Recently, many prospective junior college students have been asking us, what is it like to study in a junior college? After much thought, we decided to talk to you about a heart-wrenching topic: some "chaos" that may exist in vocational colleges. Students who are already studying

Recently, many quasi-junior college students have been asking us, what is it like to study in junior college ?

After much thought, we decided to talk to you about a heart-wrenching topic: Some "chaos" that may exist in vocational colleges.

Students who are already studying in junior colleges can also take a look to see if there is a similar phenomenon in your junior college.

. The learning atmosphere of junior colleges is relatively poor.

Before you go to junior college, you must have heard others say: "College colleges are very messy and full of people who are messing around."

When you actually go to junior college, you find:It is true Is such that.

html There are 110 junior college students, maybe 9 of them are just dawdling.

In the dormitory, people fought passionately (playing games), smoked (smoking), and talked about all kinds of dirty talk late at night;

In class, a lot of people chatted, a lot of people slept, and only a handful of people took notes in the front row. ;

In some specialized libraries, there are more people dating and playing with mobile phones than studying.

Does your specialty have a similar situation?

If you plan to study seriously in a junior college, please be mentally prepared in advance. A junior college will definitely not have the same learning atmosphere as a high school. Don't expect to find like-minded people in a junior college. You must learn to study alone.

. In junior college, those who work hard will be ostracized.

There is a ridiculous phenomenon in junior college: The harder a person studies, the easier it is to be ridiculed and excluded by the people around him.

When I was in junior college, after returning to the dormitory from the library late at night, my roommates would always say sarcastically: "yo~~The top students are back in the dormitory!"

And when it came time for the final exam, the roommates seemed to have changed again. Like a person, he said to me with a smile: "Academic master, hurry up, help me draw the key points. I can't fail the class again this semester."

If you want to study hard in junior college and become a test scorer, then You must not care about the opinions of people around you, otherwise you will have a hard time!

Be prepared in advance to be ostracized and just focus on your own affairs.

3. The corrupt student union

Before entering junior college, I thought the student union was a group of college students who lived in harmony and made progress with each other. It was only after I came to junior college that I discovered that the student union is a small "underworld" in the ivory tower.

Those student union cadres, relying on their high qualifications, leave all kinds of dirty work to the freshmen, and often give the freshmen a lot of money, saying that they will follow them well, and whatever happens in the school will be covered by them in the future. Covered.

However, many freshmen are willing to be the licking dogs of these "big guys" in the student union. When they meet them on campus, they have to bow their heads and say hello! I couldn't stand this situation at that time, so I ran away after staying in the student union for half a month.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Do you know which society cadres can be so awesome?

Let's talk about a real case. In a private college in Sichuan, several "cadres" of a certain student union are bad students and often skip classes, but they can get school scholarships and national motivational scholarships every year.

As for the specific reasons, please make up your own mind.

This phenomenon is by no means unique among vocational colleges across the country.

4. Colleges and universities have great limitations

Compared with undergraduates, colleges and universities have great limitations.

On the one hand, there are limitations of hardware facilities. For example, the dormitories are dilapidated, the teaching equipment is old, and even some colleges do not even have libraries.

Of course, there are exceptions here. For example, the campus facilities of , the most powerful junior college in the country, and of Shenzhen Vocational College, can surpass the vast majority of undergraduates in the country. However, this is just an example!

On the other hand, there are limitations in development opportunities. Because colleges cultivate skilled talents, they are commonly known as "senior workers." Therefore, compared with undergraduates, colleges and universities provide students with very limited courses and training opportunities.

If you don’t take the initiative to step out of the junior college circle, it will be difficult to get access to some better development opportunities.

Therefore, if your future goal is not to be a "senior worker", but to develop on a higher platform, it is recommended that you make plans to upgrade from to bachelor's degree to and take the postgraduate entrance examination after you get to junior college.

5. Many teachers are irresponsible

Before you went to college, did you think that the college classroom was a place where you really preached, taught, and solved your doubts? You would learn a lot of useful knowledge from college teachers.

When you come to junior college, you will find that many university teachers are "PPT repeaters". A class lasts 45 minutes, 30 minutes are used for reading PPT, and the remaining 15 minutes are used for roll call.

You were planning to ask the teacher questions after class, but when you looked up, there was no one on the podium because the teacher was running faster than the students when get out of class was over!

Faced with such a teaching format, students who want to study seriously are often confused, while students who don’t want to study are directly hypnotized.

Therefore, please note that students who are about to study for junior college, it is difficult to truly learn knowledge in the 45-minute junior college class. If you want to truly master a course, you must spend your downtime studying on your own.

Of course, if you just don’t want to fail the exam, it’s very simple. Just memorize all the key points that the teacher gave you before the exam.

OK, How many of the above five phenomena have you received in your specialty? Welcome to communicate in the comment area.

Perhaps many people will think that what we are saying is too exaggerated. Indeed, if you study in a "nationally ranked junior college", "a junior college within an undergraduate program" and "a junior college with an admission score exceeding the undergraduate line", you may not encounter these bad situations, But for such a junior college How many colleges and universities are there? From the data point of view, the vast majority of junior college students will go to general junior colleges and private junior colleges to study. In these junior colleges, these five points we mentioned are indeed the prevailing status quo, and there are even worse situations. Of course, when we tell these heart-wrenching realities, we are definitely not trying to undermine the confidence of junior college freshmen. On the contrary, we hope that everyone can recognize the reality clearly! Now that you have decided to go to a junior college to study, you should have a reasonable expectation for your junior college life in the next three years and be fully prepared to deal with the challenges you may face.