For women, the age of 40 is the watershed of middle age and an important stage of life. Once youth is gone, the road ahead is still long. Living with the insights of the years, naturally there is a special emotion in my heart. A woman at 40 has completed the necessary processes f

40 is the watershed of middle age for women and an important stage in life. Once youth is gone, the road ahead is still long. Living with the insights of the years, naturally there is a special emotion in my heart.


A woman at 40 has completed the necessary processes for women such as falling in love, getting married, and having children. They no longer pursue perfection in life. For them, if not all of life, it is at least the most important part of life. Protecting their husbands is their greatest happiness.

However, protecting happiness is not easy. The relationship between husband and wife has become almost dull, and your husband is beginning to get tired of your care and pickiness.

Therefore, creating happiness not only requires love, but also requires abandoning endless nagging and restraint, and replacing it with kind care and respect for emotions, and you will definitely have a happy and joyful one.


For a 40-year-old woman, age is a fatal injury. A 40-year-old woman should have a long-term plan for herself and know what she can do in the future?

If you can't give yourself a good position and let your strengths be fully utilized, you are likely to fail and remain silent. Walk through the second half of your life until the end of the years.

Woman 40, you have experienced what you should experience, you have what you should have, but sometimes do you still have the slightest regret, that is, what you have always wanted to do but have not done.

Give yourself once, give full play to your talents, realize your ideals, and declare to the world that women at 40 still have a lot to do.

Everyone has to pay for the life they live. If you want to be rich, you must be prepared to endure some hardships. If you want to be a rich woman, you must suffer hardships and ups and downs.


Women 40 no longer regard romantic passion as a background. They know how to love and be loved, and know how to deal with love, family affection and friendship. They know how to love the elderly, children, themselves, and even more, how to love a family, selflessly and broadly.


Maybe life is a little dull, but in the warm harbor they created, they can truly feel that plainness is true, and what they have is the most precious.

When people reach middle age, they lose their youth and edges, but are replaced by nobility and elegance. The waywardness and impulsiveness of youth have been tempered by the years and have faded away. The noisy and youthful feelings have also quietly settled and become a part of every gesture. of and elegance.

As a result, a 40-year-old woman has a deeper understanding of herself. The impetuousness and impulsiveness of her youth are childish, and the power of style is more powerful.

Therefore, they sublimate the beauty of roses to the elegance of lilies . They lose the innocence and romance of girls, but gain a solemn and generous temperament and calmness.

They have learned to face life with a tolerant attitude, appreciate all kinds of society casually, and truly understand the true meaning of taking a step back to see the world and the sky, and can handle all kinds of complex people and things with ease.

They never complain about the passing of time, because it is the cantabile years that cleanse the publicity of light and wash away the dust, making them move towards the perfection of women.

Women's understanding of the word "happiness" often becomes more profound as they grow older. When you are 20 years old, you will feel happy if you have expensive jewelry and beautiful clothes; when you are 30 years old, you must have a prominent status and a luxurious life to feel happy.

At the age of 40, women finally understand that too much pursuit is a burden. Happiness is not a "show", it is just a feeling of oneself. When you know how to taste happiness from a simple life, you will be the happiest. woman.

Therefore, it can be said: "Happiness is not about material poverty and abundance, but based on personal mood. When there are too many and cannot be achieved, you will feel frustrated; on the contrary, when you are content, you will cherish what you have and cherish what you have. Get joy and happiness from it. Therefore, a 40-year-old woman should learn to know blessings, cherish blessings and be grateful.