Life is a practice of hard work and joy. Everyone has a different definition of life. Some people want to live a luxurious life and constantly strive for it. Some people only want to have three meals to eat and don't want to live a life without one meal. Some people say that in t

Life is a practice of hard work and joy.

Everyone has a different definition of life. Some people want to live a luxurious life and constantly strive for it. Some people only want to have three meals to eat and don't want to live a life without one meal.

Some people say that in this era of materialistic desires, how can anyone still need to endure hardship?

There is a saying in the countryside that the hardships you endure today will turn into blessings in the future.

Everything in life has its joys and sorrows. Life is not always smooth sailing. Some people have been struggling to survive in adversity, such as this woman from Guangxi.

In Guangxi, a rural woman has been married to her husband for seven years and has to live in poverty and have to share the bathroom with pigs. It is so miserable.

A young woman married a debt-ridden man

The woman met her current husband seven years ago. Although he owned a van at that time, he was heavily in debt. Now, the family has given birth to two children, but the debts from seven years ago are still there today. They haven't even paid it off yet. When they saw the woman's living environment, people who didn't know it thought it was just a pigsty.

The woman said that since she married her husband, she has been sharing the same bathroom with pigs, and she has to endure the smell even if it smells. Only those who have experienced it will understand this feeling.

According to the woman’s neighbor, the woman is not very old, only 24 years old, but her image has a bit more vicissitudes than her peers, and she does not dress herself up, so she looks like someone in her thirties. .

In fact, the reason why a woman looks more mature than others is because she works day and night every day. According to her, her mother-in-law raised two piglets, and the job of cooking pig food was assigned to her. In addition to having to Doing farm work, cooking pig food and taking care of children, every day is a "full schedule".

In this harsh environment where there was no gas, the woman never thought of leaving her husband. In fact, at her age, she could have weighed the pros and cons when getting married, but she chose this debt-ridden man without any regrets. From the video, you can see that although the material conditions at home are limited, it does not hinder their family's happy life. In the eyes of outsiders, the woman's husband is lucky to have a well-run woman as his wife. In this world where there are many men and women, When I was young, many men would not envy this kind of thing.

The author's summary

As mentioned before, today's era is one of "Yin rises and Yang declines". In the city, how many men have not married and had children after the age of 40. For these older leftover men, marrying a wife and enduring hardships are both difficult. It's something out of reach.

The video of the woman has aroused heated discussion on the Internet. Many netizens said that her husband has not paid off his debts for seven years, which shows that he does not want to make progress. What does such a man want? Does he have a van?

To be honest, in today's environment, gossip is definitely inevitable. Before getting married, you should consider it carefully if you know the other party's family conditions. Some people say that based on age, the woman was under ten when she got married. Could it be that at the age of eight, she was "bought" back to be a wife in the countryside?

In response, the woman said that this marriage was a makeshift marriage.

Some people say that the woman's video was "acted". The kitchen utensils shown in the video are brand new, and the woman's hands are white and thin. It is difficult to imagine that they are hands doing farm work.

In fact, whether it is true or false, I hope everyone will be inspired after watching the video. When we have enough food and clothing, there are indeed some children in poor areas who have difficulty even having three meals a day. Therefore, we must cherish the thought Face life with a grateful heart, and at the same time hope that living conditions in poor areas can improve as soon as possible so that more people can get out of the mountains.

For women, all suffering will eventually pass. The key lies in whether the couple is willing to face it together.

Living in the mountains also has its advantages, at least there are less intrigues; and people living in the city may not be glamorous.