He makes people so comfortable and so human that many people don’t even realize that they are in a pit. When you are poor, you want to save money, and the more you save, the less you can find a breakthrough. When you are poor, you are afraid of taking risks, and the less you dare

Human nature and business war, hit the nail on the head!

Why do poor people stay poor?

Because poverty is a trap!

A trap in line with human nature, which makes you fall into it unknowingly and then you can never get out.

is so comfortable and so humane that many people don’t even realize that they are in a trap.

When you are poor, you want to save money, and the more you save money, the less you can find a breakthrough.

When you are poor, you are afraid of taking risks, and the less you dare to take risks, the less you can seize new opportunities.

Then enter a Infinite loop. How can

be changed? The three words

are anti-human.

It goes against your own human nature. As long as it is comfortable, habitual and enjoyable, you should not do it.

Most poverty is caused by these 5 reasons. Take a closer look and see how many of them you have?

Care too much about face

The poorer the person, the more likely he is to save face, and the more afraid he is of being looked down upon by others, the more he will buy expensive things to show off. As a result, you will have less and less money,

because investment and consumption are contradictory. Yes, you only have one amount of money. The more you leave for consumption, the less money you have for investment, and you end up falling into the trap of eating, drinking and having fun.

Never buy a car or luxury goods just for the sake of face.

Face is not given by others, but by yourself.

The so-called others look down on you is actually you who look down on yourself.

Don’t always compare with others every day to truly grow. , is better than yesterday's self.

Don’t want to give up anything.

The problem with most people is that they also want this and that, and are reluctant to part with this and that. They are always in a state of hesitation.

When buying a house, they not only want a good location, but also want a good location. I also want a larger area, an elevator, and the best combination of self-occupancy and investment, and preferably a school district.

When looking for a job, I want high salary, good benefits, less overtime, professional expertise, and development prospects.

There is no perfect choice in the world. Even if you are the top scorer in the college entrance examination, you can only choose one from Tsinghua University and Peking University.

You must always give up the less important one for the more important one. This is life.

Those who are not willing to give up anything often get nothing.

Always want to get rich overnight

Many people’s understanding of making money is that they always hope to find a button and press it and skyrocket.

So you often see people asking what industry can make money. ,

In fact, no matter which industry you are in, it is impossible to make money in a short time.

There is never a button that can make you rich, because any industry needs to gradually try, gradually explore, and gradually hit the wall. Finally, it is concluded that A method that suits you.

If you haven’t experienced others’ sleepless nights, don’t envy others’ brilliance.

Live only from my own perspective

Why doesn’t he love me?

Why doesn't he buy my product?

He only thinks about himself and has never thought about why others love you? Why should I buy your product?

You like a girl, and then you try your best to be nice to her, buy her soy milk and fried dough sticks in the morning, and buy barbecue in the middle of the night to impress her, will she love you?

How is it possible? She will love you only if she is attracted to you, not because she is moved by you.

The boss will never give you a salary increase because of your hard work, but will only give you a salary increase because you are excellent.

What is excellence?

means that you can do things that are difficult and that most people can't do. It is irreplaceable.

Buying a cup of soy milk or a fried dough stick is something a man can do.

You just want to bypass those difficult parts, cheat directly, and get everything. This is a childish idea, the simpler it is , the less valuable it is.

For example, if you are in great shape, this is difficult because you need to control your diet and continue to exercise.

For example, if you are good at making money, it is also difficult because you need to study a lot, give up entertainment, and take risks.

Remember, there are no shortcuts in this world. Only by taking the most difficult road can you see the most beautiful scenery.

Always be afraid of stepping on pitfalls

Don’t be afraid of taking the wrong path, don’t be afraid of being cut off,

There are pitfalls that you should step on in life, and you are indispensable.

If you don’t step on pitfalls when you are young, you must step on them when you are old, and you will also What's worse is that if a child falls down and gets up immediately, nothing will happen to him. If an elderly person falls down, he may suffer a broken bone.

You must suffer losses as early as possible. The sooner you try and make mistakes, the smaller the cost, and the cost of seeing the world clearly is smaller.

You are so poor, what else can others try to trick you? Try to suffer as much loss as possible in small places and step on as many places as possible. Only by learning the pitfalls can you quickly understand the rules and accumulate experience, and only then can you make rapid progress at the most important node in your life.

Many people just like to settle small accounts and never settle big accounts. They would like to buy a green onion and ask others to give you a clue. This is useless. Accumulating lessons and gaining experience is always more important than not making mistakes.

All pain is due to ignorance of human nature!

All poverty is due to ignorance of business war!

Learning is the only way to resist the age crisis

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