This article mainly includes the following content: 230 MA+PHD application examples for 16-22Fall International Affairs and International Studies major (Excel version)** 22fall International Affairs and International Studies major only includes 6 new data, if you mind , please do

This article mainly includes the following content:

6-22Fall 230 MA+PHD application examples (Excel version) for the International Affairs and International Studies major of Meiyan

** 22fall The International Affairs and International Studies major only includes 6 new data. If you mind, please don't get it.

Special reminder from study abroad database:

. Based on feedback from most institutions and domestic applicants, we have begun to provide Excel version of application example materials, which supports query, filtering, editing, modification, copying and other operations, making school selection more convenient! Please support

2. The data of all application examples are provided by the individual applicants. There may be cases where the data submission format is not uniform, or the data completeness is different. In some cases, there may be data duplication. If you mind, don't get it.

3. Since the information is sent in the format of Excel electronic document, before obtaining it, please make sure that the content of the information is what you need. The information cannot be returned or exchanged after it is sent.

4. The application example data of the study abroad database is generally updated once every June, and each update requires a new reward.

is written in front:

The study abroad database has provided data on U.S. graduate application examples for five consecutive years. All data are provided by individual applicants. In the past few years, they have been recognized by domestic applicants and institutions and helped them accurately School selection positioning.

2022Fall Compared with 21Fall, the number of domestic student applicants has increased, especially in science and engineering and some popular business majors. However, the data volume is far from returning to the pre-epidemic data volume. Therefore, students or institutions that have already obtained past data, if you continue to obtain this year's update, please make sure that you can accept the current actual data situation before obtaining it.

The following is an introduction to the application example data for 6-22Fall of the International Affairs and International Studies major at Meiyan:

For information on the opening of the International Affairs and International Studies major at American University in American universities, please see: 2022 Meiyan [International Affairs/International Research Majors] 188 official website information records of MS+PHD projects (Excel version)

1. 230+ American Studies International Affairs and International Studies major 16-22Fall application examples

It took 5 months to collect and organize the study abroad database 230+ American Studies International 16-22Fall application example for the major of affairs and international studies, including MA and PHD. The application data includes the applicant’s undergraduate and graduate school, GPA, GRE, TOEFL score and applicant’s background, applied institution, major, degree, admission result.

(This table is only used as a display of the data format, not the content of the data itself)

2. This set of admissions example materials contains more than 230 admissions examples of international affairs and international studies majors. The main admissions data include:

1. Applicants with undergraduate and master's degrees Schools: These schools include 985, 211, Shuangfei and overseas schools, covering all the school backgrounds of current Chinese applicants.

2. Applicant’s educational background: mainly targets applicants with undergraduate degrees, but some applicants also have master’s degrees.

3, GPA: The score is mainly based on the 4-point system required for application to American colleges and universities. Some individuals will have a hundred-point system, and some examples are accompanied by class rankings.

4, GRE: Most of the GRE scores included are the total GRE score excluding writing, and some will include various sub-scores.

5, TOEFL/IELTS: mostly includes the total score, and some will include 4 sub-scores in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For applicants who completed their undergraduate or master's degree in an English-speaking country, most American colleges and universities can exempt TOEFL scores. When we include this part, we will leave it blank or mark it with "121".

6. Year of admission: includes a total of 7 admission years from 16 to 22Fall. Although the amount of data collected each year will be different and no specific statistics are made, the research data will find that in recent years, the hard scores of Chinese applicants have changed. Not big, the score has reached a stable stage, so these data have reference value.

7. School to apply for: includes the Chinese name of the school, English name, and even the abbreviation

8. Academic qualifications to apply for: includes MA and PHD, mainly MA projects, which is also in line with the current sociology majors of Chinese students. Common application directions.

9. Apply for major: The majors included here include international studies, international affairs, international affairs and management, international development, etc.

10. Admission results: The symbols below represent different meanings:

AD: means admitted, no scholarship. Some are also marked with AD small awards, which means that the scholarships given by the institution are very small and are not enough to cover tuition and living expenses.

offer: Admission with scholarship. This part of the scholarship can basically cover tuition and even tuition fees. Most of them are PHD projects.

REJ: Rejection of admission.

waiting list: refers to the status at the time of admission. Generally speaking, the chance of getting admission is not big.

11, Remarks : It is an introduction to the applicant’s scientific research and soft background. If you look at this set of data carefully, you will find that the general “water” scientific research background and internship will have little impact on your application results. Scientific research experience and papers closely related to the project will give you extra points, so listing these useless so-called "soft" strengths in your application is not as important as actually improving your scores or working on your application documents. 2021Fall Meiyan [International Affairs/International Studies Major] 157 project official website information records (including MS+PHD)

Study abroad database special reminder:

. Based on feedback from most institutions and domestic applicants, we have begun to provide Excel version of the application. Example data supports query, filtering, editing, modification, copying and other operations, making school selection more convenient! Please support

2. The data of all application examples are provided by the individual applicants. There may be cases where the data submission format is not uniform, or the data completeness is different. In some cases, there may be data duplication. If you mind, don't get it.

3. Since the information is sent in the format of Excel electronic document, before obtaining it, please make sure that the content of the information is what you need. The information cannot be returned or exchanged after it is sent.

4. The application example data of the study abroad database is generally updated once every June, and each update requires a new reward.

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Easter eggs in this issue:

6-22Fall 230 MA+PHD application examples for the International Affairs and International Studies major of Meiyan (Excel version)

** 22fall International Affairs and International Studies major only included 6 If you mind the new data of the article, please do not obtain it.

(This table is only used as a display of the data format, not the content of the data itself)

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