"Oh, I'm over 30 years old. I have no marriage, no boyfriend, no house, no car, and only a mediocre job. Am I useless?" It's already halfway through. When I was young, I followed the people around me and kept moving forward. Now my children have their own families, but I am sudde

"Oh, I'm over 30 years old. I'm not married, I don't have a boyfriend, I don't have a house, I don't have a car, and I only have a job that I can't get enough of. Am I useless?"

"I'm already over 50 years old. , half of my life has passed. When I was young, I kept moving forward with the people around me. Now my children have their own families, but I am suddenly confused. I don’t know what to do in the future. "

"I am studying? My grades were poor and I started working early. Now I realize that it would have been better to study more. "

Every age group has its own troubles, but time keeps moving forward without stopping.

Inamori Kazuo said: "It is rare to come to this world once, is your life really valuable?"

What is a valuable life? What is a worthless life?

I think there are countless answers to this question, but what is certain is that when you are old, you can say to yourself that I have lived a wonderful life and I am very satisfied. I think this is a valuable life.

How can we live a valuable life?

Here I will say one thing, that is: insists on .

When you see this, you may say, hold on, who doesn’t know this truth?

Yes, persist. We have known this truth since we were very young, but few people actually do it. Sometimes the simpler the truth, the more important it is.

There is a saying: "No matter what a person's past is, his future is a blank sheet of paper." No matter whether you succeeded or failed in the past, you can now create your own valuable life again.

The book "Parchment" mentions that the famous foreign writer Jack London has always insisted on writing. He seized all his time and insisted on excerpting good words on pieces of paper, inserting them into the gaps in the mirror and putting them in his pockets. , Don’t wait on the clothesline, so that you can memorize it at any time. Just keep persisting like this, and later you will achieve outstanding results.

alsoSima Qian. After being tortured, he thought about death, but he still had a dream to write a historical classic. For this dream, he persisted and finally completed the book "Historical Records".

I remember once reading a sentence: "Those who are successful just persist longer than you."

This is the truth. It's like you are preparing to run 2 kilometers. It is difficult to think about it, but when you start running, It's okay to go slower, don't give up, keep at it, and you'll reach the end.

The same goes for other things. Keep at it. If you fail, try again. If you keep at it, you may be able to see new hope.

Voltaire said: "Adherence to a great cause requires an unswerving spirit."

Goethe said: "The most important thing in life is to have a lofty goal and use talent and perseverance to complete it." "

Pasteur said: "Tell you the secret that enabled me to achieve my goal. My only strength is my persistence. "

Success will come when it comes. If you haven't succeeded yet, you haven't persisted enough."

Living a valuable life starts with persistence.

I am Zhizhi. I keep practicing and updating. Welcome to follow, collect, like and comment. [Rose][Come and see me]#I want to be on today's headlines##Long-termism#​#Novice Xiaobai begging for hundreds of fans#​#habits#​