Now this 16-year-old girl is pushing and shoving her brother who is ten years younger than her while cursing. Although she looks pretty, her language and behavior are extremely rude, like a little bully.

"Say one more thing, don't think I dare not hit you."

"You see clearly that I am the only boss in this family!"

At the moment, the 16-year-old girl was cursing while pushing her brother who was ten years younger than her. Although he looks pretty, his language and behavior are extremely rude, and he acts like a bully. As the commotion became louder and louder, the adults in the family heard the news and rushed to pull the girl away. The cause turned out to be just a casual rebuttal from the younger brother.

However, the adults comforted the girl who beat her brother violently. The aggrieved brother had to apologize to the girl reluctantly, as if the girl had become the one being beaten.

Why is this beautiful girl like this? What happened to her again?

Princess Diaoman

On February 19, 2001, Panjin City, Liaoning Province, that day coincided with the Spring Festival. A couple welcomed their first baby in the joyful atmosphere of the New Year. The baby girl’s first cry made this The home seemed lively and warm.

Liu Siqi's parents regarded her as a gift from God. They held it in their hands for fear of falling, and held it in their mouths for fear of melting. Unexpectedly, as time passed by, this "gift" began to become a bit tricky.

Liu Siqi’s parents are both in business, and the conditions at home are very good. As long as Liu Siqi opens her mouth, the couple will pick stars from the sky for her. Liu Siqi, who was born with a golden key, lives a princess-like life every day, but she is different from those elegant and lovely princesses. She is a "unruly princess".

Unexpectedly, at the age of 16, this princess was still living a life where she could only reach out for clothes and open her mouth for food. She refused to eat the food if it was not fed to her mouth by her mother or aunt at home. When she was wearing clothes, she could only point with her little finger to decide which one she wanted to wear at home. The aunt put it on for her.

Liu Siqi said everything at home, and no one could go against her wishes. And her parents also pampered her blindly. Because the couple was busy with business and could not spare time to spend time with her, they gave her a lot of pocket money and asked Liu Siqi's uncle to be her chauffeur for fun and shopping.

This spoiled little princess spends money without blinking an eye. She only buys limited-edition bags and never looks at the price of clothes and pants. Every time she goes shopping in the mall, she comes home with a full load, until she and her uncle both carry them. Will not give up until it falls.

It is common for her to spend tens of thousands of yuan on daily expenses, and the highest amount even reached 110,000 yuan at a time. Her bag is always filled with large stacks of banknotes.

.11 million, although the family is wealthy, it is not a small number after all, so her mother came to Liu Siqi and told her not to buy too many things she didn’t need. It was not easy for her parents to make money.

But hearing this sentence changed the taste of the little princess. She was so proud that she had to prove to her parents that she could not only spend money, but also make money.

So Liu Siqi decided to set up a street stall to make money. She called her uncle, and the two went to the market and spent several hundred yuan to buy a bunch of mobile phone cases. They happily went to the night market to set up a stall.

Other stall owners only had small pushcarts, but she was so good. She drove a Bentley and put her mobile phone case on the car hood and started selling, attracting many people to stop and watch.

Making money was not as easy as she imagined. These pedestrians left after seeing the novelty. Liu Siqi shouted with a loudspeaker, but no one came to buy it.

Liu Siqi was so angry that she kicked her uncle's Bentley. However, instead of being angry, her uncle comforted her with a low eyebrow. The depressed little princess looked at these exquisite mobile phone cases, and suddenly she had a plan. She decided to sell them at a big sale. She sold all the mobile phone cases she bought for twenty or thirty yuan for two yuan.

As a result, there are more and more customers. The two-dollar mobile phone case is so rare, and everyone wants to grab this big deal. Not long after, all the phone cases were sold, totaling 60 yuan.Although he didn't make a penny and was given hundreds of yuan in rebates, Liu Siqi's face was filled with happiness.

In order to celebrate the joy of "making money" for the first time, Liu Siqi took the 60 yuan in his hand and took his uncle to the barbecue stall next door to have a drink. After eating this meal, he spent the 60 yuan in his hand. , and gave an extra six hundred. She seemed to have forgotten whether she was here to make money or spend money.

One day she suddenly had the idea of ​​going to Dalian to get her hair done. With an order, her uncle drove her 300 kilometers straight to Dalian in a luxury Bentley, and even fired the hairdresser her mother hired at a high price.

So the little princess came to Dalian in a hurry and found the most expensive hairstylist to have her hair beautifully done using all the best products. The total cost was 10,000 yuan. Ten thousand yuan for a haircut is a sky-high price, but the little princess didn't hesitate at all when giving the money, and didn't even ask for change. After all, the ten thousand yuan was just part of her pocket money.

Liu Siqi came home with beautiful hair worth 10,000 yuan. Although her mother felt puzzled, she just said a few words to her, while Liu Siqi lowered his head and played with his latest smartphone, responding impatiently. Mother. Although the younger brother on the side was only in elementary school, he also felt that his sister's behavior was unreasonable, so he told her that she was wasting money, and that was the beginning of the scene.

The birth of her younger brother made Liu Siqi, who had been pampered since childhood, even more serious. She was afraid that her younger brother would take away her parents' love for her, so she always treated her younger brother unkindly. She snatched his younger brother's toys when her parents were not at home, and threw away his younger brother's homework books. All her domineering behaviors were... Showing this little boy that he is the most favored eldest son in the family.

Although her mother verbally favored Liu Siqi and asked her brother to apologize to her, she was silently reflecting on herself, wondering if there was something wrong with her education methods. Seeing the arrogant and domineering Liu Siqi, Liu Siqi's mother secretly made up her mind to make her change.

What solution did Liu Siqi’s mother think of? Will this unruly and willful little princess really change?

The giant baby participated in " Metamorphosis "

Liu Siqi's mother has always adhered to the principle of raising her daughter richly. She feels that it is okay to spend some money, as long as she is satisfied with her materially as much as possible, so that Liu Siqi will not be unable to resist money in the future when he enters the society. lure.

But is this kind of pampering accumulated with money really good? Can you become the best person by buying the most expensive things in terms of food and clothing? Liu Siqi's mother looked at the wayward little princess in front of her and fell into deep thought, so she quietly dialed the number of the program team of "Metamorphosis"...

When she learned that her mother had signed up for Metamorphosis and had to go to a remote rural area, Liu Siqi was furious. The little princess reluctantly agreed after throwing the things in the house into a mess. It was not until Liu Siqi's father came out to threaten her that she would have no pocket money if she didn't go.

At this time, the camera crew of "Metamorphosis" has arrived at Liu Siqi's home. At this time, the little princess is enjoying the dessert that her mother feeds to her mouth, while her aunt is helping her cut her nails.

The program team has seen too many rebellious young people, but this is the first time they have seen such a 16-year-old "giant baby" who is still unable to take care of himself.

Everyone took turns doing ideological work for Liu Siqi, telling her how beautiful the countryside was and how many new things she had never seen before. Slowly, the little princess began to have beautiful fantasies about the countryside she was about to go to, and she became happy.

When Liu Siqi is in a good mood, the whole family is in a good mood. She was lying on the sofa leisurely playing with her tablet computer, while everyone in the family, including her younger brother, was busy packing her luggage. Clothes, bags, cosmetics, and pocket money filled four suitcases.

Although everything was taken care of in every detail, the mother was still worried that her daughter would suffer. While helping her put on her socks, she told her to eat well, while Liu Siqi was impatient and perfunctory.This scene was also recorded on camera, and the audience in front of the TV laughed and called her a "giant baby."

Finally, Liu Siqi drove to the small mountain village in her family's luxury car. The singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers along the way made her very excited. She was used to seeing tall buildings, and these flowers and plants all made her feel fresh.

Is this trip to the countryside really as beautiful as she imagined? Can this giant baby adapt to life in the countryside?

Rural Transformation Journey

The family's luxury car made a bumpy journey to the entrance of the village. The remaining narrow path was too narrow for the car to pass. Liu Siqi had to walk down the road by himself.

According to the requirements of the program crew, the family could only be sent here. Liu Siqi watched the family's luxury car drive further and further away, not realizing what would happen next.

She sat on her suitcase, waiting for someone to help her carry it, but was told by the program crew that she could only carry her luggage by herself. Liu Siqi was dumbfounded. Looking at the winding and difficult road in front of her, she gritted her teeth and threw away all four suitcases containing clothes and cash, leaving only the backpack containing cosmetics.

finally climbed to the top of the mountain, but there was no small bungalow as she imagined. The beautiful fantasy was suddenly shattered. When she looked at the dilapidated and simple bungalow in front of her with disgust, a boy of the same age came out to greet her.

"My name is Hua Zi, and we will be partners from now on."

Liu Siqi looked at the handsome boy with yellow hair in front of him, and felt happy. At least he could have a friend in this remote country. Huazi was even more excited. He had been here for a week and was looking forward to having his friends come to accompany him every day. For this reason, he even specially lit the firecrackers he bought on credit from the small shop at the foot of the mountain.

Because I live on the top of a mountain, I can only rely on carrying water down the mountain to solve the water source. At this time, the water at home has been used up. When he heard that Liu Siqi wanted to wash her face, Huazi went down the mountain to carry water back without saying a word, and also brought her snacks bought on credit from a small store.

After eating and drinking, Liu Siqi suddenly remembered the suitcase she had left at the foot of the mountain, so she took Huazi to accompany her back to look for it, but the two of them searched for a long time without even seeing a shadow.

The little princess who was cheerful just now suddenly changed her face. She was so angry that she broke into the staff room without knocking and started rummaging around, but she still couldn't find it. In anger, she fought at the staff and threw away the towels and toiletries sent by the program crew. Meanwhile, Hua Zi on the side cooked a meal to comfort the little princess. It's a pity that this meal is not only inferior in price, but also in taste. Normally the little princess wouldn't even look at it, but now she eats it deliciously, as if she is no longer a giant baby who still needs to be fed by her mother.

Just as the two of them were having a good time eating, the third friend Kang Ziyi also arrived belatedly, and all the transformed members also arrived.

The owners of the small bungalow are the new parents of the three friends who are still working outside, so they can only provide food and clothing by themselves these days.

The little princess couldn't stand this life. She sat on the hard bed board and went on a hunger strike to protest to the program crew, but it was completely useless. Grievance and anger swept over her, and the little princess recalled with tears her life of fine clothing and fine food at home. You must know that in the past, all she wanted was to curl her fingers and act coquettishly, but she was the little bully in the Liu family, and there was no one in the countryside. Pamper her.

Under the patient persuasion of her two friends, she also decided to work hard to adapt to the life here, learning to wash clothes and fold quilts, but the biggest problem for the three of them right now is still no food.

All the snacks brought back from the small shop on credit were wiped out, and all the neighbors' food that could be eaten were used up. The three of them hungrily set their sights on the chickens at home.

The two boys originally planned to carry chickens to sell at the foot of the mountain, and then use the money to buy food at a small shop, but when they reached the middle of the mountain, they were told by the villagers that a chicken could only be sold for 20, so they made a tacit understanding and went home. , decided to kill these chickens and eat them.

The three friends who were not touched by Yang Chun Shui jumped up and down for a while and finally made a meal of roast chicken. The three people who were usually well-dressed didn't care about their disgraced appearance at the moment and immediately started to eat voraciously.

In this way, they helped each other through the difficult days until the new parents came back from work.

originally thought that the new parents would be angry if they knew they secretly killed the chicken, but not only were they not, the new parents also cooked a large table of dishes for the friends.

Although it is not as good as the delicacies of mountains and seas that we usually eat, this table of dishes is full of love. These plain dishes make the hard rural life warmer.

After dinner, the new father helped Liu Siqi find her suitcase. The joy of finding it made Liu Siqi jump up and down with joy.

They gathered around the yard and chatted like a family. They heard from their new father that the path they took down the mountain every day was dug out with hoe after hoe. It had to be renovated twice a month. He worked hard to dig this path on the cliff. , it is for the convenience of my son going to school.

This story shocked the three friends. Liu Siqi glanced at her new father's shoes, which were so tattered that the glue had opened. So in order to repay her new father for finding her a suitcase, she and the other two discussed going to work to earn money to buy a pair. New shoes for a new dad.

This sudden change surprised the program team. In the past, Liu Siqi never said thank you to her parents even though she had good food and clothing every day, but now she has learned to be grateful.

Unexpectedly, Liu Siqi did not do it on a whim. The next day, she took her friend and picked up the shovel and stepped into the cement nest. After a hard day's work, the famous brand clothes were covered with cement dots, but Liu Siqi happily accepted the 150 yuan reward.

The 150 yuan made her feel more happy than the 150,000 yuan she spent in the mall. They brought carefully selected new shoes to the rural father, and when the rural father replaced the worn-out Jiefang shoes that he had worn for several years, , already blurry with tears.

She gradually adapted to the life here. She would also do housework and farm work with her friends, and her personality became more and more gentle.

During this period, she also met many rural friends. She found that many children here began to help the family when they were less than 10 years old, and even took on the burden of taking care of their younger brothers and sisters. At this moment, she thought of her younger brother at home, and felt There is an indescribable feeling.

Soon the life of Metamorphosis came to an end. At this time, Liu Siqi's face no longer had any traces of cosmetics, but instead looked more simple and cute.

The mother who loved her daughter came to the small mountain village early in the morning to take her daughter home, but she saw Liu Siqi carrying a basket and obediently helping with farm work. She couldn't believe it. Is this the same little bully who used to show off his power at home?

Hearing her mother's cry, Liu Siqi immediately ran over and the two hugged each other tightly. After experiencing so many hard days, Liu Siqi expressed her thoughts and regrets to her mother.


After returning home, Liu Siqi’s mother still habitually brought snacks to her mouth, but she refused. Not only that, she also apologized to her brother for the previous beating.

Unexpectedly, the little bully who used to say he was the only one actually lowered his head, which made his younger brother a little uncomfortable for a while.

Perhaps she experienced the hardship of making money in the countryside. She no longer spent money lavishly and began to learn to care about her parents' money. This giant baby has really grown up.

After returning to school, she began to study hard, and finally got admitted to E0SMOD Beijing High Fashion Art School, known as "the first fashion school in the world" in 2017.

In September 2020, she went to France for further study. After completing his studies and returning to China, he opened a personal studio and became a slightly famous designer.

Human beings are inherently good by nature.If it weren't for her parents' blind doting, Liu Siqi wouldn't have become a giant baby who couldn't take care of herself.

Many parents pamper their children blindly because they love them, but they do not know that these poisons in the name of love are driving one child after another into the abyss.

Parents should be their children's best teachers, but Liu Siqi has undergone earth-shaking changes in a strange mountain village. Really good family education is never about giving and taking. Real enrichment is a deeper education of children's concepts and spiritual aspects, not just material things.

The little princess was only 16 years old at the time. The fault was not her, but the wrong family education and family atmosphere.

In "Metamorphosis", children are all about deforming and changing, but in fact, it is their parents who really need to deform and change.


Baidu Encyclopedia—Liu Siqi

Hunan Satellite TV "2017 Metamorphosis: Rich Girl Liu Siqi Spends Tens of Thousands a Month on Shopping"