5 little secrets about girls "must read for boyfriends"

  • In the eyes of all boyfriends, girlfriends always have some strange and incomprehensible little actions.

Today, I will tell you all the little secrets hidden in girls, so that all boys in the world and boys with girlfriends will no longer be confused.

If you want to learn about caring for your girlfriend, let's start with the female body first!

Remember these 5 little secrets on the girl's body, so you can be sure that you will become a warm boy who is infatuated by your girlfriend.

1. When shopping together, suddenly, his girlfriend reached into the clothes and touched.

Sorry, she is just fixing the shoulder straps!

2. Girlfriend and girlfriend, two women suddenly began to whisper in secret.

Don’t panic, they are just borrowing sanitary napkins!

3. Does every girl have dysmenorrhea?

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In other words, nearly 2 out of 5 girls will have dysmenorrhea. The "White Paper on the Physical Health of Chinese Women" shows that more than 6 out of every 10 menstruating girls have recorded their symptoms of dysmenorrhea.On the first day of menstruation, the probability of dysmenorrhea is as high as 76%.

And more than 10% of the girls said that dysmenorrhea has an impact on their lives! "Pain" deep, diarrhea, rolling on the floor are very common.

4. Do girls lose their temper when they have menstruation?

From a medical perspective, it is said that 90% of girls appear in menstruation about 5 days before they come. A symptom called premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is generally relieved after 1 to 2 days of menstruation.

It is said that there are as many as 150 manifestations of PMS symptoms. Common reactions include tension, depression, focus, low interest, hypersensitivity, increased appetite, and so on.

The scary thing is that these symptoms appear without a clear cause, and will only be relieved as the menstrual period comes.

So boyfriends, menstruation is not as simple as leaving some blood.

5. Will my girlfriend's breasts feel big?

Whether it will be or not, it’s not your hand that has the final say, it depends on how big your breasts can be.

Girls’ breasts are mainly composed of fat, breast, and breast muscle.

The glands and acinars in the mammary glands are like grapes. They will "grow up" significantly during lactation and look fuller.

Normally, everyone’s breast composition is the same. The key point is the fat content of each person!

Memeda not only does not increase breast fat,The mammary glands and acini will not develop again. If the force is too high, it will damage the mammary glands.

If you really want to make your breasts bigger, you have to eat it into a chubby one, which is big everywhere.

Or go for breast augmentation surgery.

So, girls should pay attention too!

Those bad boyfriends lied to you, what would they do!

Tell him, it's better to save snacks!

Concluding remark: the friends you see, please pay attention and like it!

Pay attention not to get lost!
