——Book Review "Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?" 》Text/Classmate Jia What attitude will you have in your life? There are happiness, dullness, twists and turns, surprises, setbacks and sufferings in life. Are you prepared to deal with those unexpected experiences? This

- Book Review "Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?" 》

text/Jia classmate

What attitude will you have in your life?

In life there are happiness, dullness, twists and turns, surprises, frustrations and sufferings. Are you prepared to deal with those unexpected experiences?

This is a seemingly ethereal topic, but it concerns everyone. At a time when most outstanding people are pursuing scientific and technological progress, medical development, and economic construction, Spanish writers Francis Miales and Angeles Donate have devoted their attention and energy to this issue. Come up.

They noticed everyone's confusion and confusion, helplessness and hesitation, and also saw the direction to break the confusion, and created "Will you have a cup of tea with me?" 》 This book points out the path for confused and hesitant people.

There is a saying: "Read the Bible on a hard day, and read history on a soft day." When you are upset and restless, please read "Will you have a cup of tea with me?" 》

After reading this book, you may be willing to quietly sip a cup of tea, bask in the sun for a while, listen to the chirping of birds, and smell the fragrance of flowers...

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(1) What do we know Before it is life, we have consumed half of it.

American writer Herbert once said: "Before we understand what life is, half of it has been consumed."

This sentence touched the hearts of many middle-aged people. , when the hour hand of life points to noon, we can see the direction of life clearly, and only half of the time is left. In the first half day, we missed a lot of things we really want to pursue. feels regretful and distressed for the lost time, and looks forward to the future. Feeling anxious and confused in life has become a hidden pain in the hearts of most people.

As in "Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?" "Tony, the protagonist in "Life", has reached the age of forty in the midst of a busy life. The changes in his family have become an opportunity for him to get back on the track of life. In the whirlpool of pursuit, he has deviated from the track of life and missed the relationship with his father, wife, and others. A great time between brothers. When he suddenly realized this, he was alone.

And in real life, you and I are not just another Tony. One project after another at work, never-ending business, the countless expectant eyes of children are ignored one by one, the table of meals prepared by parents on weekends often cannot wait for you to return, and there is a secret in the wooden house in the country hidden in my heart. The desire to live has never been mentioned once.

If the human soul is always in a state of being consumed, it is like a taut string that will snap off sooner or later. The machine needs regular maintenance, the string pulling force must be just right, and life must be relaxed and relaxed. The soul cannot be consumed blindly, it also needs nourishment, which can be family, love, friendship, or the tranquility of being alone.

Only when you see clearly what you really need and move forward in an orderly manner will the road to life be brilliant and colorful.

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(2) What makes people tired is not the suffering in life, but the negative mentality

Writer Shi Tiesheng once wrote this passage: "Don't live in vain for a day, just be slow If you do things slowly, you can find the interest and value of life. "Those who have heard Shi Tiesheng's story will understand what kind of tenacious life force this is.

21-year-old Shi Tiesheng lost the right to walk due to spinal cord disease in his prime. His body suffered a huge change and his self-esteem was severely hurt. The vigorous young man Shi Tiesheng once thought that this was temporary and would get better and he would go away. A day after getting off the bed and walking out of the hospital. However, on the day he was discharged from the hospital, he was carried out of the hospital. "Impossible" completely became a reality. A wheelchair replaced the legs that once ran freely.

The negative mentality caused by the huge blow made him depressed for a time, his will to live became increasingly weak, and his temper became worse day by day. He often rolled his wheelchair out of the house alone, not allowing anyone to follow him.At first, he ignored his mother's feelings and immersed himself in his own grief. After some time, he finally noticed his mother's emotions and saw the pain her mother suffered because of him, and his willpower to live on gradually recovered.

He said: "Death is something that you don't have to rush for."

It is love that drags a young man back to life from the cliff of fate.

in "Would you like to have a cup of tea with me?" "The book also describes a cliff and the stories of life turning points that happened on the edge of the cliff. Just like Shi Tiesheng's life, he survived from a desperate situation and his life was another scenery.

Sufferings in life cannot defeat the hope of living. If you think from a different angle and live in a different direction, life will still be green and full of vitality. In the final analysis, only when there is light in the heart can life have direction.

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(3) Why is life like a song? Because we have gone through mountains and rivers, our hearts are still shining.

Feng Zikai said: "If your heart is small, all small things will be big; if your heart is big, all big things will be small; if you look down on the vicissitudes of the world, your heart will be safe and sound."

Live a happy life Whether it is or not depends on our inner thoughts.

The great writer Su Shi had a bumpy career in his career. Although he was full of poetry and ambition, he could not put it into practice. If he was too small-minded and took the tortuous career too seriously, he would inevitably become depressed and frustrated, and would regard tragedy as the basis of his destiny. color.

However, Su Shi did not choose to live his life in this state. He is content with the situation, stands on the present, and strives to live a good life at the moment. He reads, drinks, writes poetry, cooks, and farms, all of which he enjoys and is content with. He also named himself a layman because he got a piece of land on the east slope of the mountain. He wholeheartedly felt the joy of plowing in spring, growing in summer, harvesting in autumn, and storing in winter. Su Shi, who ranked second in the national imperial examination, was able to live in the countryside with an open-minded heart, and his life also gained a different scenery.

《Can you have a cup of tea with me? "The cliff guardian Mr. Guangzheng and his daughter Esmeralda interpret the true meaning of life with love and open-mindedness." People often lose their way in their constant pursuit, forget the original purpose of life, and fall into deep confusion, even unable to redeem themselves. Mr. Guangzheng invites everyone who walks to the edge of the cliff to drink a cup of tea with him. Even if he no longer has the desire to live, he can always save time for the last cup of tea.

Mr. Guangzheng transformed a cup of tea, a paragraph, or a story into a beam of light and injected it into the hearts of people who walked to the edge of the cliff, and their lives took a turn for the better. All actions are due to inner thoughts. When you find a new angle to look at life, life will still be picturesque and song-like.

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(4) Never forget your original intention , you will always

confused because the goal is not clear; painful because the goal is too far away.

The pain of not knowing what to ask for, and the pain of asking without getting more are all inseparable from the word "seeking". Throughout life, only by seeking something can you have the motivation to live. Just remember to check whether what you want is still on the right track at any time, and search for your mood and mentality during the pursuit, so as not to lose yourself. to get closer to the goal.

Let us use resilience and love as our strength to integrate the twists and turns of life with the excitement, and complete an accidental life journey in the universe. Although life has twists and turns, life is still beautiful and promising.

You might as well sit down and have a cup of tea together once in a while.

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