I find that many couples are superficial lovers, fair-weather lovers, lifelong lovers. What does that mean? The two of them can only play king, watch a movie, and play an escape room together. When it comes to the sense of ceremony, it must be booking a restaurant, creating some

I found that many couples are superficial lovers, fair-weather lovers, lifelong lovers. What does this mean? The two of them can only play king, watch a movie, and play an escape room together. When it comes to the sense of ceremony, it must be booking a restaurant, creating some atmosphere, giving some gifts, and having a drink.

To be honest, where does this sense of ritual appear most often? Appears most often in the circle of friends? The more likes, the greater the sense of ritual. But you find that without this sense of ritual, couples can often only share happiness and are less able to share the pressure and pain in real life. This actually reflects what we want when we are in love. He may just fill in the gap. There is a desire or vacancy in our hearts for someone. This thing may be money, companionship, simple happiness, or a face. Then when the relationship is relatively stable, how should we treat this sense of ritual after our desires have been reduced? Woolen cloth?

To be honest, the sense of ritual is actually a feeling. This feeling is not necessarily real, because it is difficult for people to be satisfied and their desires are difficult to satisfy in the first place. Oh, this time he bought you a big-name lipstick. You think he is so happy. Next time he buys you a Mentholatum lip balm , will you still be happy from the bottom of your heart?

Therefore, instead of constantly piling up this sense of ritual with some materials or ten thousand, it is better to look for the shining points in ordinary life and sublimate this sense of ritual in the details. For example, in the summer, two people ride shared bicycles and walk down the street to eat at food stalls with great fireworks displays. Or in the winter, when he sees that you are cold on the snow, he still stretches out his hands that are red from the cold and hugs you. Is the glass rolled up?

It's actually a very ordinary little thing that makes you like him. It’s not just treating you to a meal at the Black Pearl Restaurant, but drinking high-end red wine is just a sense of ceremony. Although it is said that how much a man spends on you can represent how much he likes you and loves you, if you are too obsessed with this, your life will be a little unreliable. After all, you still have to know what kind of person you want to find in the end. He can accompany you in your romantic life, but he must also be able to accompany you for daily necessities.