"Mom, split up quickly and let my sister-in-law get out."

Three women in one play, where there are more women, there are more right and wrong Chickens and dogs jump.

Before getting married, women all hope that they can grow old with their lover, hope to meet a kind and talkative mother-in-law, hope that the family of husband can accept her, hope that her marriage life can be harmonious and beautiful, not affected by outsider interference.

The ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny, marriage will never be related to romance Trivial things, filled with chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea.

Therefore, many women are reluctant to get married, just because they are afraid that they will meet unkind people, not only do they not get happiness, but they push themselves into another abyss and get hurt completely.

Wang Juan is very lucky, she married love, and she never met an evil mother-in-law after marriage, but she met a rude little sister-in-law.

Wang Juan and her husband Chen Anjie are classmates in university. They had a very difficult life at the beginning of their graduation. Wang Juan found a job as a teacher. Chen Anjie was preparing for the civil servant exam. It has always been Wang Juan who has been supporting his life.

Chen Anjie also didn't want to become a useless person who had to rely on his girlfriend for food. He studied hard and finally got admitted to the civil service. After his job stabilized, he proposed to Wang Juan, and the two got married just like that.

Chen Anjie's family was poor. He lost his father at an early age. The villagers knew that there was no man in their family who could handle it, and they always bullied them. The mother raised Chen Anjie and her sister with a meager income from the soles of their shoes.

Wang Juan's family is better. Knowing the family situation of her husband Chen Anjie, when they got married, they offered not to pay the bride price. Their family dowry a house. Juan also agreed, she thought that her husband's family was her own, and it was no big deal to live together..

Wang Juan's mother-in-law is a good talker. She doesn't like to be in charge. She goes out to drink tea every day, dance square dances, and occasionally pull Wang Juan to talk about family affairs. They all complained about how difficult her mother-in-law was. Wang Juan felt very lucky to have met a reasonable mother-in-law.

Good luck and misfortune , there is no problem with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law , but there is conflict between aunt and sister-in-law , the aunt is two years younger than Wang Juan, and her character is unruly and willful. Wang Juan didn't do her housework well, or she disliked Wang Juan for cooking dishes she didn't like. Wang Juan didn't want to quarrel with her sister-in-law. On cotton, I know it's boring, so I won't continue to make trouble.

This day, my sister-in-law had a quarrel with Wang Juan over whether she should cook potatoes for dinner. The two of them were blushing, and her mother-in-law came to persuade her to fight. She shouted to her mother-in-law: "Mom, look at my sister-in-law , she knows that I don't like eating potatoes, and she cooks potatoes at night, but she clearly doesn't like me and doesn't want me to feel better, so hurry up and separate from , Drive this woman out, and don't let her enter our house again."

When the mother-in-law heard this, her face immediately turned black, and before Wang Juan had a seizure, she first accused the sister-in-law: "What nonsense are you talking about, it is you My sister-in-law, your sister-in-law likes to eat potatoes, what's wrong with her frying a little? Sister-in-law, I still don’t know how to be grateful, I think you are the one who should get away!”

The little sister-in-law was frightened by her mother-in-law’s words and dared not speak any more. Wang Juan gave her mother-in-law a grateful glance and said to the little sister-in-law: “Little sister-in-law , we are sisters-in-law and live under the same roof, I love you brother , you love your brother, we all have a purpose, is it bad to get along well with ? Why do we have to make trouble every day? "

After that, the little sister-in-law seemed to have changed her personality. She no longer had trouble with Wang Juan, and she no longer made trouble to drive Wang Juan out. She began to accept Wang Juan slowly, and occasionally revealed to Wang Juan. With a smiley face and a few jokes with her, the family can finally live together in harmony and no longer have conflicts.

In married life, although getting along with husband and wife is the main thing, but also pay attention to the way of getting along with mother-in-law, daughter-in-law In their eyes, the sister-in-law is an outsider, and they, their parents and brother are a family . When the sister-in-law has a conflict with their family, they will stand by the family for the first time.

Everyone is partial, and there is no problem with their own family members, but many times, my sister-in-law will meddle with her own affairs, my sister-in-law and her mother-in-law quarrel, she speaks for her mother-in-law, my sister-in-law and my brother have conflicts, and she helps my brother to vent his anger. This self-righteous maintenance will not solve the contradiction, but will make it worse.

To be a good sister-in-law, the first thing to do is to listen more and talk less, read more and do . Don't express your opinion casually, prefer to persuade rather than help. You think you are defending your family, but in the eyes of sister-in-law, it is your family that unites to bully her and treat her as an outsider.

Sister-in-law should understand that sister-in-law is someone who wants to live with brother for a lifetime. After sister-in-law and brother get married, sister-in-law is the closest family member to brother. When you get married in the future, you will also move out of this house and team up with another person. After building a new family, I also hope to be accepted by my lover's family. can understand the situation of my sister-in-law only by heart-to-heart.

. Mutual contains respect, the relationship can be harmonious With a common language, we can chat all day about clothes and cosmetics.

There are two reasons why my sister-in-law and sister-in-law don't get along well. First, the sister-in-law did not correct her mentality. She felt that the water splashed by her married daughter would sooner or later become the daughter-in-law of someone else's family, and she did not accept her sister-in-law as her own family. He still feels that he is the little princess in the family, and regards his sister-in-law as an intruder.

It can be seen from this that acceptance and tolerance are the most important things in getting along with . People are mutual, you respect me, and I will respect you. If you accept me, I will also accept you. In the relationship, both aunt and sister-in-law must first put aside their prejudice against each other and accept each other's participation. Only in this way can they coexist harmoniously.

3. Whether the relationship is good or not depends on the man.

In many families, the relationship between the wife and the in-law family is not good, and the man bears a lot of responsibility. Many men feel that the woman's affairs are left to the woman to solve it. Say a word, don't interrupt.

When a man is a good brother and a good son, he must also be a good husband.When there is a conflict between a family member and a wife, a man should look at the problem from a fair and impartial perspective. Eccentric to one side, The big things are reduced to the small, and the small things are reduced, and the family can be harmonious.

The above three ways of getting along are not only applicable to getting along with aunts and sisters, but also for getting along with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Not everything can be done overnight, and marriage also needs to be managed. There is no bad relationship in this world, but there is no right way. , No one does not want family harmony, and no one wants to quarrel with people who live under the same roof. Only because of fate can we become a family and live together. Master the way of getting along well, and then we can have a happy family.

Today's topic

How do you think mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and aunt-in-law should get along?

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