There is no pure friendship between adult men and women. Think about it, if you are willing to spend so much time with her and even make so many intimate gestures, do you really just treat her as a friend? Wasn't there a moment when you suddenly wanted her warmth? People are emot

There is no pure friendship between adult men and women. Think about it, if you are willing to spend so much time with her and even make so many intimate gestures, do you really just treat her as a friend?

Wasn’t there a moment when he suddenly wanted her warmth? People are emotional. Although they can remain rational most of the time, who can guarantee that they will always be rational?

The relationship between men and women often changes in nature due to impulse. Although a slap in the face can't make a difference, it is always half-promising and half-finished. It will lead to misunderstandings and naturally lead to wrong paths.

Generally speaking, in the relationship between the sexes, if a man does this "all the time", sooner or later something will happen.

Always create close physical contact

The body is the most honest. Even if you may say it doesn’t matter, when your body can’t help but move closer or farther away from a person, it means that your true thoughts are already there. I betrayed you.

Especially when you are with the opposite sex, the difference in gender also creates the distance between you and determines whether your relationship is pure or has changed.

Generally speaking, in the relationship between the sexes, if a man keeps making close physical contact, it also means that sooner or later something will happen to your relationship.

Don’t think that you can really grasp that degree. On the contrary, the most terrifying thing about human nature is impulsiveness. Maybe at a special time, you have crossed the line.

keeps saying ambiguous words

Language is a powerful tool for feelings. Many times, in your eyes, what you may say is not a big deal. But what echoes in the other person's ears may be another concept.

Many times, the speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. To you, it may be just a casual comment, but in the other person's heart, the seeds have been planted.

Generally speaking, in the relationship between the sexes, if a man keeps saying ambiguous words, something will happen sooner or later. Women are always imaginative. Many times, even if you don’t say or do anything, she will fabricate a lot of details out of thin air. Once you tell her, she will naturally free associate. How can her feelings be pure? How long?

I have been dating you alone

The world itself is composed of men and women. In life, there will naturally be many friends of the opposite sex.

For the vast majority of people, the vast majority of friends of the opposite sex, even if they have some bad thoughts in their hearts, it is not a big deal. As long as the bottom line is not crossed, then everything will be fine.

In other words, even if you want something to happen at a gathering of friends, it's not that easy. Generally speaking, in the relationship between the sexes, if a man keeps asking you out alone, it actually means that his thoughts about you must not be that pure. If you agree every time and still feel very happy, even sweet and warm, then something will happen sooner or later.

Never believe in your own self-control ability. It is impossible for a man and a woman to be alone together without creating any sparks.