern hemisphere and is also the world’s largest island country with a humid and warm climate.

Even in winter, there is almost no sub-zero temperature, except for Tasmania.

However, to be honest, Australia is still very cold and humid in winter and hot in summer.

But it is pleasant most of the time.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Let me talk about Australia's natural environment. Although the inland areas are large areas of deserts, the coastal areas have high vegetation coverage.

The greening of the city is also top in the world, and the most appropriate description is a garden city.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

is modern, but also lush everywhere.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Let me talk about several major cities in Australia. For many years, Melbourne has occupied the top spot of 's world's most livable city .

Sydney also ranks at the forefront of the list of the most liveable cities all year round.

One of Australia's most outstanding features is that it is suitable for living!

In Australia, 365 days a year, there are different beautiful scenery to enjoy every day;

In Australia, every city, even every town has its own beauty;

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Some of these beauties are magnificent;

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

some are cleverly designed;

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

some are soft and fresh;

is not only a country of immigrants, but also because of the multiculturalism of Australia. Full of different charm.

lives in Australia,There are modern reinforced concrete "forests", row upon row of high-rise buildings; there is also a sense of alienation that is vast and sparsely populated. These two feelings blend perfectly in Australia.

is like the perfect combination of people and nature in Australia;

Living in Australia, you can see the blue sea and blue sky, and you will be surrounded by birds and flowers when you go out. There are also prosperous cities. Every day is full of happiness.

Such a beautiful living environment, it is rare that the safety is also one of the best!

A sense of security

Australia is one of the safest countries in the world. Although it's a bit exaggerated to not close the house at night, it is not far off.

This is also the most favorite point of the Chinese.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

I believe that the Chinese living in Australia must have deep feelings.

Australia may not be the most developed, nor may it be the richest, but its safety is unparalleled!

Look at the various rankings of Australia in terms of security:

In the world's safest country rankings, Australia ranks second !

In the comprehensive safety index ranking, Australia ranks 11th in the world .

In the global homicide rate rankings, Australia has the lowest homicide rate in the world !

Australia's multiple capital cities, Sydney , Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, etc. in the ranking of safe cities, also ranks in the forefront of the world .

This series of rankings is enough to show how safe it is to live in Australia.

Look at news from other countries in the world, and then look at Australia. Street racing may make headlines.Most of the day is a trivial matter, which also shows that Australia is really safe!

When walking on the road and throwing a mobile phone or a wallet, there may be well-wishers who have picked it up and waited in place. There are even people who are struggling to find the owner in the face of tens of thousands of Australian dollars in cash.

Australia is such a peaceful, safe and well-intentioned country. You can say that the residents of Australia are simple and simple, or you can say that it is tolerant and loving.

Living in Australia is to make people feel safe.

Full coverage of Australian welfare from birth to death

Choose Australia. High welfare is also a point that many people value.

Australia's welfare can be said to cover all stages of life from birth to death.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Calculated from the beginning of pregnancy, there are childcare allowances and pregnancy welfare subsidies (both parents can apply);

After the child is born, the childcare allowance can still be received, and the child will be sent to the nursery, and the government will also be responsible for reimbursement Part of the cost.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

When your child grows up, if you choose to go to a public school, you can get a youth subsidy at no cost for tuition;

graduates from high school and go to college, you can apply for a loan from the government, the tuition is paid in advance by the government, and only after graduation When the salary reaches a certain level, the payment will start slowly.

After graduating from university, if unfortunately you are unemployed, there is an unemployment allowance. If the husband and wife have limited income, there is also a family welfare allowance to receive.

is getting older, and there are elderly welfare and widowhood subsidies...

It can be said that Australia's welfare really covers all stages from birth to death.

This does not include other welfare subsidies in Australia, especially the pharmaceutical welfare subsidy program.

This is a welfare plan that turns sky-high prices into affordable drugs, and the difference is paid by the Australian government.

So in other parts of the world, a course of tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of expensive medicines only cost tens of Australian dollars in Australia.

Regardless of whether the poor or the rich, they can be cured in Australia.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Birth, old age, sickness and death, four major events in life,

In Australia, you don’t have to worry about losing money after losing your job, let alone being sick and having no money to treat, especially for diseases that other countries around the world seem to need to add to the cost of treatment. The cost in Australia is also affordable for most people.

This is a country with temperature.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

Australia has many advantages. The world's leading education level, the world's leading scientific research and development, and the friendly people. As a major immigration country, Australia welcomes people from all parts of the world to live and live in Australia.

During the epidemic, many Hollywood superstars moved out of the United States and went to Australia - DayDayNews

With so many advantages in Australia, it is normal for Hollywood stars to linger.

Many Chinese did not intend to emigrate when they first came to Australia, but as their understanding of Australia deepened, they decided to live here for a long time!


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