I think there is a misunderstanding that we must understand first. It’s not that you run out to the street and treat someone better. You can just say, I am so good to him, how can he not like me? This is the most basic trust between people. Woolen cloth? Didn’t we agree to be eac

I think there is a misunderstanding that we must understand first. It is not that you go out to the street and treat someone better. You can just say, I am so good to him, how can he not like me? The most basic relationship between people What about trust? Didn’t we agree to be each other’s angels?

It doesn’t mean that because you have paid, the other party must like you, right? Don't make it look like you are buying or selling by force.

XX: I gave you the money, how could you not sell it?

Harvest: No, no, I never said I wanted to sell it, and I didn’t ask for your money.

So-and-so: Stop talking nonsense.

Harvest: Don’t come over...

So-and-so: You will never pay that kind of sadness for you. I don’t understand, so why should I force myself to love everything about you

Harvest: I turn a blind eye when I should cooperate with your performance

This may be just your wishful thinking. In fact, "harvest" has no feeling at all for your "efforts". You think you You are already very good with it, and you can join another one, but it actually just treats you as an ordinary friend. After all, there are too many people who are good at "harvesting" - there are billions of them, and you may not even be able to do it. The spare tire doesn't even count.

Flowers planted with intention will not bloom.

Yes, efforts must be rewarded. The key lies in how you define "reap", whether you have discovered what you have gained, and whether you have paid in the right direction.

There is a famous saying that the world does not lack beauty, it just lacks the eyes to discover beauty. The same applies to "harvest". Think about it, if , Pfizer, and were too obsessed with treating heart disease, they might have missed something that could improve the living standards of some men and women.

Maybe you are so obsessed with staged results that you are blinded by some kind of competitiveness and utilitarianism, and fail to discover in time some beautiful scenery that only you can discover at this stage of your life. .

Changing a person is a very difficult thing. Don't think that you are great enough to change anyone. Even the most experienced teachers may not be able to guarantee that they can teach any student well, so you should not be too anxious. You are just one of the many passers-by in a student’s long life. You are not his first teacher, nor his last. At this stage of his life, you can guide him as much as you can and fulfill your obligations. This is That's enough, don't take yourself too seriously. If you meet any student who is so obsessive, you won't be able to continue.

Staged success and failure are not an irreversible impact on the entire life. This is true for you, and it is true for students as well. Failure in the high school entrance examination, college entrance examination, or postgraduate entrance examination does not mean that you will never be able to turn around in your life. A person's achievements cannot be determined until the coffin is sealed.

In other words, you may have a chance to make a comeback before you die. There is a saying, Thirty Years of Hedong... You haven't struggled for thirty years yet, there is still more room for error. Life is bound to be full of bumps and bumps, and you will probably encounter similar situations again and again in the future. But whether a battle is successful depends not on whether it defeats the opponent, but on whether it achieves its strategic purpose. Sometimes defeat does not mean complete defeat.

So for a person at any stage of his life, as long as he keeps making progress, he has achieved his "strategic purpose". As long as his abilities continue to improve, the possibility of his life getting better and better in the future will definitely become higher and higher.

This experience of hard work but failure is also a gain.

success is accumulated from failures. Every time you fail, you gain a life experience and reflection, and you know more about a path that doesn't work than others. Next time, you won’t take this detour and your success rate will increase. As you keep failing, your success rate keeps increasing until, at some point, you find a path that truly suits you.

frustrated? Powerless? Confused? Everything is difficult at the beginning, and who hasn’t been through this? But slowly find the secret from defeat after defeat, and your path will be clear.

Of course, sometimes "harvesting" requires talent just like picking up girls. If you have a higher IQ and a stronger insight, you will be able to react faster, know how to avoid lightning, know how to cater to others, and you will also be able to do what you like. At the right time, pursue as early as possible and return with the "harvest".

is also about luck. The "harvest" is actually there, not too much or too little, but some people can find it immediately, while some people can't find it.

It's like doing math problems. Some people understand the rules and can solve them directly. They are the best among human beings. Only a few people can do it. Some people don't understand the rules and can only use all kinds of stupid methods to solve them one by one. Randomly traverse until you use the right method.

I hope some of the suggestions here can be of some help to you.

Every step of progress brings happiness. I hope you can discover every step of your progress and get every happiness.

is also about luck. The "harvest" is actually there, not too much or too little, but some people can find it immediately, while some people can't find it.

It's like doing math problems. Some people understand the rules and can solve them directly. They are the best among human beings. Only a few people can do it. Some people don't understand the rules and can only use all kinds of stupid methods to solve them one by one. Randomly traverse until you use the right method.

I hope some of the suggestions here can be of some help to you.

Every step of progress brings happiness. I hope you can discover every step of your progress and get every happiness.