Have you ever had the feeling that after you have been married for a while, you feel that life is the same day after day? The feeling of love or sweetness you had with your spouse has faded away. Now, although it is not to the point of being annoying, you can feel it when you mee

Do you have the feeling that after getting married for a while, you feel that life is the same day after day, and the feeling of love or sweetness with your spouse has faded. Now, although it is not to the point of being annoying, you can still see each other. We just talk about children, money, daily necessities, and rarely talk about inner matters. We are extremely busy every day. Love has become the so-called family relationship. We will continue to be together now. It is just a matter of habit, fulfilling obligations, and complying with social ethics. If you are already like this, you have entered the low ebb of the relationship. If you talk about separation at this time, the relationship is not that bad, and you will not be willing to part with the children you have raised together and the home you have built together; but you must strengthen each other. relationship, what to do?

How could this be? Is marriage really the grave of love? In ancient times, princes and princesses got married and lived happily ever after, but no one ever told us what to do to live a happy life?

We Really Loved Each Other

The way to cope with the downturn in a couple's relationship, the degree to which the couple's needs and abilities match, and the sense of satisfaction brought by each other's role relationship are important factors for the harmonious operation of the family.

(1) When there is a dispute, it is not the point who is right or wrong.

When there is a dispute, the important thing is not to argue about who is right or wrong, but to speak your mind calmly and listen to the other party's thoughts with an open mind. Then discuss together an approach that satisfies both parties. Meijun often disagrees with her husband about children's education, but fortunately, they each express their own opinions and respect each other's opinions. When discussing together, they understand each other better and gain more understanding of each other. of intimacy.

(2) Think about the other person’s behavior with empathy

With the popularity of Internet ordering applications, takeout, ordering and other services are becoming more and more thoughtful. Many young newlyweds are cooking for themselves, even couples born in the 80s and 90s. Less time in the kitchen and changes in lifestyle have caused couples to omit the original sentiment in the family dinner table and delicacies, and also deprive themselves of the only elements of communication and heart-to-heart talk between couples.

In Sister Yu’s family, after they have eaten, they have to wash the dishes and chopsticks quickly and put away the kitchen before taking a rest; but Brother Feng is different. When he is full, he can take a rest first and then clean up the dishes. If Sister Yu can understand Brother Feng, or if Brother Feng can understand that Sister Yu has been tired for a day and needs a rest, and quickly helps him wash the dishes, Sister Yu will definitely be very grateful and can promote their relationship.

We once had each other

(3) Return to the relationship to satisfy

When the relationship reaches a low point, the important thing is how to return to the relationship to satisfy it. For example, if I want him to pamper me, then I should first find a way to make him happy. . Many people blame their spouse for not doing something well in certain areas. At least they feel discouraged by their spouse, or at worst they seek satisfaction outside the relationship, such as having an affair. For example, Xiaoling can type, and Guoxiang wants her to help him type his resume. If he says, "You don't know how to do this, why don't you do it for me!" This may lead to a quarrel. On the contrary, if Guoxiang comes back from get off work to help take care of the children first, and takes the children away so that Xiaoling can concentrate on her work, she can naturally help him type his resume. Many people hope that their spouse will be obedient to them, or be pampering and considerate, but they forget that people share the same heart and the same principles. "If you want to gain something, you have to lose it first." Human relationships are all mutual. If you want to win him or her, (Her) pampering and considerateness (obedience and obedience) must be paid to me first (pampering and considerateness)!

(4) The characters should not be rigid.

Why do TV programs need to innovate? Why do entertainment companies often discover new talents? Because this way they can have a sense of freshness and the fans' admiration for their idols will be closer.Occasionally, something different should be done, a change, to surprise your spouse and give the relationship some ups and downs. If it stays the same every day, it will be difficult for the relationship to not have low points.

Love you forever

As the saying goes: "It takes ten years to cross the same boat, and a hundred years to sleep together." There are so many people in the world, but sleeping with this person is such a difficult fate. It is indeed worth cherishing. With such a cherished heart, we work hard to get closer to each other and accept that marriage has its downturns, but roles can change. After many years of marriage, although the original passion is no longer there, the intimacy of mutual understanding and tolerance can indeed greatly satisfy the human need for a sense of belonging and make people live happier and healthier lives. I believe that with this attitude, growing old together is no longer a dream, and "divorce" will no longer be a word that couples often discuss.