Text/Pictures by Li Ziyan/Sourced from the Internet, infringement links deleted. Many women are most afraid of meeting someone unkind in their relationship, being cheated on their feelings, and breaking their hearts. Therefore, they will keep a distance from the opposite sex. If

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Many women are most afraid of meeting someone unkind in their relationships, being cheated of their feelings, and breaking their hearts. Therefore, they will keep a distance from the opposite sex. If they don't like that person, they will never accept the other person's feelings hastily.

Feelings are something that you and I are willing to do and cannot be forced. If the other party keeps rejecting you, you should understand that she has no feelings for you and does not like you. Therefore, she will not allow you to approach her.

Sometimes, when she feels that you want to pursue her, she will stay away from you and put up a guard against you.

Therefore, when a man is pursuing a woman, if he still cannot feel her warmth, he can give up and stop pestering her, lest you leave a worse impression in her heart.

Especially in love, it does not mean that if you think that you are sincere, a woman will be moved by you and accept you because of it. What she wants is someone who can give her a surging feeling. If you don't give her this feeling, then everything is hopeless.

Generally speaking, if a woman rejects these things from you, to put it bluntly, she has rejected your feelings.

Reject all your material gifts

Some men fall in love with a woman, so they will try every means to please her. He will find out from many sources what kind of gifts a woman likes, and then buy them for her.

However, when he handed it out, the woman rejected it. He thought it was because the other party didn't like it. In fact, what she rejected was not the gift, but him as a person.

There are always men who believe that as long as they have money, there is nothing they cannot do. Therefore, when dealing with relationships, they will also use money to please women.

Although material foundation is a necessity for future life, if she is completely indifferent to you, or even hates you, then no matter how much money you have, it will be in vain for her.

Women are emotional animals. In the face of love, as long as she thinks this person is the right person, even if he is poor and white, she will stay with him without hesitation and accompany him to endure hardships and hardships.

Zhizhi’s family is very privileged. She had a boyfriend during college, but her boyfriend’s family came from a rural area and were not wealthy. Her parents were against it at the time, but she just liked her boyfriend's positive energy.

After graduating from college, her parents introduced her to several outstanding men in all aspects for her to meet, but she refused to go. One of them was a friend she had known since childhood, and his family was also very rich. He gave Zhizhi Offers of sports cars and limited edition bags were all rejected.

In the end, Zhizhi had a falling out with her family and married her boyfriend without hesitation.

In order to save money for her boyfriend, she didn't even hold a wedding ceremony. The two bought two rings at the night market, put them on each other, went to eat a crayfish, and got married.

Refuse you to help in any form

Everyone will encounter a time when someone needs help. If a woman encounters a very difficult thing and you offer to help her, she still refuses. Obviously, she is I don’t want to have anything to do with you.

Xiao Zhou once had a boyfriend named Xiao Yang, but later her boyfriend broke up with her in order to study abroad. Many years later, when he returned to China, he discovered that Xiao Zhou actually had a child. He only heard about it from a friend in college and found out that this was his child.

Xiaozhou was very busy at work and taking her children to and from school. In order to have more energy to spend with her children, she quit her job and planned to open a shop.

But she looked at several stores for sale. Either the location was not good or the rent was too expensive.

After Xiao Yang heard about it, he rented a hotel in the city center and asked Xiao Zhou to check it out. Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhou refused immediately. Although Xiao Yang still loves her and wants to do his best to help her. However, every time, Xiao Zhou would refuse.

Obviously, if a woman treats you like this, she is actually rejecting you very directly. No matter what you do, she won't be moved by it.

Therefore, you'd better be a little self-aware and keep providing some self-righteous help. In the end, it will only make her resent you and even make her no longer want to be friends with you. Not only is it a waste of time, but also a waste of energy, so why not just give up decisively.

The above two points can be clearly seen in heterosexual interactions. If she doesn't accept everything you offer and just rejects it, she doesn't like you.

Maybe you think she has not told you clearly, but you have to know that she is trying to save face for you, and she is using another form to remind you not to get close to her anymore.

Love is a matter of liking each other. Only when you meet the right person can you spark love with that person.

So, don’t bother trying to please someone who doesn’t like you at all. This will only waste your time. It is better to let go as soon as possible so that you can see more people and get a love that is more suitable for you.