[Good words and sentences: Issue 392] [Daily exercise, reading records] Certain or certain habits, once changed, will trigger a chain reaction and reshape the way of life/learning. Core habits will set in motion a process that, over time, will change everything. For many people,

[Good words and sentences: Issue 392]

[Daily exercise, reading records]

Certain or certain habits, once changed, will trigger a chain reaction and reshape the way of life/learning. Core habits will set in motion a process that, over time, will change everything. For many people, exercise is the core habit that triggers widespread change.

——"The Power of Habit"

You are your destiny.

It makes sense when you think about it.

I am too lazy to be poor, I am too greedy to be fat, and I am too stubborn to be busy every day.

Whatever makeup photo you give yourself, that will be the fate that fate gives you.

Pay less attention to other people's anecdotes and private affairs, and pay more attention to other people's thoughts and opinions.

- Marie Curie

I suspect that we have all fallen into a certain routine, working hard to make babies, making up classes, chasing points, getting ranked, entering experimental classes, rushing for 985, taking the postgraduate entrance examination, buying a house, repaying loans, raising children, and chickens again. Baby , such a cycle, deep anxiety, the whole family is full of money, time and thought, without any breathing space. In this way, there is no need to think, no need to be aware of life itself, no need to open your eyes to see the world, and no need to ask why.

My mother taught me since I was a child that I should be courteous to others, pay attention to other people's feelings, be tolerant and generous, respect the elderly and love the young and be polite. Later, I met all kinds of people. At this time, I began to hope that everyone can have a mother.

I like the light in summer,

the smell of wind, and the chirping of cicadas.

I like these, I like them very much.

—— Haruki Murakami "The Adventure of Sheep Hunting"

There is an old topic, "Should you choose the person you love, or the person who loves you?" --- Think about it carefully, "the person you love" and " "The one who loves you" actually means two things: choosing the one you love is being loyal to love. Choosing to love you means being loyal to life. When you can't have both love and life, decide which one is more important to you.

—— Su Qin

In fact, there is nothing to regret. Even if time could do many things over again, with the mentality and experience at the time, I would still make the same choice, and the same result cannot be avoided. People inherently learn to be good through failure. , instead of holding on to the past and regretting it, it is better to wipe your tears and move forward.

The root cause of Chinese society can be attributed to one word - laziness. Being lazy means being sluggish and following the rules, so you can’t find the courage to do what you should do; being lazy, so being careless, being unable to find the courage to decide not to do something that you shouldn’t do; being lazy, so being resistant to everything. Take the lowest path, take advantage of situations, and gradually lead to the degradation of personality.

- Zhu Guangqian " talks about self-cultivation "

Montessori, the famous Italian children's educator, put forward a view that most Chinese parents find absurd to this day - children are the fathers of adults.

Zhou Yijun in "The Round Table School" said: "When we look at children, don't think that he is your child and you have the right to control him at will, but remember that he is actually your ancestor. He is what you once were. It’s like that. It carries a lot of natural things from human ancestors.”

Any destiny, no matter how long and complicated, is actually reflected in only one moment: the moment when people fully realize who they really are.

- Three famous quotes by Borges

Li Juan :

If you don't have self-confidence before the age of ten, you may never have it in your lifetime.

A weak person engages in writing, just like a guy who still has a conscience engages in telecommunications fraud.

All ideal love is nothing more than being with someone who is beyond your reach.

When a person lacks psychological efficacy, he will subconsciously avoid and not face some things.

For example, if I don’t have a good relationship with someone, I won’t communicate about this relationship for now. For example, if I need to have a regular physical examination, I won’t do it yet. There is a work task that has not been completed, so I won’t deal with it yet. The house is very messy, so I won’t clean it up yet. There are many similar things, it's like the background program just stays there, it has taken up your mental space.

If you have been in a state of powerlessness and self-doubt for a long time, it means that there is something dragging you in the background.At this time, you have to think about what is running in the background. It may be an emotion that you are ignoring, or something that you are procrastinating. Once you have enough psychological potency, it's best to get rid of it first.

That thing is psychological debt. We have to complete it, or at least give it a plan. Regular cleaning is very important.

- Cui Qinglong

Pictures and texts come from the Internet/books/WeChat groups/moments

Unsure of the specific source/do not represent personal opinions, infringement and deletion

exercise back training/ rope skipping /swimming
reading "Liao Liao" Finished reading "Middle-Aged Things"