My colleague Sister Wang often tells us that she has a particularly difficult and unreasonable mother-in-law. In the few years after Sister Wang got married, she also wanted to honor her mother-in-law and fulfill her duties as a daughter-in-law, but unexpectedly she ended up with

My colleague Sister Wang often tells us that she has a particularly difficult and unreasonable mother-in-law.

In the years after Sister Wang got married, she also wanted to honor her mother-in-law and fulfill her duties as a daughter-in-law, but unexpectedly she ended up with an evil mother-in-law. Even during the confinement period when Sister Wang gave birth to her daughter, she refused to feed her because she disliked the fact that she was a girl, and even encouraged her son to divorce his wife.

From then on, Sister Wang and her mother-in-law basically quarreled whenever they met.

Sister Wang’s husband was also in a dilemma because of this. Sister Wang had quarreled with him many times and even had the idea of ​​​​divorcing. However, looking at her well-behaved and lovely daughter, she could only sigh helplessly.

Situations like Sister Wang's are actually not uncommon. Generally speaking, behind the difficult relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is an unreasonable mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. If it is difficult to communicate, more and more ill will will easily arise, and in the end the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will become completely rigid.

Of course, there are some mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law who can get along harmoniously. This is not only related to the personalities of the two people, but also pay attention to considering each other and making concessions in daily interactions. If they care about everything and make demands on each other, If it's too high, it's easy to be unpleasant to get along with.

Lingling is a bad-tempered daughter-in-law. She always sticks to her word in family matters and does not allow others to interfere, not even her husband, let alone her mother-in-law.

It so happened that my mother-in-law also had a bad temper. When these two people were together, they would quarrel and quarrel almost every day.

Lingling is outspoken and says whatever she has to say. She never hides or minces words, and she has unintentionally offended her mother-in-law many times.

Her husband also once advised her that my mother is the elder after all. Besides, she is also doing it for you and for the good of this family, so you should not quarrel often. Lingling said nonchalantly: " I am the mistress of this family. I have the final say on how to make decisions on everything, but she always comes to interfere in my affairs, telling me that this is wrong and that should not be done. Why should I listen?" Hers?"

1. "I got angry with my mother-in-law and alarmed the neighbors"

At the beginning of this year, my mother-in-law stayed at the home of Lingling and her husband for a while, which completely ignited the war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Lingling has a lazy personality, and she and her husband are busy at work, so she has always been in the habit of cleaning, mopping, and washing clothes from Monday to Friday. She waits until she is home on the weekend to do a general cleaning. .

Her mother-in-law expressed her dissatisfaction as soon as she arrived. She said: "The floor is full of hair and garbage, and the dirty clothes are piled up in the bathroom. There is also this bowl. Is it so difficult to wash it after eating? It has to be washed for two or three days. After one bowl, the water in the pool almost smelled."

Lingling said nonchalantly: "I have my own habits, Mom. Besides, I'm not slovenly. I'm just too busy and tired from work. "

But my mother-in-law didn't want to move. She still couldn't stand Lingling's behavior, so she decided to clean the house herself. But this made Lingling very unhappy. She said, "Mom, what do you mean? It's like I'm bullying you." "Didn't I tell you? You don't have to worry about everything in the house. I am the master of this house, and you don't have to worry about cleaning."

The mother-in-law felt very uncomfortable when she said this, and started arguing with Lingling: "Although. You are married to my son, but I am your mother and your elder. What do you mean, treat me as an outsider and keep me away from you?"

They had a loud quarrel that day, even the neighbors They all came to break up the fight. When my husband came back from get off work and saw this scene, he was very helpless and quickly calmed the two down.

He also said to Lingling privately, don't be so rude to my mother. She is my mother after all, she is your mother-in-law. Besides, she has done nothing wrong. She helps us with the housework. Isn't that good?

Lingling said angrily: "I just can't stand the way she mops the floor and dislikes my procrastination in doing things. No matter how lazy I am, can she take care of it if I want to?"

2. "Being Deceived in Investment Ten" Ten thousand yuan, my mother-in-law donated generously"

Later, Lingling became pregnant, so she resigned and stayed at home, waiting for the birth of her child.

The pressure of the whole family suddenly fell on her husband alone. Lingling sometimes felt sorry for him, so she began to wonder if she should also find some ways to make money.

It happened that during that time, a netizen who was chatting well recommended a software to Lingling, saying that as long as you invest, you can get a return. If you invest ten yuan, you will get twenty yuan back, and if you invest one hundred yuan, you will get two hundred yuan back.

Lingling downloaded it with a skeptical attitude, invested ten yuan, and sure enough, she made a profit of twenty yuan the next day. She tried a few more times, and each time she had high profits, which made Lingling slowly let down her guard.

She did not tell her husband directly about this, but tried to get his salary card, plus her own bank card, and collected all the couple’s savings over the past few years, which was almost 100,000 yuan. Throw it in. At that time, Lingling thought happily that it would not be long before she could get higher profits.

But within a few days, the software suddenly and inexplicably failed to log in. Lingling tried several times, but finally it showed that the account had been logged out. She quickly called customer service, but no one answered.

Lingling panicked now, knowing that she must have met a liar. She was so scared that she couldn't sleep the whole night. That was a hundred thousand yuan. As a result, she was deceived by her own stupidity and simplicity overnight.

Her husband soon discovered something was wrong and asked Lingling why there was no money in her bank card. Seeing that she couldn't hide it, Lingling had to drag out the whole thing. Her husband, who knew the truth, was so angry that she scolded her.

Her mother-in-law came the next day. When she saw her mother-in-law, Lingling thought desperately: It's over, now I will definitely be laughed at and scolded to death by her.

As a result, the mother-in-law took out a bank card directly from her bag and handed it to Lingling: "I heard about you, don't take it to heart, just remember it next time. You know, nothing in this world is easy to come by." Good thing about cakes, I understand that you want to make money, just go out and find a job after you have the baby."

The mother-in-law said: "There is one hundred thousand yuan in this card, which is enough to fill this loophole. If it happens, don’t feel too guilty and blame yourself. Leave the rest to the police and wait for the results. You can keep the money first. How can you live without money?

I didn’t expect my mother-in-law to do this. What happened was something Lingling didn't expect. She originally thought that with her mother-in-law's personality and the grudge they had formed before, she would definitely laugh at herself. Unexpectedly, the old man did not choose to laugh at her this time, but comforted her, even more than her husband. intimate.

Since then, Lingling's attitude towards her mother-in-law has changed drastically. She no longer quarrels with the old man. She remembers everything the old man says and corrects her humbly. Lingling said, My mother-in-law is such a sensible and generous old man, and I must honor her well in the future.

3. People who really care about you will never add insult to injury

It was difficult for Lingling and her mother-in-law to get along with each other at the beginning, mainly because they had similar temperaments, and they were both very direct people in speaking and doing things, so they came to Together, it is inevitable that there will be various conflicts.

After Lingling encountered difficulties and handed over all the couple's savings to scammers due to her own mistakes, her mother-in-law not only did not blame her, but also took the initiative to give her own money to Lingling for her emergency response.

The old man also comforted her and told her not to feel too guilty and that she would continue to live her life.Lingling was really lucky to meet such a mother-in-law. Although the two of them usually argued and quarreled, it could be seen that her mother-in-law still cared for Lingling as if she were her own daughter.

Once something really happens, she will never sit back and ignore it. Only people like this who will not add insult to injury to you in times of crisis, but think about you, accompany and comfort you, are the real ones. family.


Today’s topic: Do you think Lingling’s mother-in-law is a good mother-in-law? Feel free to share your views in the comment area.