When interacting with the opposite sex, it is very important to stay "clean". If it is just clean in appearance, it is simple. As long as you look at some details, you can see it clearly and intuitively. For example, whether a person's nails are clean, whether the neck is clean,

When interacting with the opposite sex, it is very important to stay "clean". If it is just clean in appearance, it is simple. As long as you look at some details, you can see it clearly and intuitively. For example, whether a person's nails are clean, whether the neck is clean, whether the face is neat, etc. However, it is not that simple to know whether a person's heart is "clean". After all, people's hearts are separated from each other, and once the line of sight is blocked, it is easy for people to fall into confusion and be blinded by their appearance. Some people's hearts are unpredictable, and some people may not be able to penetrate their hearts and have a heart-to-heart relationship even if they have been dating for many years. So in real life, how should a man see whether a woman is "clean" in her heart?

First of all, if you want to know whether a woman is "clean" in her heart, you can observe her social circle. If a woman's circle is full of scheming and scheming people. Then it is difficult for this woman to keep her heart clean. There is a saying that those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black. There are often very few people who can get out of the mud without being stained. On the other hand, if you stay in a circle for a long time, it is easy to be assimilated invisibly, and both your behavior and your thoughts will change subtly. In other words, this woman herself is a person with evil intentions, and the people she associates with are naturally "like-minded". Birds of a feather flock together. For men, when you find that a woman's circle is vulgar, you should carefully consider your relationship with the woman.

Secondly, if you want to know whether a woman is "clean" in her heart, you can observe some of her daily preferences. If a woman likes reading, writing, studying, and exercising in her daily life, she is very active and motivated in her work life. Then such a woman is often clean inside. On the other hand, some women just like to eat, drink, and live a life of feasting and entertainment. Such a woman is easily corrupted by the spirit of pleasure, and her life values ​​will be distorted. To put it nicely, it is for life and survival. To put it harshly, it means that there is no principle or bottom line in being a human being.

Finally, if you want to know whether a woman is "clean" in her heart, you can observe her relationship with the opposite sex. If a woman has a particularly good rapport with the opposite sex, it is not a good thing. Especially maintaining close relationships with multiple members of the opposite sex. For example, often go out for shopping, eating, and having fun. Such a woman, just like Neptune, has a hard time keeping her heart clean. On the other hand, some women with clean hearts understand that men and women are different. Only stay close to men you like. Others of the opposite sex will keep a safe distance and refuse any ambiguity in relationships.