Everyone has greedy desires, whether they are men or women. As a man, most of them have the same desire, that is, the more money they have, the better, and the more beautiful women they have, the better. I always think that there is a cook at home, and there are many cheap people

Everyone has greedy desires. Whether they are men or women, as a man, most of them have the same desire, that is, the more money they have, the better, and the more beautiful women they have, the better. I always think that there is a cook at home, and there are many cheap people around me. In this materialistic society, if you lose yourself in the feasting and feasting outside, and always eat "food" at home, you will find it difficult to "eat", and you will want to "eat" outside, knowing in your heart that the "food" outside is unclean. , that is also irresistible temptation. So after "eating" outside, how does it feel to go home and "eat" again? See what they have to say!

First, do things perfunctorily and pretend to be confused. Mr. Wang is 45 years old and runs his own hardware business. He always socializes with customers outside. He sees a beautiful customer one day and a young woman the next. As time goes by, he will join in with them. It's like there is a song lyric, The outside world is wonderful and the temptation is too great. Every time after being intimate, I just go to bed when I get home. Sometimes, when we have no choice but to do something perfunctory or make excuses. She should have realized that for the sake of life and children, she was just pretending to be confused. Women must remember that they can no longer be free "aunties". Free wealth will not betray you, but the rest may.

Second, guilty, but it doesn’t matter. Mr. Yang is 40 years old and is engaged in earthworks and earthworks business. She is a business partner with her lover. She is majestic, lovable, and not too beautiful, but just looking at her, she has the feeling that people love to look at her. Since we are business partners, he has also been very helpful to me in business. We have been together for a long time, and maybe we have been in love for a long time, so we got together. My wife is diligent and respectful to my family and is filial to my parents. When I returned home, I saw that my wife felt really guilty. Maybe it was because of business reasons that I couldn't bear to break up with her. Since you can't give your wife love, you should make up for it materially. If a man is usually indifferent to you and suddenly cares about you, most of the time it is because of his conscience and he wants to use this method to relieve his conscience.

Third, husband and wife during the day, neighbors at night. Mr. Lu is 47 years old and a civil servant. Since my wife found out about my relationship with my lover, I have admitted my mistakes to her. Maybe it was because of the children and the elders on both sides, but my wife did not make a big fuss with me, so I think she has forgiven me! However, from that time on, we lived as husband and wife during the day and neighbors at night, and she didn’t let me touch her anymore. If you can't find a trustworthy marriage, you will never be able to go back to the past. After cheating, even if you are forgiven by your lover, there will be a layer of obstacles in each other's hearts. There is a song called: There is a kind of love called letting go. Not to mention that you no longer love, please let go and let the person you loved find her happiness and happiness.

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