It is certainly a good thing for people to have dreams in life. Having dreams will provide the goal, direction and motivation for life to move forward. Being able to realize dreams is also a happy thing in life. It seems that life is valuable and meaningful.

Picture and text: Peaceful tranquility

It is certainly a good thing for people to have dreams while living. Having dreams will provide goals, direction and motivation for life to move forward. Being able to realize dreams is also a happy thing in life. It seems that life is valuable and meaningful.

But when a person achieves his coveted dream, he neglects too much, neglects his relatives around him, and neglects his own health, then does life still have meaning? What is the meaning of life?

From the moment we are born, we are like an arrow leaving the string, inevitably heading towards the only end point, _____ death.

I remember that the great poet Tao Yuanming in the late Jin Dynasty and early Song Dynasty wrote, "Recalling my youth, I enjoyed myself without joy." In fact, in the beginning, we are very easy to be happy. Happy games with friends, small things. A reunion, an off-key song, a cheap snack. This joy is the pure joy of life and the joy of living.

Another example is that when you carefully discover the little beauties in life, they will make you feel happy. Watch a flower bloom, watch a leaf fly, taste the fragrance of a cup of tea, the sweetness of a fruit in your mouth...

He does not rely on abundant material, does not adhere to lofty pursuits, he can be anywhere, anytime It gushes out like a steady stream of water. These joys may seem trivial in the eyes of others, but they will make you truly feel that life is great.

will make you love yourself, others, and the world sincerely. You see, we could have been happy, we were born happy, but in the days that followed, we unknowingly changed. "As time goes by, this intention is gone."

Our excitement or sparkle gradually faded away, as if we couldn't find the reason to laugh or the inspiration to calm down.

We often feel trapped, so we go around in circles, looking for an exit, which has been labeled. And we are constantly being defined. You have to set up lofty ideals, you have to realize your personal value, you have to become famous, get ahead, and return home in glory.

In the end, there is either the pain of not getting what you want, or the dull realization of the emptiness behind the so-called ideal.

We are like that little fish who yearns for the sea, but we never realize that we are actually in the sea.

But when we see the earth, galaxy , cities, streets... we are so small in front of these behemoths, why must we pursue greatness? Why should we be obsessed with the so-called road to success?

In fact, even if you embark on a path that is very different from your original intention. As long as you still have the spark, as long as you understand the true meaning of life, you will find that no matter what path you take, it will lead to the same destination.

Not everyone can become the person they want to be. Even if the dream does not come true, as long as you can let others share your happiness, bring happiness to others, and do your own meager power to help others, we feel the same happy.

It turns out that the greatest meaning of life is not to be obsessed with dream goals, live with heart, embrace every minute of every day, the glimmer of summer night, the snow of winter, the green of early spring, the cicadas of autumn, tides and sunsets, fireworks and sunshine, The breeze on the river, the bright moon in the mountains, and the family and friends who accompany you are all in life. These inconspicuous and ordinary things in your life are the greatest meaning of your life and mine.

Now we know that the world is not as perfect as imagined, hard work may not lead to success, hard work may not be rewarded, and dreams and ambitions may not be realized in a lifetime.

Life is just about working, studying, going to work, getting off work, buying groceries and cooking, three meals a day, and sleeping. All you have to do is discover the beauty of life, experience life, and return to life to enjoy every minute.

If there was an afterlife and a choice, would you still be willing to come to this world?