Introduction: When we were young, in order to live a better life, we got up early and worked late at night, working from nine to six. We longed for the day when we retired. After retirement, we no longer have to get up early to go to work every day, and we don’t have to be scolde


When we were young, in order to live a better life, we got up early and worked late at night, working from nine to six. We have been looking forward to the day when we retire. After retirement, we no longer have to get up early to go to work every day, and we don’t have to be scolded by the boss. You don’t have to face the fake smiles on your colleagues’ faces.

allows you to do what you want to do, live the life you want to live, and make friends without having to worry about running out of time. When we were young, everyone was busy with work and family. Many times when friends called for dinner, they had no time because they were entangled in trivial matters, thus affecting the relationship. Gradually alienated.

In old age, there are no constraints of work or children, and you are free to do anything. However, such a life in old age can easily make people confused, so the elderly should still pay attention not to be confused. If you want to live well in your later years, there are many circles. One important thing is that in some circles it is better to exit as soon as possible.

1. The circle of rich people

If your own financial strength cannot keep up, staying in the circle of rich people for a long time will only make you become more and more vain, and your desire for comparison will become stronger and stronger.

We all know that water flows to lower places and people go to higher places. Everyone likes beautiful things when they see them. Men and elderly people are okay, especially women and elderly people. It is a woman’s nature to love beauty. No matter what age a woman is, We cannot give up their love for beauty.

It is easy for an old person like this to lose herself when she is in a circle of wealthy people. She will see others buying nice-looking clothes and want to follow suit. Others are doing maintenance, and she will also want to follow suit.

But after doing it, he realized that his own financial constraints were not allowed and he was not at the same level as them. Spending other people’s money was like eating noodles, but after spending it himself, he would be diligent and frugal in the future.

Therefore, exit this kind of circle as soon as possible, and live your old age according to your own strength. Do not compare or blindly consume, so that you can live a good old age.

2. Socialize with unnecessary friends

In their later years, many elderly people live alone, and some of them have wives. In their later years, they basically play by themselves according to their own interests and hobbies. At this time, avoid having nothing to do in their later years. If you do, you will find your friends and make new friends.

When I was young, I always thought that I was busy with work, either busy with work or busy with my husband and children. After finally retiring, I should relax myself when I have my own time.

I am bored at home most of the time, so I invite my friends to eat and go shopping. But most of the orders are paid for by myself, and the days when my friends pay for them are few and far between.

Some people go to senior citizen projects and meet new friends there. They get to know each other, explain their family situations, and then buy things they like together. In the end, they even buy whatever their friends recommend, even if they are financially unable. My strength did not allow it, and I would not lose face at that time.

In fact, there is no need to socialize like this at all. Real friends will give you advice based on your financial situation, and will not let you spend money just for a moment of happiness, but you will live miserable in your later years. Word.

3. Children’s circle should be less exposed to

Many of us old people always feel that their children have not grown up yet. Although it is normal for parents to have such a mentality, they still need to learn to let go.

Children will one day have their own families and careers. Society is progressing, and human beings are constantly changing and learning. The older generation cannot keep up with the pace of young people, but they love to interfere in young people's affairs.

When their children want to start a career, parents do not immediately stand up to support them. Instead, they ask whether it can be done and why they should invest first? Is that fraud?

We all know that there is no free lunch in the world. To do anything, you must first pay and work hard. Only when you pay and work hard will you see the results in the end.

I remember that I was like this at the beginning. When I came out to do live broadcasts in 2017, my dad once thought that I had joined an MLM company. Why did the company cover me and I had to pay my own water and electricity bills? Why do you have to take care of your own food and drink? After all,

is not working in a factory, so he certainly won’t be provided with food and accommodation like in the factory, and he won’t be like his parents at their age, where they don’t have to pay for water or electricity even when they go to a construction site or live in a house, but they still have to be responsible for their own food.

Old people cannot accept new things. At first, they always think they are scammers and have all kinds of objections. Only when this thing has become common do they accept it. By the time they accept it, the market is basically saturated, and there is no room for development at all.

4. Families with quarrels

In general, in our lives, we will encounter families that quarrel fiercely. Nowadays, there are fewer families that quarrel. In the past, family quarrels lasted a lifetime. The key is to survive for a lifetime.

There is a grandparent next to us. They are the same age as my dad, in their 60s, but they are older than my dad.

My dad has a very good relationship with them. My mother passed away due to illness that year. After my mother passed away, they took great care of our family. The relationship between our two families is getting better and better. My dad sometimes calls them over to eat when he cooks. When they were cooking, they would also ask my dad to come over and help with the meal. When

had nothing to do, the three of them would play Landlord together to pass the time. When they were busy with farm work in the fields, the two families also helped each other.

Originally, old age like this should be a very beautiful thing. It happens that my dad is alone at home, so he has someone to take care of him, so I feel relieved.

But every good side has an unknown side. Every time the grandparents fight and quarrel next to me, my dad will break up the fight, but that grandpa is very strong, especially after drinking, he will not recognize his relatives.

Every time my dad broke up a fight, not only my grandma was injured, but my dad was also slightly injured.

If the elderly want to live a good life in their later years, they must avoid contact with this kind of circle. If you persuade them well, they will be grateful, but if you persuade them poorly, it will be the fault of the person who persuaded them.

5. Don’t get involved in the investment, financial management and health care product circles

We old people are very diligent and thrifty. Now when we see supermarkets doing activities on the street, there are basically more old people than young people.

But many times, we old people lose a lot of money because of petty advantages. Not only supermarkets will hold activities, but many financial management, investment, and health care product companies will also sell products and give away pots and pans.

Elderly people like to eat things the most. When I heard about sending these, I must have brought my neighbors and good sisters together, so that everyone can share the blessings.

There are also many old people who have nothing to do in their old age. They go to dance in the square and join some choirs. These projects are all good projects, but the people inside should be approached with caution.

Many old people are in contact with old people of similar age to themselves. Many of them are engaged in financial management, investment, and health care products. Once the relationship is established, they will recommend them. Many of us old people can’t let go. Seeing that it is recommended by an acquaintance, they will buy any product. a little. After

went there, the salesperson made fantastic claims and successfully brainwashed the old man, making him confused. The old man felt that what he said made sense, so he took the money and bought a single product.

When I finally got home, I realized that I had bought some useless things and spent thousands or even tens of thousands. Looking back, the pot that was given as a gift might still be usable, but the quality was not very good.


If the elderly want to live well and comfortably in their later years, they must withdraw from these circles. Don't be confused, otherwise you have to try.

In fact, old people are just like young people. Circles are very important. They all say that birds of a feather flock together, and people are divided into groups. It is better to keep the circle clean.