Happy families do not argue about "right or wrong", because families do not follow the logic of "right or wrong", but the logic of unique emotions. Grasping the logic of this emotion is the most critical aspect of running a family. "Being needed and being seen" is a very importan

2024/05/1622:23:33 emotion 1977

Happy families do not argue about "right or wrong", because families do not follow the logic of "right or wrong", but the logic of unique emotions. Grasping the logic of this emotion is the most critical aspect of running a family. "Being needed and being seen" is a very important relationship model in the family. You can see my thoughts and you can respond to my needs. Between demand and response lies the deepest emotional connection with each other.

Happy families do not argue about

In a family, don’t argue about right or wrong in small matters, discuss and discuss major matters, and don’t settle old scores. In any relationship, it is actually difficult for us to completely put ourselves in the other person's shoes. But even if we can't understand it 100%, at least we can complain less. A good couple will always "get by" in some small things. But in a bad relationship, you always have to distinguish right from wrong in everything. No one is perfect, everyone has shortcomings, and not taking responsibility when things happen is a wise way to get along. Every home is a safe haven, not a place for debate. We should tolerate each other in insignificant things and know how to give in in innocuous details.

once read an article: Why is family so important?
Because home is the harbor for our body and mind, the support point of our lives, and the greatest satisfaction and happiness in our lives.
Because our parents are here, we will feel more at ease and calm;
Because our children are here, our lives will be so colorful;
Because we have our partners, we will no longer feel lonely on the road ahead. The
family is our final destination, the initial motivation for our hard work, and the strongest armor and softest weakness in our lives. .

Happy families do not argue about

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