In real life, some young people often complain about their poor family background and destiny. Some even blame their parents for their incompetence and failure to create a wealthy life for themselves. For this reason, as a parent, I must feel deeply sad. So, what is the greatest

In real life, some young people often complain about their poor family background and destiny. Some even complain that their parents are incompetent and have not created a wealthy life for themselves to enjoy the benefits. For this reason, as a parent, I must feel deeply sad. So, what is the greatest sorrow of being a parent?

In fact, as a parent, the greatest sorrow is not that you have no ability to earn as much money as you want, and whether you can create superior living conditions for your children to meet the material needs of the next generation, but that you have not fulfilled your responsibilities and have no Cultivating and educating children on how to behave is the greatest failure and greatest sorrow as a parent.

Parents want their children to live a better life than themselves. However, good days will not fall from the sky, so when I was young, most of them worked hard, worked hard to build a career, earn more money, and create more wealth. They had neither time nor energy, so they often neglected the right things. The development and education of children. Or they pamper their children, pamper them in everything, and regard doting as love. Even if they know that the children are wrong, they still do not criticize or correct them. Sometimes they even think that as long as the children grow up, they will definitely understand the principles of life. , thereby missing the best opportunity to guide and educate children.

When their children reach adolescence, some parents suddenly realize that something is not right with their children, especially the rebellious psychology and words and deeds that have increased significantly. Not only are they "not obedient at all", but they are "not sensible at all", and they even contradict themselves at every turn. , sometimes I can make myself half angry to death. During this critical period of children's growth, if education and guidance are improper or the methods are simple and crude, it will cause serious consequences. Especially those children whose parents are not around, if they have poor self-control ability and cannot withstand various temptations, they will easily lose themselves and go astray.

Once the child is left unchecked or the education method is improper, when the child grows up, even if he goes to college or joins the work, he will still be a "problem child" with a lot of troubles. For example, those who are indolent, greedy for enjoyment, have high ambitions but low abilities, are uneducated, lack responsibility, cannot bear hardships, blame others, etc. They can't do anything well, and they don't even understand the basic principles of life, let alone excellence. At this point, perhaps the parents have realized that it was their mistake and regretted raising their child into a useless "giant baby", but it is too late to regret it.

It can be seen that the greatest sorrow of being a parent is not being able to train and educate your own children well. If the next generation does not learn how to be a good person, learn seriously and humbly, do not know how to stand in society, cannot even take care of themselves, etc., they may even go astray or embark on the path of illegality and crime. As a parent, it is not only sad, but perhaps the greatest misfortune in life.

As the saying goes, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and each generation becomes stronger than the previous generation." If you want to train and educate your children well, you must start from an early age and treat them like saplings, watering, fertilizing, controlling insects, strengthening them, and caring for them carefully. Only by cultivating and exercising can it grow into a strong tree. Some people say that there are no children who cannot be educated well, only parents who cannot educate them. This is not unreasonable. I hope that all parents in the world can cultivate and educate their children with love, leaving no regrets and avoiding sorrow. What do you think?

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